Study Finds Inflammatory Heart Condition Myocarditis in 37 of 1,597 (2.3%) B1G Athletes After They Tested Positive for Covid

Any gathering, especially indoors, that lacked properly-worn masks and/or distancing ran the risk of being a super-spreader.

The study you linked is not peer-reviewed, so it is no way equivalent to the two I linked.

You're right, though, that as vaccinations rise and disease incidence declines the need for masks has greatly diminished. California is scheduled to drop the remaining elements of its mask mandate next week.
Peer review doesn't mean much in an academic world where 96% of the faculty and teaching staff are already of a singular mind? I mean finding someone to agree with a conclusion, with which they already do agree, does not seem like a very heavy lift.

Don't you think the term super spreader arrogates a sense of moral superiority, like spreading the Black Death?

Much more to be learned but at this point the masks look pretty silly on younger healthier people.

Does the narrowed mask restriction have anything to do with the recall effort? Serious question, not snarky. I'm as pro Trump as it gets but I think Newsome did as good a job with Covid as could be expected given his situation. The border, LA and SF environments are entire urbanized permanent super spreading environments, just from the population density. I'd think guys like Newsome, that Mussolini guy in NY and Murphy in NJ would join Trump's call for big Chinese reparations, much of which would go to those three states, cuz that got it first and worst simply because it appears no one knew anything was coming and if something what it was.​
Peer review doesn't mean much in an academic world where 96% of the faculty and teaching staff are already of a singular mind? I mean finding someone to agree with a conclusion, with which they already do agree, does not seem like a very heavy lift.

Don't you think the term super spreader arrogates a sense of moral superiority, like spreading the Black Death?

Much more to be learned but at this point the masks look pretty silly on younger healthier people.

Does the narrowed mask restriction have anything to do with the recall effort? Serious question, not snarky. I'm as pro Trump as it gets but I think Newsome did as good a job with Covid as could be expected given his situation. The border, LA and SF environments are entire urbanized permanent super spreading environments, just from the population density. I'd think guys like Newsome, that Mussolini guy in NY and Murphy in NJ would join Trump's call for big Chinese reparations, much of which would go to those three states, cuz that got it first and worst simply because it appears no one knew anything was coming and if something what it was.​
So the Congress just passed a $200 billion appropriations bill to fund high tech R&D. Same thing that’s been hugely successful in the tech that developed the C19 vaccine through government programs like the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health, all of which make billions in grants to corporations annually.

Republicans have been calling government funding of anything from R&D to arts and education “socialism”.

68 senators voted for this. Of that 18 republicans. I guess that makes them socialists too? Whatever.

Im sure Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand are rolling in their graves that the US government is finally figuring out what works: investing in the economy exactly as communist China does, and as social democracies have done successfully for decades.

it’s what social democracies do. And it works.
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You start with both major premises flawed. First, your premise is government should provide goods and services to the population-by citing little and unimportant socialist governments as examples to follow. I do not. Government should generally be providing goods and services only for people that genuinely cannot do so for themselves, and only those goods and services as are reasonably necessary to live a decent life.

The small Eurotrash socialists, like Sweden, the most depressing place on Earth, or New Zealand are simply not analogous to the United States. Those countries have a very different feudal (carried from the UK to New Zealand) histories. Those people have always been subjects of the "sovereign". Part of the duties of the sovereign was to provide for their subjects.

Whatever you want the US to be we were specifically designed to eliminate the subject/sovereign concept. We are a society based on liberty, not the most efficient administration of public welfare, in all its tax subsidized forms. That efficiency is entirely subordinate to the simple metric, each policy should only be adopted if it is consistent with providing the maximum individual liberty consistent with an organized society. You are, at best, reversing those priorities and making social organization (e.g. efficiency of administering the public dole) the a priori objective. That distinction involves every thought that thereafter follows.

On a less fundamental basis-the little "social democracies" are not useful analogs. Even the largest and wealthiest, Germany and the UK, could not provide the socialist benefits they have were they required to support a military sufficiently large to protect them from their primary military threats. We do that for them. So instead of 100 Leopard tanks Germany should have 1000 if they really are scared of the Russians. At least the British do maintain a helpfully large military, which makes the dole smaller there than the rest of Europe.

They are all small countries compared the us. They have very homogeneous populations, where one size really does fit everyone, hence central control of social and economic organization much more practical. So your real world analogies are misplaced.

