Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

This is from Nazi Germany expert Professor Richard Overy:

"I think there is no doubt that Hitler was an atheist in any meaningful sense of the term. His various references to God were rhetorical. His comments on religion make it evident that he was quite unable to take the claims of Christianity at face value. He had a moral sense, but it was the morality of racial survival - what was moral was what served the survival of the Volk."
OK. So a fertilized egg is an atheist because they have no capability to believe in anything?

Hitler was brought up in the catholic church.
The world hasn't been the same since 2020 either. SMH.

Wondering how BrianNole777 feels about this.

@the24fan is a Jehova's Witness.

Jehovas Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity, they don't believe Jesus was God or in Hell, they don't serve in the military, don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, get blood transfusions or pledge allegiance to the flag.

It's a different belief system from traditional Christianity and was founded in the 1870 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

All due respect to my friend @the24fan, of course. I am curious why he only types in bold. Can you enlighten us?

OK. So a fertilized egg is an atheist because they have no capability to believe in anything?

Hitler was brought up in the catholic church.

A fertilized egg doesn't have an intellect so it can't be an atheist.

Hitler left Church as a teenager and never went back. He persecuted the Churches. He planned on destroying Christianity in Europe after the war and replacing it with National Socialism.

Hitler told his secretary Traudl Junge that he didn't belong to a church, that humans were just an advanced type of animal and that Christianity was outdated and hypocritical. His references to God and "providence" were rhetorical.

He also told his valet Heinz Linge that once a person was dead they were "finished." No afterlife.

That sounds like an atheist to me.
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@the24fan is a Jehova's Witness.

Jehovas Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity, they don't believe Jesus was God or in Hell, they don't serve in the military, don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, get blood transfusions or pledge allegiance to the flag.

It's a different belief system from traditional Christianity and was founded in the 1870 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

All due respect to my friend @the24fan, of course. I am curious why he only types in bold. Can you enlighten us?

That's a fine description but it doesn't tell us what you think about the claims.
A fertilized egg doesn't have an intellect so it can't be an atheist.

Hitler left Church as a teenager and never went back. He persecuted the Churches. He planned on destroying Christianity in Europe after the war and replacing it with National Socialism.

Hitler told his secretary Traudl Junge that he didn't belong to a church, that humans were just an advanced type of animal and that Christianity was outdated and hypocritical. His references to God and "providence" were rhetorical.

He also told his valet Heinz Linge that once a person was dead they were "finished." No afterlife.

That sounds like an atheist to me.
Thus a fertilized egg has to be an atheist. According to you they are a person but they don't believe in god.

Hitler was a madman who used religion to enhance his power. He also used religion to target millions of victims.
Thus a fertilized egg has to be an atheist. According to you they are a person but they don't believe in god.

Hitler was a madman who used religion to enhance his power. He also used religion to target millions of victims.

I'm not sure how a "person" is defined but a fertilized egg doesn't have a developed brain and can't be an atheist.

National Socialism was like a religion. Hitler was the Messiah.

I've read tons on Hitler and am convinced he was an atheist.
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Are you against all other christian denominations that aren't catholic as well? Is everyone who is not catholic doomed to damnation if they don't convert?

No! Not at all. That would be so unfair.

The Catholic position is that it's the original Christian Church founded by Jesus and goes all the way back to Peter as first Pope. The Catholic Church is the "fullness of the truth" but there are partial truths in other faiths.

Jehovas Witnesses and Mormons aren't Christian because they don't believe in the Trinity and they don't have valid baptisms.

It doesn't mean they're evil people or doomed to Hell. Thankfully.

I'm not sure how a "person" is defined but a fertilized egg doesn't have a developed brain and can't be an atheist.

National Socialism was like a religion. Hitler was the Messiah.

I've read tons on Hitler and am convinced he was an atheist.
Well, that's kind of important to the whole discussion. If they aren't an atheist due to lack of belief do you assume they automatically believe in god? If so, which one? If not, how can they get into heaven? Or is this one of the exceptions you like to make up?
I’m going to just say that it’s interesting that most of this thread has become a religious discussion. Which is interesting in that it started as a discussion of a medical procedure regulated by the state. A state that is supposed to be religion blind when it comes to the law.
Well, that's kind of important to the whole discussion. If they aren't an atheist due to lack of belief do you assume they automatically believe in god? If so, which one? If not, how can they get into heaven? Or is this one of the exceptions you like to make up?

I don't think they believe or disbelieve. They can't because they don't have formed brains.

They may go to limbo. Here's a long article but you can listen to it in audio.

No! Not at all. That would be so unfair.

The Catholic position is that it's the original Christian Church founded by Jesus and goes all the way back to Peter as first Pope. The Catholic Church is the "fullness of the truth" but there are partial truths in other faiths.

Jehovas Witnesses and Mormons aren't Christian because they don't believe in the Trinity and they don't have valid baptisms.

It doesn't mean they're evil people or doomed to Hell. Thankfully.

But they are christians. You might not consider them to be but they do.

How do non-christians get into heaven if they don't believe in your god? If they can get into heaven, why can't atheists?

