Study Finds Inflammatory Heart Condition Myocarditis in 37 of 1,597 (2.3%) B1G Athletes After They Tested Positive for Covid


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
Nine of those athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.

Lets not make this political. This just goes to show there is a lot we still don't know about covid 19. Originally we just assumed the virus attacked the lungs. But now we know it goes after the heart & it can cause blood clotting.

And what about 5 years from now? 10 years? Etc? We simply don't know.

Yes, the percentage is low but would you want your son or daughter to be one of the 37?

The story:

Myocarditis is usually caused by a viral infection. COVID 19 is a viral infection. (one of many)

While we often associate cardiovascular conditions with elderly populations, myocarditis can affect anyone, including young adults, children and infants. In fact, it most often affects otherwise healthy, young, athletic types with the high-risk population being those of ages from puberty through their early 30’s, affecting males twice as often as females. Myocarditis is the 3rd leading cause of Sudden Death in children and young adults.

So, nothing unusual here.
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My twin brother died at age 20 of heart failure induced stroke. Original diagnosis was myocarditis brought on by a virus. He had never been diagnosed with any kind of heart defect or underlying conditions before being admitted to the hospital. It has later become apparent based upon my situation and genetic screening that he most likely already suffered from cardiomyopathy prior to becoming ill. Everything I've read and seen would indicate to me that the longer term implications of this disease are still very much in the air. It is not altogether unusual for an episode of acute myocarditis associated with a viral infection to develop into a chronic cardiomyopathy and subsequent heart failure. Early treatment during the acute phase is critical to a long term healthy recovery. These athletes have received it. The general public not so much.
Question for those that re fearful of COVID19, WHY? Have people become this soft? My grandparents went through the Spanish Flu, they would be laughing at us for being wimps.
They are soft because they were taught to be soft. God forbid another major war happens. There can never be a draft again. Kids would run for the border instead of defend they greatest country. Generations of "I feel"
Nine of those athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.

Lets not make this political. This just goes to show there is a lot we still don't know about covid 19. Originally we just assumed the virus attacked the lungs. But now we know it goes after the heart & it can cause blood clotting.

And what about 5 years from now? 10 years? Etc? We simply don't know.

Yes, the percentage is low but would you want your son or daughter to be one of the 37?

The story:

From what I have read, the estimate of myocarditis from viral infections is 1-5%, with the majority being young adults and a very small percentage who exhibit symptoms. The results outlined in this article are directly in line with these estimates of occurrence from viruses in general so no one should be surprised by this study.
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This was discussed last summer when they were discussing to have football or not. It was one of the main items. Old news. Not to mention it’s old news as it’s virus-related and many viruses cause it. As someone mentioned this is in line with other viruses.
From what I have read, the estimate of myocarditis from viral infections is 1-5%, with the majority being young adults and a very small percentage who exhibit symptoms. The results outlined in this article is directly in line with these estimates of occurrence from viruses in general so no one should be surprised by this study.

The actual story linked to from ESPN is rather well-balanced, presents the nuance that is necessary in dealing with something like this.

There is risk to everything in life, and it remains that the risk of damage to college age athletes from COVID is extremely low. Not 100% risk free, but very low. The players are at a highest risk of getting a serious football injury that will impact them the rest of their lives than myocarditis. Again, that doesn't mean there is zero risk. And every serious incident or death is extremely important to that person and their families.

Hopefully with vaccinations and continued herd immunity can lessen the opportunity for college athletes to be impacted by COVID.
From what I have read, the estimate of myocarditis from viral infections is 1-5%, with the majority being young adults and a very small percentage who exhibit symptoms. The results outlined in this article is directly in line with these estimates of occurrence from viruses in general so no one should be surprised by this study.

They are soft because they were taught to be soft. God forbid another major war happens. There can never be a draft again. Kids would run for the border instead of defend they greatest country. Generations of "I feel"

Lol. Okay, boomer.

Unless you're part of my grandparents' generation that went through the Depression and WWII, you can STFU.
Question for those that re fearful of COVID19, WHY? Have people become this soft? My grandparents went through the Spanish Flu, they would be laughing at us for being wimps.

One of my best friends felt the way you do. His funeral was yesterday. Your grandparents wouldn’t be laughing, they’d be saying the opposite, take it seriously.
Nine of those athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.

