Or you’re a hyper-partisan nut job who has been radicalized by right-wing propaganda.
MAGA = mental illness
Not sure why you try to debate with someone who has a mental illness
Or you’re a hyper-partisan nut job who has been radicalized by right-wing propaganda.
I'm referring to fossil fuel billionaires such as the Koch Bros., fighting science and fooling the public for decades now.
Now would be the perfect time to do a follow up study on myocarditis (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2780548) and finally shut up all these rabid anti-vaxxers for good.
Let’s see if young athletes that have had covid and are vaccinated are above or below the already established baseline of 2.3% with infection only. 🤷♂️
How about a study on the Big Phrma lying about the testing and the actual efficacy of the jab.Now would be the perfect time to do a follow up study on myocarditis (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2780548) and finally shut up all these rabid anti-vaxxers for good.
Let’s see if young athletes that have had covid and are vaccinated are above or below the already established baseline of 2.3% with infection only. 🤷♂️
Are signing yourself and your kids or grandkids up for all experimental shots, since you seem to think government and big rx have your health as a priority?But that darn vaccine will kill you. smh [at anti-vaxers]
Problem is they’d pay for the study; and the results would be established before the testing began.How about a study on the Big Phrma lying about the testing and the actual efficacy of the jab.
That sounds like the mental illness you say MAGA is. But you do you. 😂Is it bad that I'm hoping for the next pandemic.to be super deadly so all the idiots will die off first?
Same could be said about the idiots believing that EVs will reduce emissions.Fvcking facts
Same could be said about the idiots believing that EVs will reduce emissions.
Are signing yourself and your kids or grandkids up for all experimental shots, since you seem to think government and big rx have your health as a priority?
If your health was important to them, they would have been saying stop eating crap, drinking ceap, start exercising and being an advocate for your health.
Yeah, laugh but they lied. If you want to put your health into the hands of those that run the VA, have at it.LOL.
Why wouldn't they?
Current electric vehicles subsidies fail to reduce overall emissions, says Harvard Law study - Harvard Law School
Subsidies offered by the federal government for the purchase of new electric vehicles (EVs) may actually increase total greenhouse gas emissions without similar aid for secondhand buyers, concludes a new study led by Ashley Nunes, Ph.D., a fellow at Harvard Law School’s Labor and Worklife Program.hls.harvard.edu
The weirdness of the disease and the problems with developing safer vaccines is probably related to its origin as a "super bug". Highly likely that the Chinese learned the most likely responses to the initial strain and "gained the function" of mutating again when the logical remedial vaxes and medicines are applied, thus defeating the anticipated strategies for remediation and prevention.
Science has lost all credibility
Current electric vehicles subsidies fail to reduce overall emissions, says Harvard Law study - Harvard Law School
Subsidies offered by the federal government for the purchase of new electric vehicles (EVs) may actually increase total greenhouse gas emissions without similar aid for secondhand buyers, concludes a new study led by Ashley Nunes, Ph.D., a fellow at Harvard Law School’s Labor and Worklife Program.hls.harvard.edu
Oh look…a new f’n idiot to kick around.Keep bleating sheep. Even when you are being killed you stick to the party line. I guess on the good side, the people dying from vax reactions appear to have mostly supported vax mandates. Darwin, he's a bitch.
Let me add, I strongly encourage the clowns that could only get snotty to please keep getting vaxxed no matter how many times you get covid.
Keep bleating sheep. Even when you are being killed you stick to the party line.
Year | Age Group | COVID-19 Deaths | Influenza Deaths | Ratio (Covid/ Flu) |
2022 | Under 1 year | 184 | 18 | 10.2 |
2022 | 0-17 years | 606 | 130 | 4.7 |
2022 | 1-4 years | 126 | 33 | 3.8 |
2022 | 5-14 years | 183 | 67 | 2.7 |
2022 | 15-24 years | 613 | 60 | 10.2 |
2022 | 18-29 years | 1327 | 81 | 16.4 |
2022 | 25-34 years | 2254 | 95 | 23.7 |
2022 | 30-39 years | 3386 | 146 | 23.2 |
2022 | 35-44 years | 4990 | 208 | 24.0 |
2022 | 40-49 years | 7542 | 239 | 31.6 |
2022 | 45-54 years | 11868 | 323 | 36.7 |
2022 | 50-64 years | 37270 | 1069 | 34.9 |
2022 | 55-64 years | 29913 | 861 | 34.7 |
2022 | 65-74 years | 52000 | 1397 | 37.2 |
2022 | 75-84 years | 65357 | 1770 | 36.9 |
2022 | 85 years and over | 70845 | 1902 | 37.2 |
Another hillbilly. Were your parents siblings or cousins?Oh look…a new f’n idiot to kick around.