As for national feeling its not surprising given the 60 years of Americans hearing how much we suck from, well, you. In spite of that far more people seek to come to the US, from everywhere including the ubiquitous socialist democracies. That's the real measure of where people want to live. If you're not already rich or aristocratic you'll probably never get there in Europe, where hard work, risk taking and entrepreneurship are sacrificed to egalitarianism so the slothful guy that does the minimum is as well treated as the genius that invests a cure for cancer. Hell, you cannot even be fired in France for merely underperforming.

I'm not sure what you're asking but peer reviewed studies kind of leaves me flat. Academia is 95% left or far left, and there are dozens, maybe hundreds of surveys that have tracked this academic phenomena since the 50s. They lead the cultural nihilism that denigrates the United States. Finding someone that already agrees with your conclusion to confirm the conclusion with which they already agree doesn't really mean very much anymore. Its like the Nobel Peace Prize.

However, I agree a great deal of the population is discontented. That is the whole basis of conservative populism. I'm sure you never actually listened to Trump, only the preposterous reporting of what he says, but I'm discontented, and millions like me, because we are heartily sick of the industrial-political complex that is destroying the country. We don't like big banks, big finance, multinational trade deals, bailouts for billionaires, etc... Markets rigged for Walmart but not Joe's Hardware. But as much as we loathe this unholy alliance of big business and big governments we do not want it replaced with socialism, which inevitably leads to authoritarian and eventually totalitarian extinction of liberty. Go speak against he government in the UK and see how quickly you're on a police watch list, and they're the least restrictive government in Europe. Who do you think led the revolt against, for example, the bail outs? Populist conservatives, the entire sweep of 2010. What we have learned in 10 years since is the 5% of our party does whatever it wants. That crew (Riley, Romney, Cheney, Bushes, etc...) are in for a big surprise next year. But I digress as I chuckle about 2022 and Suicide Wednesday on K Street when the primaries are over.

So, I agree we need change, not more Marxism but much less. You display your fundamental Marxism with the urban myth about billionaires and their taxes. I'm no fan of most billionaires but you are explicitly saying we should take more from them and redistribute it other people that purportedly have a greater need for it. From each according to his ability, to each according to their need. You are literally describing the operational definition of Marxism.

I say urban myth for two reasons. Either they are just lying, and I suspect they are, or they are misleading the public by failing to disclose the difference between income tax and capital gains tax. The rate on capital gains is lower because the income that purchased the asset producing the gain was already taxed once, so its a double tax. Couldn't find the most recent year (quickly) cuz I'm tired but the top 1 % already pays 38.5% of the nation's income tax while earning only 21% of the national income. The top 5% already pay mere fractions of a percent less than 60% of national income tax revenue. The balance skews towards greater imbalance in favor of the lower quintiles when the Trump cuts took effect because the doubled standard deduction, the increased children's credit and a few other new or expanded low income deductions, like state income tax. Effects the wealthy heavily while having a trivial effect on the lower two quintiles. What non Marxist theory of distributive justice could possibly justify 5% of the population supporting more than 60% of the population?

So you want to further imbalance the makers and the takers? I thought we were all in this together?

If the proverbial me already provides the proverbial you with housing, food, education, Obama phones, healthcare and police and fire security what do you do for me, except complain and demand more? That, my friend, is why the country is so broken. Franklin was right when he said: "When the people find they can vote themselves money will herald the end of the republic."

I am not red baiting. You may not be a paleo agricultural communist like Pol Pot but once your justification for taxation hits the "because you have it" point you're marching under the Hammer and Cycle, Comrade. It seems simple because it is the simplest of dialectics. If you find that unpalatable perhaps you should rethink your Marxist premise and reembrace liberty as the vehicle that will restore the benefits of our past through a much smaller government footprint, including the laws that distort markets by protecting multinational mega commercial entities.

I haven't watched the video but I will.

I didn’t see a single verified, peer reviewed fact or cited source in this essay.

So my argument stands.
So much dumb****ery in this thread and the world today. If you still insist Covid isn't a big deal then go tell it to the parents and siblings of my daughter's good friend who's sister passed away last night from covid in her early 20's. I'm sure they'll feel a lot better about the passing of their daughter after your ideologically impaired rantings.
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I didn’t see a single verified, peer reviewed fact or cited source in this essay.

So my argument stands.
You're just really babbling out old leftie tropes because you cannot, and indeed have not, answered any question posed to you.

