Do not see how this could be true? It is my understanding that he was given a complete Withdrawal from classes for Health Issues. If they gave the W, I do not see how they could on the other end not grant him the same. I understand it is the NCAA and they are a clueless bunch of fools, but it would still seem very odd for one part(education) to say one thing and the other(athletic) to say another!
I stated it before and will state it again. IF Teasdale is still at F*** St. as a student, and Carol on video, was talking about him being "immediately removed" from the kitty roster! Then this thing is going to get MUCH BIGGER!!!
WHY would they remove him with such haste from their roster if he is still in school? Only a few reasons I can think of.
1) Scholy money. This would look very bad if the kid was having problems. maybe could not make the cut to 125, and Karl threw him to the curb!
2) Administrators told Baely that he was playing some games that were in violation of NCAA and/or school policies!
3) Teasdale decided that this is NOT FUN St. like Surianio and felt it was best to move on too!