Lets not make this political. This just goes to show there is a lot we still don't know about covid 19. Originally we just assumed the virus attacked the lungs. But now we know it goes after the heart & it can cause blood clotting.

And what about 5 years from now? 10 years? Etc? We simply don't know.

Yes, the percentage is low but would you want your son or daughter to be one of the 37?

The story:

Actually, we learned months ago that COVID-19 is a vascular virus. It manifests most prominently in the lungs, but attacks the entire vascular system. We are indeed still learning about it's long-term impact.
Myocarditis is usually caused by a viral infection. COVID 19 is a viral infection. (one of many)

While we often associate cardiovascular conditions with elderly populations, myocarditis can affect anyone, including young adults, children and infants. In fact, it most often affects otherwise healthy, young, athletic types with the high-risk population being those of ages from puberty through their early 30’s, affecting males twice as often as females. Myocarditis is the 3rd leading cause of Sudden Death in children and young adults.

So, nothing unusual here.

This was discussed last summer when they were discussing to have football or not. It was one of the main items. Old news. Not to mention it’s old news as it’s virus-related and many viruses cause it. As someone mentioned this is in line with other viruses.

For the record, I am still pissed that they ever canceled the B1G football season! And I am pissed that B1G baseball only played 44 conference games, had NO nonconference and and no conference tournament.

If I were one of the 37 who got myocarditis, I would be happy for these studies because I would want to know what I was facing NOW and into the future.

As one poster mentioned above, this was a fair, informative article written on Nothing more.

And @MepoDawg# , actually this study just came out 6 days ago. So, you were wrong when you said this was old news.

Did you guys even read the article and note the date of the article and of the study?

* @HawkIDrummer & @MepoDawg# , contrary to what you stated, these 1,597 athletes all had covid. They had not contracted some other virus that caused the myocarditis. Drummer wrote, "nothing unusual here." Sorry, but covid-19 is more than an unusual virus; it is a virus we don't know much about and are still learning.

* Medical doctors, NOT posters on Hawkeye Report, followed up on all 1,597, and gave them MRIs, whether they had cardiac symptoms or not.

* Myocarditis was found in 37 of the athletes

* 9 of those 37 athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.
One of my best friends felt the way you do. His funeral was yesterday. Your grandparents wouldn’t be laughing, they’d be saying the opposite, take it seriously.

Thank you for bringing some common sense to the discussion.

Our grandparents were in line to get the vaccine and we all know why. Because they are not stupid.

And sorry about your friend.
Yep, 80 people die every day in Iowa. I don't let it impact my life. I will not let FEAR run my life. Life goes on.

I don't either. But why do Internet tough guys like you think strength and intelligence have to be mutually exclusive?

As Fran pointed out, we don't know enough about the long term effects of COVID. I have a friend who had it last summer and still can't smell. We and a few other coworkers met at a sports bar after work on Friday. We use proper precautions and are fully vaccinated, but no, we don't let COVID run our lives.

Again, exercising caution does not mean weak. But you boomers continue with the pseudo tough guy act. It's absolutely precious.
I don't either. But why do Internet tough guys like you think strength and intelligence have to be mutually exclusive?

As Fran pointed out, we don't know enough about the long term effects of COVID. I have a friend who had it last summer and still can't smell. We and a few other coworkers met at a sports bar after work on Friday. We use proper precautions and are fully vaccinated, but no, we don't let COVID run our lives.

Again, exercising caution does not mean weak. But you boomers continue with the pseudo tough guy act. It's absolutely precious.

MRI's are not cheap. If I were one of the 37, I would be very happy to be part of this study because I would want to know what I am dealing with NOW and what I MIGHT be dealing with in the future. Hopefully, there are no long term health problems, but they just don't know.

Hell, I bet the families of the 37 are happy that the MRIs and all of the medical treatment their child is receiving is paid for.

There is still so much to learn about the short term and long term effects of covid. Hell, we don't even know yet if we will need a booster shot 6 months/a year from now.
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Question for those that re fearful of COVID19, WHY? Have people become this soft? My grandparents went through the Spanish Flu, they would be laughing at us for being wimps.
Hell yeah, man. We just gotta be tougher than this virus that's killed millions. Best it to and kick it's ass like a man.