Do you really need a "peer reviewed study" to grasp the logical concept that justifying the collection of taxes based on ability to pay taxes and distributing the tax income them on the basis of a perceived need is fundamental Marxism. This isn't deep, or even shallow science that someone, that already agrees with me, says I am right. That's the clownish shit that provides cover for the inability to answer fundamental logical indictments of various systems at which real intellectuals just laugh.

Do you really need a peer reviewed study to look at the simple official Treasury data of who pays taxes, how much money they make and what percentage of the national income and income tax each quintile plus the separate measure for the 1% earns and pays? Of course not, its simple math and a very simple 6E:2 macro concepts.

But you hung in there longest of wokie wokes. You get the brightest participation trophy. And, you were a decent enough guy to not call me a string on names when you realized your battleship was sunk, and that doesn't happen often with your peeps so good on ya for that.​
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So the Congress just passed a $200 billion appropriations bill to fund high tech R&D. Same thing that’s been hugely successful in the tech that developed the C19 vaccine through government programs like the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health, all of which make billions in grants to corporations annually.

Republicans have been calling government funding of anything from R&D to arts and education “socialism”.

68 senators voted for this. Of that 18 republicans. I guess that makes them socialists too? Whatever.

Im sure Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand are rolling in their graves that the US government is finally figuring out what works: investing in the economy exactly as communist China does, and as social democracies have done successfully for decades.

it’s what social democracies do. And it works.
Funding high tech R & D isn't a socialist redistribution of wealth. Its the use of tax revenue that will benefit the public at large-more or less everyone equally. Nor is it new, that's been going on since at least WW1. You know where computers come from? The high tech R & D the American, British and German governments spent on developing mechanical computing machines for gun laying in the world where battleships had to hit moving targets (like 20 + mph) 15 miles away with shells that might be in the air for two minutes. Where the hell do you think all our space technology has come from in the last 50 years? Investments in R&D.

I don't think too many Republicans have called government funding of education socialism. Again, a better educated population provides a specific benefit to the entire society. I cannot remember GOPns referring to "the arts" as socialism. I have heard the funding of NPR and the public television as wasteful anachronisms which is an entirely different objection. Practical v. function.

I won't defend the compromises that Republicans make, or their moral decisions for that matter. The budget packages always have a little something for everyone, in the real world of politics.

You are bothered by being labelled a communist and then you proceed to cite Communist China as the example to follow. Its not even a good analog for the purpose you cite. All ChiCom R & D spending is ultimately public spending while the American capitalist economy spends trillions on R&D in addition to publicly funded R & D.

Your R & D idea is further contradicted by the real world. The "social democracies" do not invest in R & D on the level of American public/private R & D, or close to it. Have I missed Sweden's Mars exploration? New Zealand's cutting edge bio engineering developments? Come on, in everything from med tech to Star Wars and space exploration to mechanical engineering, the United States out researches almost everyone on almost every thing that can be researched. Even the research that comes out of Europe is subsidized by Americans and our security guarantees that allow those countries to maintain their welfare states by saving them massive amounts of money that would otherwise go to their military.​
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So much dumb****ery in this thread and the world today. If you still insist Covid isn't a big deal then go tell it to the parents and siblings of my daughter's good friend who's sister passed away last night from covid in her early 20's. I'm sure they'll feel a lot better about the passing of their daughter after your ideologically impaired rantings.

Would it have been more or less tragic if she died of influenza, cancer, or a birth defect? People in their 20s die every day from myriad causes.
Im sorry if I offended you, DSD. Really.

No need for all the ad hominem attacks. In my previous post I was making general statements about unsubstantiated claims and conspiracy theories.

here is a simple question that you can answer with peer reviewed data and credible sources.

Has our corporate and military industrial complex controlled government handled Covid or public health or education or any other area critical to freedom and democracy and happiness and quality of life better than the developed countries around the world, especially the social democracies like New Zealand and Scandinavia, those with national healthcare systems (their “Medicare for all”) equitable public K-12 funding and affordable public universities, etc.

Show me the data please, the credible peer reviewed sources and evidence, actual outcomes, and explain it in simple terms to people like me to are able to admit what they don’t know, and what fields in which they are not experts.

how happy are Americans with their economy and society - quality of life, services, opportunity - relative to the rest of the developed world? Hint: reputable surveys exist. Cite the data please.

Ive read the data for many years btw, and if you’re intellectually honest, you’ll be objective here. Try to be, please.

