What is it about the difference between Responsibility and irresponsibility is unclear to you? Life and death? The common good? Public health?
Like it or not, we are ALL in this together.
Libertarian philosophy and self-centered Ayn Randian B.S. pretzel logic doesn’t trump science. I’m not misreading Mill btw. It’s clear that my Liberty is infringed upon if others are being unsafe and exposing me to danger, illness, or death. That’s obvious. Be honest.
Do you understand risk assessment? You risk your life every time you step in a shower but we don't ban showers. You are a potential killer the minute you start driving a car but we don't ban automobiles. Policies cannot be created that produce no losers and complete safety.
You clearly lack a working knowledge of the science of Covid. For example, the 600,000 death claim is a preposterous conflation of T-19 and an average of 3 other morbidities. The actual number is about 16,000 that can be attributed solely to T-19. The difference is enormous, dying with a disease in literally any stage of that disease is completely different than dying from the end stage of a disease. Indeed, almost all CDC metrics mix pneumonia, influenza-like and Covid-like illnesses to inflate the "Covid" numbers. You can go to the CDC website and peruse the data for yourself.
Its not "pretzel logic" its actual logic. Premise + premise = conclusion. What statistical probability do you think you have of contracting T-19? That figure is produced by the purest science, math. On the other hand you are merely emoting about "self-centered" (by which you mean evil or morally inferior) people and we're all in it together virtue signals. Unless you have an unusual risk factor, in which case you need to protect yourself and not impose on me to protect you by destroying my family business. Or making someone with breathing difficulty undergo the labored breathing associated with any mask that's sufficient to block the T-19 virons.
During flu season should we similarly mask up, quarantine, close commerce etc... How about during late spring early summer when viral meningitis will endanger you and your family. Indeed is there any time when people living in a social manner are not exposing each other to contagious diseases? By any time I mean any time in human history. Even better, mammalian history. So you can choose from among tens of thousands of species over millions of years to find a time when mammals living communally, in herds or packs, did not exchange "germs".
Are you intending to claim that any behavior in which I engage that theoretically could injure others should be subject to prior restraint? If you understand the concept of magnitude of risk you understand we cannot evaluate every risk as certainly catastrophic. So, if you aren't saying that every risk requires prior restraint we have to make risk assessments. Where do you draw the line at which my behavior poses a sufficient risk to you such that I must be restrained through government force?
I rather find Mills and Rand provide better political guidance than Marx. It's that freedom thing.
You clearly lack a working knowledge of the science of Covid. For example, the 600,000 death claim is a preposterous conflation of T-19 and an average of 3 other morbidities. The actual number is about 16,000 that can be attributed solely to T-19. The difference is enormous, dying with a disease in literally any stage of that disease is completely different than dying from the end stage of a disease. Indeed, almost all CDC metrics mix pneumonia, influenza-like and Covid-like illnesses to inflate the "Covid" numbers. You can go to the CDC website and peruse the data for yourself.
Its not "pretzel logic" its actual logic. Premise + premise = conclusion. What statistical probability do you think you have of contracting T-19? That figure is produced by the purest science, math. On the other hand you are merely emoting about "self-centered" (by which you mean evil or morally inferior) people and we're all in it together virtue signals. Unless you have an unusual risk factor, in which case you need to protect yourself and not impose on me to protect you by destroying my family business. Or making someone with breathing difficulty undergo the labored breathing associated with any mask that's sufficient to block the T-19 virons.
During flu season should we similarly mask up, quarantine, close commerce etc... How about during late spring early summer when viral meningitis will endanger you and your family. Indeed is there any time when people living in a social manner are not exposing each other to contagious diseases? By any time I mean any time in human history. Even better, mammalian history. So you can choose from among tens of thousands of species over millions of years to find a time when mammals living communally, in herds or packs, did not exchange "germs".
Are you intending to claim that any behavior in which I engage that theoretically could injure others should be subject to prior restraint? If you understand the concept of magnitude of risk you understand we cannot evaluate every risk as certainly catastrophic. So, if you aren't saying that every risk requires prior restraint we have to make risk assessments. Where do you draw the line at which my behavior poses a sufficient risk to you such that I must be restrained through government force?
I rather find Mills and Rand provide better political guidance than Marx. It's that freedom thing.