Student behavior question for principals or school administrators?

You go to that kid’s house and have a talk with the parents and tell them they owe you the money for it. And if she does something like that again, you tell them that you are going to allow your kid to kick the crap out of their kid, then you are going to go to their house and kick the crap out of the Father if he allows it to happen again. I always say someone deserves and someone is gonna get an a$$ whoopin.
This seemed effective…

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He didn’t get kicked out of the previous school. The other kid who we can’t ask to do anything has been booted out of 2 other schools. We have been told he will not be moved out of ours. Pure trash parents and most of their kids are delinquents. He isn’t getting an education.
I’m of the mindset that is past due to start fining the parents. There has to be some element of accountability. Unfortunately technology is raising students nowadays and the hit of dopamine they get constantly is a real problem to overcome when they are expecting to get their way 24/7/365.
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If I were king (and I should be by the way) I’d make damn sure everything was in place so that disruptive students like described here would have the ability to do their coursework from home and after a few incidents like this it would be the only option available to the student.

Until parents step up and address issues like this there’s no hope for anyone involved. Those kids will fail not just in school but life itself and 99.9% of the time the underlying problem is the parents and their inability to raise their kids.
If I were king (and I should be by the way) I’d make damn sure everything was in place so that disruptive students like described here would have the ability to do their coursework from home and after a few incidents like this it would be the only option available to the student.

Until parents step up and address issues like this there’s no hope for anyone involved. Those kids will fail not just in school but life itself and 99.9% of the time the underlying problem is the parents and their inability to raise their kids.
Weekend school for kids like this. And if they don’t show up. Bye bye.
I'm truly amazed by the circle jerk going on here in a thread that breaks down to "I did something, why did I do it?"

Genius stuff taking place right here..
When I was a kid in school the Principal ahd a wooden paddle with several hole drilled in it. First offense was you bent over and he whacked you once. Every subsequent offense was another whack. Most of us got the message the first time.
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I’ve spent the last two days dodging punches, kicks, slaps, flying markers and erase boards. One of the teachers has an infection in her arm because of being scratched. I’ve been in our quiet room more than my office. The law is very strict about putting hands on kids, no matter how they are acting. If you transport a kid, you better be certified and ready to fill out a lot of paperwork.

Withiut knowing the exact age, setting and what transpired before that, tough to give a clear cut answer. In short, the student should be suspended, in or out of school, but might not be based on IEP or behavior plan. I always reimburse a teacher for items damaged in a situation like this.

Sorry you had to go through that. Tough to see and deal with.

I'm sure you know this but this is what kills off good teachers. We need admin to have our backs and stop this stuff from happening. I'm not talking building admin, I'm talking 6 figure admin that do goodness knows what all day from their building away from schools.