Im a pragmatist, as I said. I support what works, and demonstrably so.

Our system dont work no more.


P.s. what did you think of Graeber’s history of debt? It’s brilliant, trenchant, meticulously sourced and illuminating. At least watch his Google Talks presentation (linked in my earlier post) if you lack the time to read his monograph. His evidence about the parasitic foundation of our economic system is devastating btw. Look at the evidence. And be objective and honest.

Oh, and should Warren Buffett make hundreds of millions of dollars and pay an actual tax rate of close to zero percent? Is he a hero? To neoliberal corporate fascists like Milton Friedman, he would be. To me, he’s a parasite, like Bezos and Gates and Koch bros etc.

It’s not “socialism” to demand fairness and equality before the law. So stop the red-baiting.

Except you're comingling things when it comes to "wealth", "income" and "taxes".

In the case of Buffett, he speaks of all kinds of tax "unfairness". Yet, the one tax he fights hardest NOT to eliminate? The Estate Tax. While one would think, on the surface, he'd be most in favor of eliminating that particular tax, when one looks a bit deeper, one can find that Berkshire Hathaway has taken over/purchased/acquired dozens of companies that had to sell because of...the Estate Tax.

Disingenuous is as disingenuous does, I guess.
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Wonder how many millionaire's pay extra taxes. No one makes Buffet report is capital income as a capital gain. He could just call it regular income and pay the higher rate.

I'm guessing no one pays more than they have to pay.
Would it have been more or less tragic if she died of influenza, cancer, or a birth defect? People in their 20s die every day from myriad causes.

Cancer and birth defects aren't transmitted. In my 60 years I've never known anyone even hospitalized with the flu let alone dying. What's tragic is the fact that some people can't recognize why this is different from any of these things that you've mentioned. Reason is dead among the ideologically impaired.
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Cancer and birth defects aren't transmitted. In my 60 years I've never known anyone even hospitalized with the flu let alone dying. What's tragic is the fact that some people can't recognize why this is different from any of these things that you've mentioned. Reason is dead among the ideologically impaired.

So the CDC has been lying all these years about the 20,000 plus people listed as having died from influenza every year? In fact, more people in the <25 cohort died from influenza in 2018 than have died of COVID
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You're just really babbling out old leftie tropes because you cannot, and indeed have not, answered any question posed to you.

Do you really need a "peer reviewed study" to grasp the logical concept that justifying the collection of taxes based on ability to pay taxes and distributing the tax income them on the basis of a perceived need is fundamental Marxism. This isn't deep, or even shallow science that someone, that already agrees with me, says I am right. That's the clownish shit that provides cover for the inability to answer fundamental logical indictments of various systems at which real intellectuals just laugh.

Do you really need a peer reviewed study to look at the simple official Treasury data of who pays taxes, how much money they make and what percentage of the national income and income tax each quintile plus the separate measure for the 1% earns and pays? Of course not, its simple math and a very simple 6E:2 macro concepts.

But you hung in there longest of wokie wokes. You get the brightest participation trophy. And, you were a decent enough guy to not call me a string on names when you realized your battleship was sunk, and that doesn't happen often with your peeps so good on ya for that.​
Give us facts. Cite the data. Be honest. Finally.
Wonder how many millionaire's pay extra taxes. No one makes Buffet report is capital income as a capital gain. He could just call it regular income and pay the higher rate.

I'm guessing no one pays more than they have to pay.
So you think Soros and Buffet and Bezos and Trump and Gates all being tax dodgers, or most corporations who use tax dodges all the time, is morally just or practically sustainable then?

this is not a “lefty trope”. I’m citing facts. I include links to back up my claims. You never do. You just bloviate

watch this two min video about how the billionaire class and the multi billion dollar corporations fleece you and me and all of us, while us regular people have to struggle and are left holding the bag, and while corrupt politicians overtly deny facts and destroy our democratic institutions.

So much dumb****ery in this thread and the world today. If you still insist Covid isn't a big deal then go tell it to the parents and siblings of my daughter's good friend who's sister passed away last night from covid in her early 20's. I'm sure they'll feel a lot better about the passing of their daughter after your ideologically impaired rantings.
It’s easy for me to get on HawkeyeReport and say my neighbor’s 21-year-old son was healthy as an ox, contracted COVID, and passed away 6 hours later.

