Teske committs to PSU

Sorry, Sans, just goofing around. Look, HR has good stuff. BWI has good stuff. But there's just so much bitterness and vitriol between the boards. It's still the off-season and people finding common ground seems hopeless (except for the charities, which is a great). The rest of the time, it gets ugly, and I wish it were different. I try to wade through the negativity with some humor. But yeah, not everyone has the same style.

Bottom line is that I appreciate elements of what both boards bring, and I wish there could be more interaction without angry, hateful debate. Kumbaya and all. It's still the off-season.

Honestly, I was hoping for a witty verbal assault from you.
Oh, Roar just called and told me to tell you to take your bitch ass to bed.
Honestly, I was hoping for a witty verbal assault from you.
Oh, Roar just called and told me to tell you to take your bitch ass to bed.

Ha! Yeah, as it is, I'm on little sleep and crashing . . . may be why I'm too loopy and obnoxious. Maybe I'll have my wits about me another day and try to keep up with you. Peace.
I enjoy the Eddie Haskell routine 'I never bashed HR other than a subtle jab' 86P$U is the heel in wrestling who hits someone with a chair when the ref isn't looking then holds his hands up and says 'who me?'.
I've wrestled my whole life. Have many friends that have been in the Iowa program and that are still close to the program. I train 3 or 4 days a week in a MMA gym still today. In the end, none of that ch8st8hawkanges what I said, it is all the truth. I'm not really a hateful prick, I just hate pedophiles and those that root for them. For me, it is the fact that so many of you come here and talk shit. Call me when you get to 23 you dumb prick.

Who roots for pedophiles? Are you that dense? 23, live in the past.

Edit: I mean no offense to all the awesome posters over here. Sorry about the 23 crack. Iowa/Gable is still the gold standard. Weh8ate8hwk just pisses me off.
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Why stop talking about what happened? Is it not the truth? So people will forget and it will be like it never happened? It should upset anyone that reads it, but why does it upset you?
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There are a few fans on the Penn State Wrestling Forum that are already talking about Teske being beaten out by Busiello or Teasdale at either 125 or 133. What is sad, is that he can go to PSU and then if he does lose his spot in that log jam, its very hard to transfer back to a Big 10 school without losing a year.--not everyone can get through the NCAA and most do not... I'm going on record to say that the Teske family will regret the PSU decision. Nothing against the decision, each of these athletes have earned the right to make the best choice for them, but I think that roster is stacked and I don't think he will see the line-up and if so, it will be for one-season and that will be too bad and he will be a long way from home. Time will tell.
There are a few fans on the Penn State Wrestling Forum that are already talking about Teske being beaten out by Busiello or Teasdale at either 125 or 133. What is sad, is that he can go to PSU and then if he does lose his spot in that log jam, its very hard to transfer back to a Big 10 school without losing a year.--not everyone can get through the NCAA and most do not... I'm going on record to say that the Teske family will regret the PSU decision. Nothing against the decision, each of these athletes have earned the right to make the best choice for them, but I think that roster is stacked and I don't think he will see the line-up and if so, it will be for one-season and that will be too bad and he will be a long way from home. Time will tell.

Busiello will not likely be at 125 (projected 141) in college. The BWI talk to which you are referring was in regards to Super 32. Teske is a super agressive wrestler and has a lot of potential. I think he will do well at Penn State.
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There are a few fans on the Penn State Wrestling Forum that are already talking about Teske being beaten out by Busiello or Teasdale at either 125 or 133. What is sad, is that he can go to PSU and then if he does lose his spot in that log jam, its very hard to transfer back to a Big 10 school without losing a year.--not everyone can get through the NCAA and most do not... I'm going on record to say that the Teske family will regret the PSU decision. Nothing against the decision, each of these athletes have earned the right to make the best choice for them, but I think that roster is stacked and I don't think he will see the line-up and if so, it will be for one-season and that will be too bad and he will be a long way from home. Time will tell.
I agree!
Busiello will not likely be at 125 (projected 141) in college. The BWI talk to which you are referring was in regards to Super 32. Teske is a super agressive wrestler and has a lot of potential. I think he will do well at Penn State.
Busiello better start hitting the weights hard if he is to get close to a 141 guy rt now I would say he is at 125 for atleast his RsFr year
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Who roots for pedophiles? Are you that dense? 23, live in the past.

Edit: I mean no offense to all the awesome posters over here. Sorry about the 23 crack. Iowa/Gable is still the gold standard. Weh8ate8hwk just pisses me off.
Mission accomplished!!! Let me know what I need to say so you never come here again.
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hell no, y'all just keep going, and I will just keep shaking my head as to how so many normally intelligent fellers get so wrapped up in something so silly.

