Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

Yet, God destroys a very large percent of those, that naturally miscarry (>30%)
Ergo, doesn't seem that God shares your view here.
Blaming God for a miscarriage is way off base.
You want to blame human imperfection then so be it.
Blaming God for a miscarriage or the death of any child so He can have another angel is a complete disrespect to our Creator. No one values human life more than our creator. Miscarriages and other terrible acts that result in unplanned pregnancies are not on God. It is human choice or human sin and imperfection that is the cause.
They aren't vague at all. And no one is asking you for "the" answers, only your answers.

Look, we know why you don't want to answer such questions. It's painfully obvious and you're not fooling anyone.

You're free to have your own assumptions.
I never claimed any of that.

This is why engaging with you is a waste of time.
You claimed the scientists are in consensus that conception equates to being a human when they've done no such thing.

It's a waste of time because you get tired of having the flaws in your arguments and your out-and-out misrepresentations exposed.
You claimed the scientists are in consensus that conception equates to being a human when they've done no such thing.

It's a waste of time because you get tired of having the flaws in your arguments and your out-and-out misrepresentations exposed.

I did not claim that. 😆

I showed how most biologists believe life begins at conception and gave a link.
Blaming God for a miscarriage is way off base.
You want to blame human imperfection then so be it.
Blaming God for a miscarriage or the death of any child so He can have another angel is a complete disrespect to our Creator. No one values human life more than our creator. Miscarriages and other terrible acts that result in unplanned pregnancies are not on God. It is human choice or human sin and imperfection that is the cause.
I guess I missed where my wife and I “chose” or “sinned” to cause the two miscarriages my wife had when we were absolutely trying to have a child.

I’ll go with the biology happens sometimes argument or that God (if exists) isn’t directly intervening pro/con in every moment in human history, but you can GTFO with the miscarriages are human choice or sin.

You make stuff up and throw it in your responses.

That's why engaging with you is pointless.

No offense. :)
GFY - you're the one making up scientific conclusions and dancing around questions you don't want to answer. I simply enjoy exposing your hypocrisy and misrepresentations. You are very similar to a lot of religious zealots. Once you ask a few questions and challenge a few assertions they begin to spin and dance and make things up.

It's not pointless, it's that the point continues to show how deceptive and shallow you are.
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GFY - you're the one making up scientific conclusions and dancing around questions you don't want to answer. I simply enjoy exposing your hypocrisy and misrepresentations. You are very similar to a lot of religious zealots. Once you ask a few questions and challenge a few assertions they begin to spin and dance and make things up.

It's not pointless, it's that the point continues to show how deceptive and shallow you are.

I explained why I don't want to engage with you.

I'll leave you to throw insults for the rest of the day to other posters as you do.
I did not claim that. 😆

I showed how most biologists believe life begins at conception and gave a link.
Then what's your point as that is not an issue. No one argues that a zygote is not alive, the argument is whether it is a human yet. If what you're now saying is the "scientific consensus" you claimed before is nonsense, then we agree.
And I explained why that is not the real reason. You continue to be a fraud.

Lol OK.

Blaming God for a miscarriage is way off base.
You want to blame human imperfection then so be it.
Blaming God for a miscarriage or the death of any child so He can have another angel is a complete disrespect to our Creator. No one values human life more than our creator. Miscarriages and other terrible acts that result in unplanned pregnancies are not on God. It is human choice or human sin and imperfection that is the cause.
As someone who has experienced the grief that comes from a miscarriage, you can go **** yourself.
Blaming God for a miscarriage is way off base.
You want to blame human imperfection then so be it.
Blaming God for a miscarriage or the death of any child so He can have another angel is a complete disrespect to our Creator. No one values human life more than our creator. Miscarriages and other terrible acts that result in unplanned pregnancies are not on God. It is human choice or human sin and imperfection that is the cause.
I’ve read some completely fvcked up things on this board, but this may be the most fvcked up take I’ve seen. Congrats on being a complete fvcking loser. Thanks for sharing.
Blaming God for a miscarriage is way off base.
You want to blame human imperfection then so be it.
Blaming God for a miscarriage or the death of any child so He can have another angel is a complete disrespect to our Creator. No one values human life more than our creator. Miscarriages and other terrible acts that result in unplanned pregnancies are not on God. It is human choice or human sin and imperfection that is the cause.

Okay. God only gets credit for all the successful births, right?
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Blaming God for a miscarriage is way off base.
You want to blame human imperfection then so be it.
Blaming God for a miscarriage or the death of any child so He can have another angel is a complete disrespect to our Creator. No one values human life more than our creator. Miscarriages and other terrible acts that result in unplanned pregnancies are not on God. It is human choice or human sin and imperfection that is the cause.

Man, you are one stupid SOB. And vile.

My wife was not responsible for her miscarriage you cretin. Religion sure make a lot of people behave horribly.
Lol OK.

Yet no one argues more when it comes to religion than you. Of course you are doing it intentionally.
I explained why I don't want to engage with you.

I'll leave you to throw insults for the rest of the day to other posters as you do.
I’m genuinely curious about this point. There is a strong medical consensus that you cannot favor one life over another. For example, you cannot take a kidney from a person when it is medically unsafe, even to save another person.