Tell my neighbors COVID isn’t a big deal!
So the CDC has been lying all these years about the 20,000 plus people listed as having died from influenza every year? In fact, more people in the <25 cohort died from influenza in 2018 than have died of COVID
Nope. Not saying the CDC was lying then or now. This is what I hear from all of the ideologically impaired. No one I know has been hospitalized or died from Covid so it's not a big deal. Blown up by the media.. Blah blah blah....
Nope. Not saying the CDC was lying then or now. This is what I hear from all of the ideologically impaired. No one I know has been hospitalized or died from Covid so it's not a big deal. Blown up by the media.. Blah blah blah....

I never stated COVID wasn't real. I have a brother that passed from it. Had another brother die from ALS; another from cancer. Miss them all equally.
Nope. Not saying the CDC was lying then or now. This is what I hear from all of the ideologically impaired. No one I know has been hospitalized or died from Covid so it's not a big deal. Blown up by the media.. Blah blah blah....

And imagine if the diaper didn't do what you were told it would do...
It’s easy for me to get on HawkeyeReport and say my neighbor’s 21-year-old son was healthy as an ox, contracted COVID, and passed away 6 hours later.

Tell my neighbors COVID isn’t a big deal!
Calling me a liar. Even easier for me to get on HawkeyeReport and tell you to GFY but I won't. No she probably wasn't healthy as an ox. Not an athlete by any stretch. She was probably 40 pounds overweight but never been diagnosed with any life threatening condition to the best of my knowledge. And no, she didn't die 6 hours after contracting the disease. She was in an induced coma on a ventilator for 2 months before coming home to her family a few weeks ago. She was facing a long rehab and recovery but she still had a big smile and was happy with her new haircut that removed the matted tangles from her long ICU stay. She was a 21 year old young lady with a big smile. Hopefully your family doesn't experience the same.

And imagine if the diaper didn't do what you were told it would do...
Figures lie and liars figure. I'm guessing the odds of you shitting your pants is much higher but as long as there is no chance of you dropping your shit where others are walking and you're still capable of changing your own clothes then you decide whether diapers are for you. Otherwise put on your damn diapers and stop your whining.
One thing COVID has done, is shown that you need to take your health into your hands and stay as healthy as possible, which is a good thing - don't depend on the government to care for your health. I have yet to see a case of a healthy (uncompromised) person under 60 get COVID and die. I have heard of folks that were healthy and get the jab and die...
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I never stated COVID wasn't real. I have a brother that passed from it. Had another brother die from ALS; another from cancer. Miss them all equally.
I didn't say YOU said it wasn't real. Sorry for your losses, but after you called me out for lying you'll excuse me for assuming that you were simply projecting.
So the CDC has been lying all these years about the 20,000 plus people listed as having died from influenza every year? In fact, more people in the <25 cohort died from influenza in 2018 than have died of COVID
I didn't look it up just now, but did in the past. I believe 40,000-60,000 die from flu each year. But agree with what you said.
Calling me a liar. Even easier for me to get on HawkeyeReport and tell you to GFY but I won't. No she probably wasn't healthy as an ox. Not an athlete by any stretch. She was probably 40 pounds overweight but never been diagnosed with any life threatening condition to the best of my knowledge. And no, she didn't die 6 hours after contracting the disease. She was in an induced coma on a ventilator for 2 months before coming home to her family a few weeks ago. She was facing a long rehab and recovery but she still had a big smile and was happy with her new haircut that removed the matted tangles from her long ICU stay. She was a 21 year old young lady with a big smile. Hopefully your family doesn't experience the same.
Just because there’s this virus known as COVID-19 floating around - that quite possibly increased my chances of becoming sick by a 10th of a percentage point or shoot...even if it went up a whole % point - doesn’t make me nervous.

Obesity and hypertension are pandemics. We’ve known for some time these two make people susceptible to serious sickness and death. I know “healthy” groceries aren’t cheap but if you’re not working hard for the health of yourself and your family and you catch something like COVID and deal with serious adverse reactions?? I do not feel bad for you.

The CDC estimates that roughly 30% of COVID hospitalizations through this past Nov. were DIRECTLY attributed to OBESITY. 30 freaking percent.

Yes, there are unfortunate circumstances out there and yes it is always terrible to hear of the man or woman that lived a healthy, active lifestyle being diagnosed with cancer etc. etc..but…. Life.
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Just because there’s this virus known as COVID-19 floating around - that quite possibly increased my chances of becoming sick by a 10th of a percentage point or shoot...even if it went up a whole % point - doesn’t make me nervous.

