Teske committs to PSU

And this is where we disagree. RBY is athletic as all can't coach that plus Iowa needs more of it. However, you can teach RBY how to handfight and shoot and finish from ties. Combine that with his speed and he would have been a formidable wrestler under Terry who btw, has very high opinion of RBY.

As a fan, it is still difficult for me to figure out why a top 133er would not want to come to Iowa, be trained by TnT and wrestle with Lee, Clark, Gilman, Delgado et al every day. Take talent combined with the above and you have a NC. What am I missing?

Edit: Other than a PSU offer that is just too good to refuse.
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As a fan, it is still difficult for me to figure out why a top 133er would not want to come to Iowa, be trained by TnT and wrestle with Lee, Clark, Gilman, Delgado et al every day. Take talent combined with the above and you have a NC. What am I missing?

PSU board has him even with Lee already with his high ceiling and how good their room will make him.
And this is where we disagree. RBY is athletic as all can't coach that plus Iowa needs more of it. However, you can teach RBY how to handfight and shoot and finish from ties. Combine that with his speed and he would have been a formidable wrestler under Terry who btw, has very high opinion of RBY.

You're an AZ guy and I'm a FL guy. Silva is the same type of athlete btw. He hasn't spent any time out at the OTC or anything like that, imagine the levels he will jump when he gets to wrestle kids who will push him.
Me too.... I'll take the #1 over #35 all week long, but Teske would have been good depth that's for sure...
You legally can only offer so much money. Would you waste one or a part a scholarship on a wrestler who most likely will not have a weight where he would contribute? Especially when there are other weights where help is need.
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I guess the way I see it the Teske family are Iowans and have been a hawkeye family for years so I wish nothing but the best for them. It just happened to be a situation that ended up not being the best situation for Brody through no fault of their own. Hats off to them and I hope Brody continues to represent himself and the state of Iowa well even while out east.
I think biggest concern as a hawk fan is that while Lee is an all world caliber talent can he stay healthy for the next 4-5 years already having two serious injuries while in high school. College training and competition will ask for a much higher level of training and stress on his body and hopefully Lee does not experience any more setbacks.
ugh, I hate being out of the loop. We talking a transfer or a 2018/2019 class recruit?

I'm with you. I would love to think that RBY has seen the light, but that is unlikely as Hall was in his corner last weekend. We sure could use some good news at 133 though (in addition to the Hidlay commit).
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I'm with you. I would love to think that RBY has seen the light, but that is unlikely as Hall was in his corner last weekend. We sure could use some good news at 133 though.
So does RBY wrestle for F*** State team A or team B? How many points does team B earn at nationals?
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me trying to figure out what is being talked about.

I really look forward to the day when a recruit runs a long con and leads a program along up until signing day just to switch allegiances in a planned screw job (preferably with the eventual coaches knowing it all along). Here's to the heels!

As long as it doesn’t happen to us.
My Philosophy???? My entire post was 20 words long and from that you were able to nail down my entire wrestling and recruiting opinion and philosophy???

So you think it's not good to keep top notch Iowa talent in Iowa? You think keeping Teske in Iowa puts us in a hole? Not sure I follow you. It's great to get out of state kids but you can't afford to lose out on top notch talent in your own back yard either.... I think my philosophy on that is right on the mark. Congrats to Teske, he will do great at PSU but keeping him at Iowa most certainly would not put the Hawkeye program "in the hole" as you said...

I wasn't trying to be a dick. Brands has shifted his philosophy from getting the best Iowa kids to getting the best kids in their weight class. We didn't do that for a few years & it showed in recruiting, & it showed on the mat. Now that we have taken our Iowa blinders off we land a guy like Spencer Lee & lose out on a high ranked Iowa Kid. I certainly hope this continues to happen, because it will mean that we have become more competitive on a National scale. I'll take more Lee's, & Marinelli's & Kemerer's & Warner's every day of the week.
Like I said. I tried to find a way to delete the thread right after I started it. Just didn't realize the link was already on the other thread
Stop apologizing, I for one am tired of looking through multiple pages of off topic discussions to find the real news.

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