If you believe that life begins at conception, you must agree that women cannot abort a viable fetus at any point. No matter if it’s a child who has been raped. No matter if carrying that child might kill her. You cannot favor one life over another. Again, that’s a medical consensus. Do you believe that? And if not, how do you reconcile those points morally?

Im just going to preface your answer by saying, if you agree that a woman should carry these babies to term, you’re a monster.
I’m genuinely curious about this point. There is a strong medical consensus that you cannot favor one life over another. For example, you cannot take a kidney from a person when it is medically unsafe, even to save another person.

If you believe that life begins at conception, you must agree that women cannot abort a viable fetus at any point. No matter if it’s a child who has been raped. No matter if carrying that child might kill her. You cannot favor one life over another. Again, that’s a medical consensus. Do you believe that? And if not, how do you reconcile those points morally?

Im just going to preface your answer by saying, if you agree that a woman should carry these babies to term, you’re a monster.

I showed that life begins at conception, according to 95% of biologists.

That was my point.

Riley and Huey disagreed with the science, name called and didn't explain why. They're not scientists so I don't put much credence into their views on science.

I no longer get into long, drawn out debates about any topic because it's pointless when no one will change their minds.
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Lol OK.

Yet you continue to engage. Another reason you're a fraud.
I showed that life begins at conception, according to 95% of biologists.

That was my point.

Riley and Huey disagreed with the science, name called and didn't explain why. They're not scientists so I don't put much credence into their views on science.

I no longer get into long, drawn out debates about any topic because it's pointless when no one will change their minds.
I get that. But this thread wasn't started for a debate about when life begins, it was started about abortion. I don’t know when "life" was brought up but whatever. I’m not asking you to change your mind, or even attempting to change your mind, I’m asking about the consequences of defining legalized abortion based on that particular definition of life.

To be fair, I did preemptively judge you on how I think you stand on it but I am curious. If you choose not to answer I realize that’s an answer in and of itself.
I showed that life begins at conception, according to 95% of biologists.

That was my point.

Riley and Huey disagreed with the science, name called and didn't explain why. They're not scientists so I don't put much credence into their views on science.

I no longer get into long, drawn out debates about any topic because it's pointless when no one will change their minds.
You're making things up again. Where did I say "life" didn't start at conception? I didn't - I merely exposed your argument as meaningless since "life" takes on many forms that are not human. You even agreed with that. Yet here you are, again, spreading misinformation and trying to slither your way through a debate.
Do they agree that the fetus could viably live at conception or do they agree that it takes months to be viable?

Aren't you Catholic, Runk??

Abortion is a big no-no for us. Mortal sin territory. We're all waiting to die at this point.

BTW, tonight is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I'm going soon. :)
I get that. But this thread wasn't started for a debate about when life begins, it was started about abortion. I don’t know when "life" was brought up but whatever. I’m not asking you to change your mind, or even attempting to change your mind, I’m asking about the consequences of defining legalized abortion based on that particular definition of life.

To be fair, I did preemptively judge you on how I think you stand on it but I am curious. If you choose not to answer I realize that’s an answer in and of itself.
He will either ignore the question or squirm away from it as he has done before. He doesn't want to think about anything deeper than the christian talking points he's learned.
I get that. But this thread wasn't started for a debate about when life begins, it was started about abortion. I don’t know when "life" was brought up but whatever. I’m not asking you to change your mind, or even attempting to change your mind, I’m asking about the consequences of defining legalized abortion based on that particular definition of life.

To be fair, I did preemptively judge you on how I think you stand on it but I am curious. If you choose not to answer I realize that’s an answer in and of itself.


Do you think abortion is killing?
Aren't you Catholic, Runk??

Abortion is a big no-no for us. Mortal sin territory. We're all waiting to die at this point.

BTW, tonight is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I'm going soon. :)
So you believe that the woman this thread references will be damned for life and spend eternity in hell?

Not expecting an answer to this question either.
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You're making things up again. Where did I say "life" didn't start at conception? I didn't - I merely exposed your argument as meaningless since "life" takes on many forms that are not human. You even agreed with that. Yet here you are, again, spreading misinformation and trying to slither your way through a debate.

"Slither" is my word, Riley.

Don't steal it.

Debating doesn't work. I think we can agree on that. :)
So you believe that the woman this thread references will be damned for life and spend eternity in hell?

Not expecting an answer to this question either.

Not necessarily. There are so many other factors.

She's in a brutal situation but also a minority of abortions since MOST abortions are not for health of the Mother.
He will either ignore the question or squirm away from it as he has done before. He doesn't want to think about anything deeper than the christian talking points he's learned.

I used to be pro-abortion to the max because I thought it would lower crime plus some children are better off not being born.

But, even when I was a pro-abortion atheist, I always knew abortion was killing.
"Slither" is my word, Riley.

Don't steal it.

Debating doesn't work. I think we can agree on that. :)
It works just fine. You are being flogged in this one because you have no rational responses. You would fail a junior high debate class.

Slither is a word for you - it's very descriptive of your responses.
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