Obesity and hypertension are pandemics. We’ve known for some time these two make people susceptible to serious sickness and death. I know “healthy” groceries aren’t cheap but if you’re not working hard for the health of yourself and your family and you catch something like COVID and deal with serious adverse reactions?? I do not feel bad for you.

The CDC estimates that roughly 30% of COVID hospitalizations through this past Nov. were DIRECTLY attributed to OBESITY. 30 freaking percent.

Yes, there are unfortunate circumstances out there and yes it is always terrible to hear of the man or woman that lived a healthy, active lifestyle being diagnosed with cancer etc. etc..but…. Life.
BINGO!!! This should open folks' eyes to understand that they need to get off Fort Night, COD, the couch, eating like crap and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their health.

If you don't MAKE the time to exercise, sleep well, and eat right. You'll have to MAKE the time for illness. The healthier you are the better your % of surviving "X" is, period.
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Question for those that re fearful of COVID19, WHY? Have people become this soft? My grandparents went through the Spanish Flu, they would be laughing at us for being wimps.

Yep, 80 people die every day in Iowa. I don't let it impact my life. I will not let FEAR run my life. Life goes on.

Congrats! You're in the running for a Darwin Award.

Personally, I let my high-powered intellect run my life. That includes assessing and prudently minimizing needless risk to my life.

Make sure you don't get vaccinated, tough guy. After all, your hardened grandparents didn't.

They're probably in heaven debating which side of the family your stupidity comes from.
The left likes to throw tragedies at us, usually in a sequencal way. They mov from one tragedy to another. Why is it the South border isnt headline news? Polar ice caps? Covid is up to bat I guess. The left likes to use fear and their followers are easily intimidated and gullible. Total lack of critical reasoning.

While the right lets their billionaire puppetmasters do their thinking for them. Or they make up total nonsense like QAnon, election fraud, and start shouting about communism. When asked to do something to help others, they start screaming about higher taxes while ignoring the debt. They're just 'takers' and deadbeats.
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While the right lets their billionaire puppetmasters do their thinking for them. Or they make up total nonsense like QAnon, election fraud, and start shouting about communism. When asked to do something to help others, they start screaming about higher taxes while ignoring the debt. They're just 'takers' and deadbeats.
The right certainly don't throw money at the lazy and irresponsible like the left does. The American flag has turned inert the republican flag. The left white rather burn it then to kneel down in thanks and homage

When you see a house displaying the US flag, who know its republican owned
Peer review doesn't mean much in an academic world where 96% of the faculty and teaching staff are already of a singular mind? I mean finding someone to agree with a conclusion, with which they already do agree, does not seem like a very heavy lift.

Speaking as a biologist, that's not how science works. Those who are skeptical of a hypothesis and look for better explanations are generally rewarded in science, not those who follow the herd. The NAS is not comprised of sheep. Nobel prizes aren't awarded to those who confirm other's pioneering work. There's also a difference arising from the difference in scale between peer review for a manuscript and the debates that occur within a scientific discipline on a topic.
Personally, I seek out the toughest reviewers for my papers because I worry about mistakes in execution, logic, and the inevitable bias that creeps into anyone's thinking. The reviewers I avoid are those who correct typos and make no substantive comments. If anything, the weak link in science is the oversized role that Editors have in the process, but even that is offset by the number of journals available.

Pardon me if I'm out of synch with the discussion here. Normally I do drive-by trolling on lame arguments but have enjoyed the few posts I've read by you because they're challenging. I just had to comment on the above statement.
The right certainly don't throw money at the lazy and irresponsible like the left does. The American flag has turned inert the republican flag. The left white rather burn it then to kneel down in thanks and homage

When you see a house displaying the US flag, who know its republican owned

Both sides recognize the need for safety nets. The left needs to work on eliminating waste. The right needs to be receptive to real problems that affect all of us rather than placating their billionaire funding sources.

The left recognizes the flag as a symbol of the greatness of the ideals it stands for and the people who followed and defended those ideals. It's not something to be worshipped in and of itself or is it representative of only the Americans who fly it. That's not addressing our problems as a nation, IMO.
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Both sides recognize the need for safety nets. The left needs to work on eliminating waste. The right needs to be receptive to real problems that affect all of us rather than placating their billionaire funding sources.

