Tea leaves say Teske to PSU

Gable certainly went after the best guys out there, but almost always only if they fit the template for an Iowa guy. The grinder that just worked and worked, who practiced and competed with a chip on their shoulder... I believe TNT also follow the same criteria to a point, but times have changed and they are willing to get the best available even if they aren't an immediate "Iowa guy." I do think Teske fits that description (especially with how he wrestles with an aggressive, heavy handed, in your face style). If Teske crossed Iowa off his potential schools list, that is fine. No need to waste TNT's time, nor his own time making a visit for the sake of making a visit. As mentioned, it allows the coaches to contact kids that are in the mix and up the scholarship offer, or to spread some more out to others currently on the team. If Teske goes to PSU, I wouldn't count him out. Once on campus, it does't matter what wrestlers are already there. He is capable of knocking a RBY or GT, up a weight or out of the line up. Could he beat them today? Probably not, but where you end up is more about the work ethic and attitude of the kid. If those others work hard, but not quite hard enough, who knows.... Tom Ryan came to Iowa as an NCAA Qual. transfer-walk on. Streicher was a returning All American (I think 6th his sop. year). Ryan made the line up and got a 2nd and a 3rd at the NCAAs.. Why? Because Ryan never lost focus on why he came to Iowa in the first place and just outworked the other guys, made those huge improvements, etc. I imagine out of the top schools, some big time recruits will fizzle out, and some other less heralded recruits end up having very good college careers, like the Daniel Dennis' of the world.
While I agree with much of what you're saying, my opinion is that Gable recruited more broadly than Tom in terms of style, personality, and lifestyle, not less. Barry Davis, the Brands brothers, Jim Zalesky, and Royce Alger epitomized the "Iowa style," but Randy Lewis, Rico Chiapparelli, Joe Melchiore, Brad Penrith, Joe Williams did not. There were guys on the team who drank and partied, and guys who were saints; guys who were loud and obnoxious and guys who were quiet and polite; guys who were tough as nails at the basics but couldn't hit a suplay if their life depended on it, and guys who rarely shot a single-leg but could toss you from any position. The common element was they were great wrestlers in their own ways.

As for Tom Ryan, he didn't take Streicher's spot, to be clear. Terry Steiner took Streicher's spot (150). Ryan slotted into the lineup at 158 when Reiland went up to 167 and Chelesvig went up to 177.
I think you are equating Gable and Cael. That's fine, but others are pointing out how the two differ significantly. The Alan Fried non-recruitment is a great example of their respective values/ethics. Personally, I would have been very impressed if Cael had passed on Mark Hall and then coached up one of his wrestlers to beat him. Unfortunately, were more likely to see the sun rising in the west than such a coaching feat from Carl.
Why would Cael pass on Mark Hall purposely to coach someone up to beat him? That is a slippery slope. Why would you ever recruit anybody better and why not just take the challenge of trying to coach someone to beat them? But why would Cael or anybody for that matter, not take Mark Hall to prove a point about their coaching? Should Tom have passed on Spencer Lee to prove a point that he can coach someone to beat Lee? You are picking one example of a guy that Gable passed on in Fried, and Cael has passed on numerous top kids as well (Kemmerer). The Brands' shared 1/5th of a scholly and their talent was clear. If you have ever coached, you know the best way to be a good coach is to get good wrestlers. yes, you can develop them some, and can have a few real success stories of development, but the best way to be a good coach is to get good wrestlers.
Why would Cael pass on Mark Hall purposely to coach someone up to beat him? That is a slippery slope. Why would you ever recruit anybody better and why not just take the challenge of trying to coach someone to beat them? But why would Cael or anybody for that matter, not take Mark Hall to prove a point about their coaching? Should Tom have passed on Spencer Lee to prove a point that he can coach someone to beat Lee? You are picking one example of a guy that Gable passed on in Fried, and Cael has passed on numerous top kids as well (Kemmerer). The Brands' shared 1/5th of a scholly and their talent was clear. If you have ever coached, you know the best way to be a good coach is to get good wrestlers. yes, you can develop them some, and can have a few real success stories of development, but the best way to be a good coach is to get good wrestlers.