The haters and losers (of which there are many!) don't want to see the wall get built! Bad News, haters and losers!
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There are a few fans on the Penn State Wrestling Forum that are already talking about Teske being beaten out by Busiello or Teasdale at either 125 or 133. What is sad, is that he can go to PSU and then if he does lose his spot in that log jam, its very hard to transfer back to a Big 10 school without losing a year.--not everyone can get through the NCAA and most do not... I'm going on record to say that the Teske family will regret the PSU decision. Nothing against the decision, each of these athletes have earned the right to make the best choice for them, but I think that roster is stacked and I don't think he will see the line-up and if so, it will be for one-season and that will be too bad and he will be a long way from home. Time will tell.
The Teske kid will be very successful wrestling for Penn State.
There are a few fans on the Penn State Wrestling Forum that are already talking about Teske being beaten out by Busiello or Teasdale at either 125 or 133. What is sad, is that he can go to PSU and then if he does lose his spot in that log jam, its very hard to transfer back to a Big 10 school without losing a year.--not everyone can get through the NCAA and most do not... I'm going on record to say that the Teske family will regret the PSU decision. Nothing against the decision, each of these athletes have earned the right to make the best choice for them, but I think that roster is stacked and I don't think he will see the line-up and if so, it will be for one-season and that will be too bad and he will be a long way from home. Time will tell.

Dear Brody:

Don't test your mettle. Learn to settle.


Define very successful, that's a fairly vague statement.

I see a kid who is always in his opponents face, always looking to score. There are things that need cleaned up, but give the PSU staff a kid with talent and no quit and you generally end up with a pretty successful competitor. The kid is tenacious as hell. He reminds me of Nico.
The kid eventually competes for a title, earns multiple AAs and including his RS season probably is a member of 5 NCAA team championships.
I see a kid who is always in his opponents face, always looking to score. There are things that need cleaned up, but give the PSU staff a kid with talent and no quit and you generally end up with a pretty successful competitor. The kid is tenacious as hell. He reminds me of Nico.
The kid eventually competes for a title, earns multiple AAs and including his RS season probably is a member of 5 NCAA team championships.

Considering he is a “career 125” guy, I assume you think he will beat either Lee, Suriano, Fix, Glory, McKee or McHenry to win that national Championship?

Edit nevermind, I see you said compete for one.
Dear Brody:

Don't test your mettle. Learn to settle.



Don't test your mettle. Learn to settle.



CholleyVandine, great work! Easy to say from the cheap seats and not living with sitting on the bench. I am not one to wish ill will on anybody, nor do I want this for Teske as an Iowa wrestler. I will root for him against anybody else except when he wrestles a Hawkeye, but I don’t see it in the cards at PSU. You are missing one very important piece to your little poem: While independence and independent decision-making is an important, even vital, value and a part of growth as a young man, but the problem is, we live in an interdependent reality in the world of wrestling and that reality does not bode well for the young man, because he is dependent on who else Cael decides to bring in that room and who is already coming—and why ignore these facts.

It is true that starters get more attention, more matches, more time to improve and if Teske does in fact end up sitting for several years then it will be him and not you living with his lost goals or unattained aspirations. It will be his family second-guessing their decision to send him 12 hours away… He might be able to work hard with the right coaches and partners and pass someone up that might be better than him in high school or even coming into College, but that goal is sure much harder when they are in the same room getting the same instruction and if the starter, more attention. I do believe in testing your mettle, but one has to also weigh the circumstances as well and figure out the best place to realize your full potential over 5-years and then longer if you want to chase international dreams. That will not be supported as well by sitting for multiple years is all I was saying. I don’t think the landscape looks good for him in that room right now given their current commitments. Take it for what you will, but it’s just an opinion. I hope he proves me wrong, but in the interdependent world of wrestling… I stand by my earlier statement. I don’t see it working out well for the young man and again—I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think I will be.
I see a kid who is always in his opponents face, always looking to score. There are things that need cleaned up, but give the PSU staff a kid with talent and no quit and you generally end up with a pretty successful competitor. The kid is tenacious as hell. He reminds me of Nico.
The kid eventually competes for a title, earns multiple AAs and including his RS season probably is a member of 5 NCAA team championships.

Guilbon was that way too and was a far better wrestler coming out of HS than Teske is. Guilbon was good on his feet and on the mat. Teske is not good on the mat and has trouble finishing on his feet. I don't see high AA. Maybe a couple 6-8 finishes at best if he even wins the spot. Conaway had better skills.
I see a kid who is always in his opponents face, always looking to score. There are things that need cleaned up, but give the PSU staff a kid with talent and no quit and you generally end up with a pretty successful competitor. The kid is tenacious as hell. He reminds me of Nico.
The kid eventually competes for a title, earns multiple AAs and including his RS season probably is a member of 5 NCAA team championships.
Like Nico was such a scoring machine? More like looking to block off and sometimes counter you mean.