Imagine being this fvcking dumb. Christ on a crutch.
For the record, I am still pissed that they ever canceled the B1G football season! And I am pissed that B1G baseball only played 44 conference games, had NO nonconference and and no conference tournament.

If I were one of the 37 who got myocarditis, I would be happy for these studies because I would want to know what I was facing NOW and into the future.

As one poster mentioned above, this was a fair, informative article written on Nothing more.

And @MepoDawg# , actually this study just came out 6 days ago. So, you were wrong when you said this was old news.

Did you guys even read the article and note the date of the article and of the study?

* @HawkIDrummer & @MepoDawg# , contrary to what you stated, these 1,597 athletes all had covid. They had not contracted some other virus that caused the myocarditis. Drummer wrote, "nothing unusual here." Sorry, but covid-19 is more than an unusual virus; it is a virus we don't know much about and are still learning.

* Medical doctors, NOT posters on Hawkeye Report, followed up on all 1,597, and gave them MRIs, whether they had cardiac symptoms or not.

* Myocarditis was found in 37 of the athletes

* 9 of those 37 athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.

Do you simply misunderstand what I posted or are you actively trying to misrepresent it? Perhaps some combination of the two.
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Question for those that re fearful of COVID19, WHY? Have people become this soft? My grandparents went through the Spanish Flu, they would be laughing at us for being wimps.
Wow. Just wow.

It’s one thing to be be reckless and not to fear death. Like driving drunk on a closed road without a seatbelt. Or do “manly” things like firing an AR-15 on a target range.

It’s another to drive drunk and put everyone else on the road at risk. Or fire an AR-15 into the air in a crowded city, heedless of where the land, or whom they injure or kill.

COVID19 is deadly. It’s actually a real thing. Science is real. God won’t protect you for being heedless or irresponsible, or denying facts.

“Long” Covid (persistent symptoms) is affecting hundreds of thousands of people. We don’t understand it yet. Neither do we understand the other serious medical conditions that are related to C19, likemyocarditis.

I prefer to be responsible and respectful to myself and others. Call it soft, call people “wusses”, but we actually do live in communities, and we do share a very vulnerable environment and a small planet.

To me a real man is one who is responsible, who makes sacrifices, who puts others before himself.

Like Jack Trice. Like Nile Kinnick.
For the record, I am still pissed that they ever canceled the B1G football season! And I am pissed that B1G baseball only played 44 conference games, had NO nonconference and and no conference tournament.

If I were one of the 37 who got myocarditis, I would be happy for these studies because I would want to know what I was facing NOW and into the future.

As one poster mentioned above, this was a fair, informative article written on Nothing more.

And @MepoDawg# , actually this study just came out 6 days ago. So, you were wrong when you said this was old news.

Did you guys even read the article and note the date of the article and of the study?

* @HawkIDrummer & @MepoDawg# , contrary to what you stated, these 1,597 athletes all had covid. They had not contracted some other virus that caused the myocarditis. Drummer wrote, "nothing unusual here." Sorry, but covid-19 is more than an unusual virus; it is a virus we don't know much about and are still learning.

* Medical doctors, NOT posters on Hawkeye Report, followed up on all 1,597, and gave them MRIs, whether they had cardiac symptoms or not.

* Myocarditis was found in 37 of the athletes

* 9 of those 37 athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.
You have some very poor reading comprehension. I didn’t say this study was old news, I said it’s old news that COVID-19 can cause myocarditis. This was being discussed last summer when they were deciding to have football or not. Also, studies show other acute viral infections cause myocarditis in 1%-5% young, healthy individuals with this study’s findings well within that range. Should it be taken seriously, yes, but current studies show it is on par with other acute viral infections when it comes to causing myocarditis in young, healthy people.
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They are soft because they were taught to be soft. God forbid another major war happens. There can never be a draft again. Kids would run for the border instead of defend they greatest country. Generations of "I feel"
There’s nothing miserable OWGs love more than dumping on people for having feelings. “I feel” sorry for you and everyone around you
There’s nothing miserable OWGs love more than dumping on people for having feelings. “I feel” sorry for you and everyone around you

The issue isn't the existence of emotion-Lincoln cried every night and the sight of a battlefield made Grant physically ill-its the ability to overcome emotion with reason.

The OWGs and OGs everywhere remember when fear was countered by reason and subordinated to duty. That's the generational difference.​