I think you're missing the point here . . .
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Why would Cael pass on Mark Hall purposely to coach someone up to beat him? That is a slippery slope. Why would you ever recruit anybody better and why not just take the challenge of trying to coach someone to beat them? But why would Cael or anybody for that matter, not take Mark Hall to prove a point about their coaching? Should Tom have passed on Spencer Lee to prove a point that he can coach someone to beat Lee? You are picking one example of a guy that Gable passed on in Fried, and Cael has passed on numerous top kids as well (Kemmerer). The Brands' shared 1/5th of a scholly and their talent was clear. If you have ever coached, you know the best way to be a good coach is to get good wrestlers. yes, you can develop them some, and can have a few real success stories of development, but the best way to be a good coach is to get good wrestlers.
Until now coaches actually had to consider the finical implications of going after a guy where you already have a more than serviceable wrestler.
I think you're missing the point here . . .
I'm not missing the point, I thought your point was missing. Maybe I am missing the point, can you clarify? I think you are saying Cael is taking the easy way by recruiting top wrestlers and hasn't proven that he can coach that well, and that Gable can outcoach him. You'd be most impressed if Cael turned a non-top 50 high school wrestler into a national champion like Tom Brands (oh wait, he hasn't done it either), like Gable did (before real accurate rankings and before everybody trained the same).
Trying to assess how good of a coach Cael is not easy. He can attract the bluest of blue ribbon recruits, that much we know. The majority are top ten p4p, and many are top 5.

The haul of top talent PSU brings in is unprecedented, and has many folks asking how is that possible. The financial stuff seems opaque, so hard to know.

When Cael coached at ISU, he had some good results, but nothing like at PSU. If backdoor money deals are being done, the ncaa needs to look into it. If it's all legal and ethical, then other teams need to explore the same kind of funding.

Dayton Fix, just out of HS, managed to beat ncaa champ tomasello in two straight matches this past weekend. Too bad PSU didn't get him, then when Fix reaches AA status, we could marvel about Cael's coaching skills.

I'm not missing the point, I thought your point was missing. Maybe I am missing the point, can you clarify? I think you are saying Cael is taking the easy way by recruiting top wrestlers and hasn't proven that he can coach that well, and that Gable can outcoach him. You'd be most impressed if Cael turned a non-top 50 high school wrestler into a national champion like Tom Brands (oh wait, he hasn't done it either), like Gable did (before real accurate rankings and before everybody trained the same).

Brands got Dennis to the Finals and inevitably to the Olympics. In Cael's defense he did get #68 Molinaro a NCAA Championship along with the Olympics.

But, I think you are intentionally being obtuse. Cael has been consistently going after the bluest of blue chips at his need weights. However, it seems like the last couple of seasons he isn't just getting them at need weights. In 2018 he has 6 of the top 13 coming in.

Cael definitely has an argument that he is today's equivalent of Gable. However, it is pretty obvious that he is doing it in different ways.
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Why are folks so concerned with trying to compare Gable and Cael anyways? Gable coached before my time as a college wrestling fan, but it's obvious though that he was a great coach with all he accomplished. He retired 10 years ago... give it a rest. You don't hear Alabama football fans talking about Bear Bryant all the time do you?
Why are folks so concerned with trying to compare Gable and Cael anyways? Gable coached before my time as a college wrestling fan, but it's obvious though that he was a great coach with all he accomplished. He retired 10 years ago... give it a rest. You don't hear Alabama football fans talking about Bear Bryant all the time do you?
I lived in Alabama for 5 years, and a lot of them still do talk about Bear Bryant. Gable is also about 20 years more recent than Bear Bryant. That being said, I do agree with your premise that comparing them is a waste of time.
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The slush fund provides:
Teske(IA), GT, RBY(AZ), Lee(IN), Whittlake(OR) Beard, & Nevills(CA)!