You make christianity sound like a heirarchy where the catholic church is at the top. If that's the case, what are the 2nd tier denominations?
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I’m going to just say that it’s interesting that most of this thread has become a religious discussion. Which is interesting in that it started as a discussion of a medical procedure regulated by the state. A state that is supposed to be religion blind when it comes to the law.
Yep - and it went off the rails when you asked Brian some logical questions about his position that he completely avoided. And still does.
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But they are christians. You might not consider them to be but they do.

How do non-christians get into heaven if they don't believe in your god? If they can get into heaven, why can't atheists?

You make christianity sound like a heirarchy where the catholic church is at the top. If that's the case, what are the 2nd tier denominations?

I know they think they're Christians but they're beliefs are opposed to traditional Christianity. The Trinity is central to Christianity and they reject it.

Non-Christians and atheists can get saved if they're what's called "invincibly ignorant." It means they don't know the truth of the Gospel through no fault of their own like people living in the Amazon rainforest. They can't be judged by what they couldn't know. That's only fair.

I'd say the Orthodox Christians are 2nd tier because they go back to the apostles and the protestants are 3rd tier.

BTW, here's another email response I've gotten from a priest who has written 10 books about your question of abortion and mortal sin.

BrianNole: "All abortions are mortal sins, but is the mortal sin or penance different if the abortion is done to save the life of the Mother?

Has she committed a lesser mortal sin to save her life rather than if she chose abortion for birth control?"

Father M: "Yes, probably. But abortion for the life of the mother is almost never the case."
God bless,
I don't think they believe or disbelieve. They can't because they don't have formed brains.

They may go to limbo. Here's a long article but you can listen to it in audio.

Exception it is. You certainly do maneuver your arguments around.
I guess I don’t understand what diabolical? Or evil?
Adam disobeyed a clear command to not eat of the fruit of that one tree . It wasn’t an unreasonable command. They had all the food they could ever want . Being deceived by the Devil they decided to choose for themselves what was right and wrong . They had free will . Listening would have led them to everlasting life and humans would not in the position we are today .
God did not create the angel known as satan the devil . He was at one time a perfect angel, with free will . He coveted the worship that rightly belonged to God and led the rebellion in Eden . He is responsible for the suffering we see on the earth today . That and human sin and imperfection .
It is diabolical, evil, and irrational to punish children for the crimes of their parents. This is self- evident to anybody who hasn’t been brainwashed via groupthink.
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OK? But according to your chosen religion, those Jewish friends cannot get to heaven unless they convert to catholicism.

That's not Church teaching. Anyone can get saved if they're invincibly ignorant.

I know they think they're Christians but they're beliefs are opposed to traditional Christianity. The Trinity is central to Christianity and they reject it.

Non-Christians and atheists can get saved if they're what's called "invincibly ignorant." It means they don't know the truth of the Gospel through no fault of their own like people living in the Amazon rainforest. They can't be judged by what they couldn't know. That's only fair.

I'd say the Orthodox Christians are 2nd tier because they go back to the apostles and the protestants are 3rd tier.

BTW, here's another email response I've gotten from a priest who has written 10 books about your question of abortion and mortal sin.

BrianNole: "All abortions are mortal sins, but is the mortal sin or penance different if the abortion is done to save the life of the Mother?

Has she committed a lesser mortal sin to save her life rather than if she chose abortion for birth control?"

Father M: "Yes, probably. But abortion for the life of the mother is almost never the case."
God bless,
So it is a hierarchy and those christians who are not catholic will be damned for eternity. All because the catholics say they are the best. Do you realize how absurd your arguments are?

And LOL - "probably". Again
So it is a hierarchy and those christians who are not catholic will be damned for eternity. All because the catholics say they are the best. Do you realize how absurd your arguments are?

And LOL - "probably". Again

Other Christians are not automatically damned to eternity.

The Catholic church is the original Church. That's why it's the best.
Other Christians are not automatically damned to eternity.

The Catholic church is the original Church. That's why it's the best.
Then your argument for catholicism has no more bearing than someone liking IHOP over the "Original" Pancake House. You've been twisted around your own logic and spit out as nonsense.
The only two views I claimed were facts were that life begins at conception and abortion is killing.
Those are two of the opinions that you've tried to claim as fact. But then you have no reasonable argument to support them. All you have is "catholicism is best".
Then your argument for catholicism has no more bearing than someone liking IHOP over the "Original" Pancake House. You've been twisted around your own logic and spit out as nonsense.

The Eucharist is key to Christian worship.

Here's a letter from Ignatius of Antioch in the year 110 A.D.

Bad at what?

I'm not trying to convince you. That would be an impossibility.
You're terrible at making rational, logical arguments based on something other than your beliefs. You would fail a middle school debate class.

You're far, far away from convincing. You should strive for getting to a level of non-absurd.
You showed no relevant science. What is the "science" that proves catholicism is the best?

I showed the science regarding life beginning at conception.

The letter from Ignatius of Antioch shows how Catholicism is early Christianity.