The left recognizes the flag as a symbol of the greatness of the ideals it stands for and the people who followed and defended those ideals. It's not something to be worshipped in and of itself or is it representative of only the Americans who fly it. That's not addressing our problems as a nation, IMO.

You have a post full of wrong, lol. the left burns, steps on and haas distain for the flag. The left has little pride in what this country has done for itself and the other countries. Name a country that gives as much aid medically and monetarily than US? US just sent out a vaccine it created to the world for free. What will we get in return, hate. We give billions of dollars to other countries. No one has yet given good reason for doing so.
You have a post full of wrong, lol. the left burns, steps on and haas distain for the flag. The left has little pride in what this country has done for itself and the other countries. Name a country that gives as much aid medically and monetarily than US? US just sent out a vaccine it created to the world for free. What will we get in return, hate. We give billions of dollars to other countries. No one has yet given good reason for doing so.
The Pfizer vaccine was developed by a German company.
Both sides recognize the need for safety nets. The left needs to work on eliminating waste. The right needs to be receptive to real problems that affect all of us rather than placating their billionaire funding sources.

The left recognizes the flag as a symbol of the greatness of the ideals it stands for and the people who followed and defended those ideals. It's not something to be worshipped in and of itself or is it representative of only the Americans who fly it. That's not addressing our problems as a nation, IMO.
Sure, live in your little world. Michelle O said I wasn't proud of American until now (BO elected). That is really recognizing the greatness of America. BO running around the world and apologizing to everyone for how bad we are/were - even tho Europe would be speaking German now if not for us.
And both side are in bed with money - probably different sources, but still in bed. Look at all the congressmen and senators that go to congress with almost no assets except a house and come out multi-millionaires. That is the cause of the 'deep state'.
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Wow, this thread really got off topic (me included). I came here today looking for comments about covid shots harming young people . There have been studies coming out in the last couple of days about this. I think Israel had one showing the young getting shots increases Myocarditis 25 TIMES normal. Other studies are starting to come out on this also. Just thought someone else had more info for me but not yet, anyway.
You mean $4 billion in military equipment to Israel?
Both sides recognize the need for safety nets. The left needs to work on eliminating waste. The right needs to be receptive to real problems that affect all of us rather than placating their billionaire funding sources.

The left recognizes the flag as a symbol of the greatness of the ideals it stands for and the people who followed and defended those ideals. It's not something to be worshipped in and of itself or is it representative of only the Americans who fly it. That's not addressing our problems as a nation, IMO.

I’m not sure how treating a constitution as something akin to divine revelation and the founding fathers as demigods - and wrapping all that, plus so many imperialist wars and occupations and structural racism and the ongoing corporate coup d’etat - in a flag changes the reality we all most face. The reality: neoliberal capitalism is antithetical to sustainable democracy, and war and oppression are at the heart of our society.

Sounds like a “lefty” you say? Nope. I’m borrowing most ideas above from Major General Smedley Butler, the most decorated soldier or marine or airman in US History, and winner of two congressional medals of honor.

American exceptionalism and blind patriotism won’t save us. In fact, such ideologies have been lethal to fellow Americans, people of color in particular, here and abroad.

Only pragmatism can save us. Pragmatic people putting delusions and received ideas and ideologies aside, coming together, and building anew.

So I’ll quote my favorite Republican, one who came in second place as the “greatest president in US history” when registered Republicans were polled a couple years ago, all those good folk who still consider Trump to have been an instrument of god’s will on earth, yet another disturbing fact that says a whole lot about how willfully blinkered some people want to be.

“The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”
- Abraham Lincoln

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Both sides recognize the need for safety nets. The left needs to work on eliminating waste. The right needs to be receptive to real problems that affect all of us rather than placating their billionaire funding sources.

The left recognizes the flag as a symbol of the greatness of the ideals it stands for and the people who followed and defended those ideals. It's not something to be worshipped in and of itself or is it representative of only the Americans who fly it. That's not addressing our problems as a nation, IMO.
Yeah,no billionaires on the Left 🤨
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In my 60 years I've never known anyone even hospitalized with the flu let alone dying.
Are you serious or being hyperbolic? If you're serious, that's crazy. Count yourself and those close to you lucky.

No exaggerating, I know just about the same amount of people who've been hospitalized for flu as covid (albeit the flu numbers took several seasons to accumulate).

Difference may be is pneumonia brought on by a flu virus is referred to as 'pneumonia' whereas the covid case I know hospitalized with pneumonia brought on by covid was referred to as 'covid'.