A lot of out of state tuition here. Guess they could all have rich parents or uncles...
Or maybe wrestlers are like Iowa fans and despise finishing 2nd or 3rd or 4th or....
I'd be more interested in listening to your whining about Penn States slush fund if you guys didn't spend all summer raising money to get one for yourselves.
Remember, people who live in glass houses. We were raising money in order to increase the size of our CLUB, bring in a full time coach, and continue to pay both the male and female wrestlers in the HWC at least the minimum they need to live on and still be able to train. Mabe even to be able to increase that amount but not up to six figures. Has NOTHING to do with compensating incoming recruites for taking a lessor scholarship or none at all as it seems you are implying we were trying to copy you on. First time I have heard a psu poster admit it though.
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Remember, people who live in glass houses. We were raising money in order to increase the size of our CLUB, bring in a full time coach, and continue to pay both the male and female wrestlers in the HWC at least the minimum they need to live on and still be able to train. Mabe even to be able to increase that amount but not up to six figures. Has NOTHING to do with compensating income recruites for taking a lessor scholarship or none at all as it seems you are implying we were trying to copy you on. First time I have heard a psu poster admit it though.
Whatever helps you sleep at night....
If it were not for the rule any community or even any individual could set up a fund to help a particuar school. Maybe unfair but in todays world probably necessary.
Well more reason to be against the indentured servitude that is NCAA athletics, but that is another topic. And regardless Teske is getting significant academic money, so it is really besides the point.
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Well more reason to be against the indentured servitude that is NCAA athletics, but that is another topic. And regardless Teske is getting significant academic money, so it is really besides the point.

Wrestling is not a profitable sport. Ridiculous to call NCAA wrestling indentured servitude.
Unless they recruit over him he will start. Teasdale and RBY won't hold 125 for more then a year and Busiello will grow out of 125 also. West beat Busiello so there is no reason to believe Teske can't beat him out.
Unless they recruit over him he will start. Teasdale and RBY won't hold 125 for more then a year and Busiello will grow out of 125 also. West beat Busiello so there is no reason to believe Teske can't beat him out.

Who is the next big thing at 125 in the 2019 & 2020 class? My point is Carl will fall in love with them too.
Unless they recruit over him he will start. Teasdale and RBY won't hold 125 for more then a year and Busiello will grow out of 125 also. West beat Busiello so there is no reason to believe Teske can't beat him out.
Never expected Busiello to be a 125 at all in college.
Best case IMO are Jordan Conaway type results but I think that is optimistic. As an Iowa kid he will get even less margin for lack of production from the fans than someone like Gulibon got.
They generally do not if the scholie is open to all students and not just to athletes.

Which brings me to my next point, I would like to announce that I have started the JohnBasedow Scholarship fund that is open to all of Fort Dodge High School. I won’t decide on who gets it until after signing day and if I am not satisfied with the applicant’s credentials than I will not choose a winner this year ;)
Which brings me to my next point, I would like to announce that I have started the JohnBasedow Scholarship fund that is open to all of Fort Dodge High School. I won’t decide on who gets it until after signing day and if I am not satisfied with the applicant’s credentials than I will not choose a winner this year ;)
PDIII your first recipient? Just messing with you...
Trying to assess how good of a coach Cael is not easy. He can attract the bluest of blue ribbon recruits, that much we know. The majority are top ten p4p, and many are top 5.

The haul of top talent PSU brings in is unprecedented, and has many folks asking how is that possible. The financial stuff seems opaque, so hard to know.

When Cael coached at ISU, he had some good results, but nothing like at PSU. If backdoor money deals are being done, the ncaa needs to look into it. If it's all legal and ethical, then other teams need to explore the same kind of funding.

Dayton Fix, just out of HS, managed to beat ncaa champ tomasello in two straight matches this past weekend. Too bad PSU didn't get him, then when Fix reaches AA status, we could marvel about Cael's coaching skills.

No matter how you twist it, turn it or rationalize it at the end of the day Cael Sanderson is the most dominant and successful by far head wrestling coach in the business today.

If it gives you some solace to either rejoice in the Gable success 2 decades removed from present day or to just demand there must be something funny going on at Penn State, I understand.
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Who is the next big thing at 125 in the 2019 & 2020 class? My point is Carl will fall in love with them too.
I am sure what you meant to say was the kid will probably fall in love with the idea of wrestling at Penn State
No matter how you twist it, turn it or rationalize it at the end of the day Cael Sanderson is the most dominant and successful by far head wrestling coach in the business today.

If it gives you some solace to either rejoice in the Gable success 2 decades removed from present day or to just demand there must be something funny going on at Penn State, I understand.

Oh, thank God. We can stop now, nitlion6 understands.