First, why would you find the CDC reliable? They have lied and distorted the data and risk analysis since November of 2019. Like going a year and a half without acknowledging that the T-19 tests were insufficiently precise to distinguish between T-19 and any other SAERS virus, any influenza virus and the pneumonia virus. Or concealing the number of co morbidities found in "Covid" deaths, which of course had the effect of exaggerating the number of deaths from Covid by hundreds of percents, which still produced a mortality rate of less than 1%. You understand how the co-morbidities would significantly alter the risk of death from Covid.Per CDC provisional data for 2022:
Year Age Group COVID-19 Deaths Influenza Deaths Ratio
Flu)2022 Under 1 year 184 18 10.2 2022 0-17 years 606 130 4.7 2022 1-4 years 126 33 3.8 2022 5-14 years 183 67 2.7 2022 15-24 years 613 60 10.2 2022 18-29 years 1327 81 16.4 2022 25-34 years 2254 95 23.7 2022 30-39 years 3386 146 23.2 2022 35-44 years 4990 208 24.0 2022 40-49 years 7542 239 31.6 2022 45-54 years 11868 323 36.7 2022 50-64 years 37270 1069 34.9 2022 55-64 years 29913 861 34.7 2022 65-74 years 52000 1397 37.2 2022 75-84 years 65357 1770 36.9 2022 85 years and over 70845 1902 37.2
Everything in RED is demographic age groups <65
COVID mortality risks:
- 5x more deaths in children (0-17), overall than flu
- 3x more in 5-14 yrs than flu
- 10x more in adolescents/young adults
- And the ratios go up from there....
COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics
Tabulated data on provisional COVID-19 deaths by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and comorbidities. Also includes an index of state-level and county-level mortality data available for download.www.cdc.gov
First, why would you find the CDC reliable?
So an idiot AND a hillbilly. Thanks for clarifying.Another hillbilly. Were your parents siblings or cousins?
Both. As am I. Do you have siblings and/or cousins? Do they claim you? I would hope you are the dimmest of the lot as the alternative is rather frightening.
I don’t ignore morans. Post something intelligent if you wish to be treated with respect. It’s truly that simple.Dude, you're lucky. Decided to be less belligerent this year, plus I'm in bad health so not as hardy as I once was. But let me give you a head's up. Personal attacks, like you launched on me, are self-evident indicia of inferior intelligence. Then, when I come up with a funny response about Appalachian incest your response is to just say I'm dumb, again. I'm guessing Uncle Dad helped you with that one. You're in the wrong playpen Jethro, and you should probably think on that before you insult me again.
How about this, I ignore you and you ignore me. I think everyone would prefer that outcome.
Your math sucks! Your % is about 100Xs to high.Nine of those athletes with myocarditis reported cardiac symptoms, but 28 reported no cardiac symptoms.
Lets not make this political. This just goes to show there is a lot we still don't know about covid 19. Originally we just assumed the virus attacked the lungs. But now we know it goes after the heart & it can cause blood clotting.
And what about 5 years from now? 10 years? Etc? We simply don't know.
Yes, the percentage is low but would you want your son or daughter to be one of the 37?
The story:
Study: Athletes see higher post-COVID heart risk
A study of nearly 1,600 Big Ten athletes suggests COVID-19 symptoms are not the best indicator for possible heart problems and advocates continued high-level cardiac monitoring and possible testing of athletes post-COVID-19.www.espn.com
I'll spit on people actively trying to get others killed - no problem at all. Anti-vaxxers are lower than SOTE...you have to look up to see the scum.Continuing to call me names without ever making an argument is like splitting 5s in blackjack. So, feel free to keep going. I'm sure Sister Wife and Uncle Dad are proud of you.