Strange day here

I get the sense the dems know they are back to running a shitty horse and really just don't want to talk about it.

But hey, did you know if a company ask you if you want to work with them and you say no, you can be investigated for the ties that company has?

Hey look, squirrel......
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There hasn't been a decent right wing post here since before trump announced in 2015. Since they have been mostly lies and misinformation from ignorant stooges
LOL. Well if anyone knows what an ignorant stooge post full of lies might be, it would be you.
Putting Arbor and H4aD on ignore cleared up a lot of my front page view.
Finally put ol Arbor on ignore today.

The crazy MILF at the gym was talking about how she saw on Tik Tok that the Venezuelan gangs have taken over Chicago apartment buildings this morning. She was really, really worked up about this. Almost as worked up as when she insisted that there are kitty litter boxes in local schools. I offered her $100 to take me to any school and see one. She told me they won't let you see them, but she knows they are there because someone told her they are there.
Who do I have to take off ignore to learn about the Venezuelan gangs?
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