Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

But according to you that is suffering that is "made up for" by eternal bliss. Why isn't that a great trade-off for that "life"?

Start with the ones you avoided first.

It may be good for the fetus but it's still better not to get killed in utero.

I think in many states a pregnant woman is considered being two people if she's murdered.

I haven't thought enough about your other questions to have an opinion.
Here’s the thing tho, we shouldn’t be creating legislation based on the beliefs of one religion. There are many religions that don’t share that belief, not to mention many who don’t espouse a particular religion at all.

Once the fetus becomes viable, yes, with the caveat of medical exceptions like the woman this thread is about.

This is the part that always confused me, and I’m someone who went thru catholic school k-12. You said it’s ridiculous that god would make people suffer on purpose. Yet aren’t we often saying that god has a plan for all of us? Wouldn’t that then imply that god does also plan for us to suffer at times in our lives?
human suffering was never part of gods original plan for mankind. Only after the rebellion in Eden did humans lose perfection, and suffering , pain and death were spread to all of Adam’s descendants. God created man perfect with the intention of him being perfect, living on a perfect earth .
Suffering is part of that sin and imperfection we all were all born with . But Jesus dying perfect paid the ransom and with his blood he provided the means for faithful mankind to be redeemed and to have the chance at the perfect life Adam lost…
It may be good for the fetus but it's still better not to get killed in utero.

I think in many states a pregnant woman is considered being two people if she's murdered.

I haven't thought enough about your other questions to have an opinion.
Why? Particularly if the fetus is already suffering or will upon birth.


And that's the crux of it. You haven't thought deeply about the issue you simply recite the views of the church. Unless, of course, that's inconvenient for you in some way. Then you make up your own shit.
human suffering was never part of gods original plan for mankind. Only after the rebellion in Eden did humans lose perfection, and suffering , pain and death were spread to all of Adam’s descendants. God created man perfect with the intention of him being perfect, living on a perfect earth .
Suffering is part of that sin and imperfection we all were all born with . But Jesus dying perfect paid the ransom and with his blood he provided the means for faithful mankind to be redeemed and to have the chance at the perfect life Adam lost…
So suffering is one of god's intentions?
Why? Particularly if the fetus is already suffering or will upon birth.


And that's the crux of it. You haven't thought deeply about the issue you simply recite the views of the church. Unless, of course, that's inconvenient for you in some way. Then you make up your own shit.

Because the doctor is committing a killing, plus the Mother ascents to it.

It's wise to admit one doesn't know everything. You should try it sometime. :)
It’s ok . I’m used to the skeptics.
Hard to dismiss the evidence we see around us in this world but yeah I understand how that belief seems to be difficult for some to believe.
It's just too odd for me. Is it depressing living your whole life believing the end is near yet knowing your life is over at death? Just doesn't seem like a way to live life.
FYI, I just emailed a theology teacher I know about this and here's his response:

BrianNole: "All abortions are mortal sins, but is the mortal sin or penance different if the abortion is done to save the life of the Mother?

Has she committed a lesser mortal sin to save her life rather than if she chose abortion for birth control?"

Theology teacher: "Probably. All other things being equal."
Religion is its own worst enemy. Thanks for sharing.
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People do incredibly horrible things to other people in the name of religion since the beginning of time.

Specifically in this post, religion has absolute answers until it doesn't.

Atheists do much more, though.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Mussolini and Donald Trump are all atheists.

The difference is your side thinks you're just great.
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It's a sign of fascism. It's part of the playbook.
You are so stupid and simple with fascist tagging that I’m embarrassed for you. I’m with you all the way on this. This an easy one and eff that judge, Mexico is close by.
human suffering was never part of gods original plan for mankind. Only after the rebellion in Eden did humans lose perfection, and suffering , pain and death were spread to all of Adam’s descendants. God created man perfect with the intention of him being perfect, living on a perfect earth .
Suffering is part of that sin and imperfection we all were all born with . But Jesus dying perfect paid the ransom and with his blood he provided the means for faithful mankind to be redeemed and to have the chance at the perfect life Adam lost…
Which is diabolical, irrational, and evil.
Now if you want to have a discussion on whether or not the last days of this system began in 1914 then I'm willing to do so. Jesus ascended to heaven shortly after his resurrection in 33CE
I would really love to hear the last days began in 1914 though.
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And people who don’t collect stamps are responsible for 99% of all suffering. Damn non-stamp-collectors!

There's no authority with atheists so you turn into your own gods.

Atheist philosophy like Nietszche and Sartre is exactly this.
There's no authority with atheists so you turn into your own gods.

Atheist philosophy like Nietszche and Sartre is exactly this.
Yep. Atheist can murder someone without any penalty. The avatar is good. The Catholic publications made it better though.
Your side are the atheists who have a 100+ million body count in the past century alone.
This issue has so many variables that the blanket of religion can’t cover it. Incest and rape are so difficult if you have the foresight to look twenty years down the line of what that human could have done. I can give in on early-term abortions in this case. I don’t like it, but maybe it’s not my place to like. Drawing lines between early-term abortions and late is ****ing silly and yet I give in to my own perspective because I know it’s just that. In the case of this woman, I’d pay for it.
Only in your opinion. You have a hard time discerning fact from opinion.

What is your definition of atheist?

A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

This is from Nazi Germany expert Professor Richard Overy:

"I think there is no doubt that Hitler was an atheist in any meaningful sense of the term. His various references to God were rhetorical. His comments on religion make it evident that he was quite unable to take the claims of Christianity at face value. He had a moral sense, but it was the morality of racial survival - what was moral was what served the survival of the Volk."
Which is diabolical, irrational, and evil.
I guess I don’t understand what diabolical? Or evil?
Adam disobeyed a clear command to not eat of the fruit of that one tree . It wasn’t an unreasonable command. They had all the food they could ever want . Being deceived by the Devil they decided to choose for themselves what was right and wrong . They had free will . Listening would have led them to everlasting life and humans would not in the position we are today .
God did not create the angel known as satan the devil . He was at one time a perfect angel, with free will . He coveted the worship that rightly belonged to God and led the rebellion in Eden . He is responsible for the suffering we see on the earth today . That and human sin and imperfection .
That miscarriages are the result of poor choices. That is simply fvcking stupid.
Let me rephrase . Unwanted pregnancies are usually because of poor choice. I was mistaken saying miscarriages . My apologies .
I guess I don’t understand what diabolical? Or evil?
Adam disobeyed a clear command to not eat of the fruit of that one tree . It wasn’t an unreasonable command. They had all the food they could ever want . Being deceived by the Devil they decided to choose for themselves what was right and wrong . They had free will . Listening would have led them to everlasting life and humans would not in the position we are today .
God did not create the angel known as satan the devil . He was at one time a perfect angel, with free will . He coveted the worship that rightly belonged to God and led the rebellion in Eden . He is responsible for the suffering we see on the earth today . That and human sin and imperfection .
So god is not all powerful?
Your side are the atheists who have a 100+ million body count in the past century alone.

The only difference between these atheists you cite as mass murderers and those who did so in gods name (of whichever faith that is), is the Industrial Revolution.