Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

It works just fine. You are being flogged in this one because you have no rational responses. You would fail a junior high debate class.

Slither is a word for you - it's very descriptive of your responses.


You debate every day here with Trumpkins.

How many votes have you changed?
Not necessarily. There are so many other factors.

She's in a brutal situation but also a minority of abortions since MOST abortions are not for health of the Mother.
Wait - you said abortion is a "mortal sin" before. She is having an abortion - how do you twist things so that she isn't committing a "mortal sin"?

This should be good.
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Wait - you said abortion is a "mortal sin" before. She is having an abortion - how do you twist things so that she isn't committing a "mortal sin"?

This should be good.

Mortal sins can be repented of, plus there are several factors that go into mortal sin, like her life being in danger.

It's a complex topic.
You're making things up again. Where did I say "life" didn't start at conception? I didn't - I merely exposed your argument as meaningless since "life" takes on many forms that are not human. You even agreed with that. Yet here you are, again, spreading misinformation and trying to slither your way through a debate.

Answer these questions:

1.) When does human life begin?

2.) Should their be any limits on abortion?

You debate every day here with Trumpkins.

How many votes have you changed?
LOL - I have no idea. Could be many, could be none. But that's not necessarily the point of debate. The majority of my motivation is to expose misinformation and stupidity. Most of the time I watch others do it very well. On occasion I like to take a turn at it. It's entertaining watching you and others twist yourself into knots trying to defend the undefendable.
LOL - I have no idea. Could be many, could be none. But that's not necessarily the point of debate. The majority of my motivation is to expose misinformation and stupidity. Most of the time I watch others do it very well. On occasion I like to take a turn at it. It's entertaining watching you and others twist yourself into knots trying to defend the undefendable.

You're a pretty terrible debater, all due respect. You bring in stuff that no one said before, make assumptions and name call.

I'd love to go against you in court and I'm not a lawyer. :)
Aren't you Catholic, Runk??

Abortion is a big no-no for us. Mortal sin territory. We're all waiting to die at this point.

BTW, tonight is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I'm going soon. :)
I am and I don’t believe in abortion. That said, I don’t believe government should be dictating medical procedures availability. If someone wants to commit a sin, that is between them and their God.
Mortal sins can be repented of, plus there are several factors that go into mortal sin, like her life being in danger.

It's a complex topic.
You're hilarious. First you cite the catholic church who states abortion is a "mortal sin" and then you selectively choose to ignore that distinction for someone who is getting an abortion because it's "complicated". FFS - it's "complicated" in every situation - not just those you choose to recognize.

You're such a hypocrite.
I am and I don’t believe in abortion. That said, I don’t believe government should be dictating medical procedures availability. If someone wants to commit a sin, that is between them and their God.

OK. It seems like you promote abortion on the board.

Don't forget Mass tonight.
You're hilarious. First you cite the catholic church who states abortion is a "mortal sin" and then you selectively choose to ignore that distinction for someone who is getting an abortion because it's "complicated". FFS - it's "complicated" in every situation - not just those you choose to recognize.

You're such a hypocrite.

Mortal sin is complex. It involves full knowledge and consent of the will.

And it can always be repented.
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When you answer the questions posed of you. You don't get to be a coward when asked and then come out expecting your questions to be answered.

I answered the ones I was able to answer.

We're wasting time if you won't answer my two basic questions.
You're a pretty terrible debater, all due respect. You bring in stuff that no one said before, make assumptions and name call.

I'd love to go against you in court and I'm not a lawyer. :)
You wouldn't. Your bullshit would be exposed completely as you would be forced to answer questions posed.

You're one of the easiest posters on here to discredit.
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Mortal sin is complex. It involves full knowledge and consent of the will.

And it can always be repented.
You're not helping your case with this. I don't think this woman is having an abortion against her will or without full knowledge. But you are aware of that. This is just you slithering around again.
Then there is nothing distinguishing this woman than someone who is doing it for mere convenience. It is a mortal sin for both, and they both can repent.

There's a big difference between having an abortion for birth control and doing it to save one's life.

God will be the judge.
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There's a big difference between having an abortion for birth control and doing it to save one's life.

God will be the judge.
Except the catholic church doesn't see it that way. All abortion is a "mortal sin". You want to use that position when it's convenient and then back pedal from it when it's more "complicated".
You're a pretty terrible debater, all due respect. You bring in stuff that no one said before, make assumptions and name call.

I'd love to go against you in court and I'm not a lawyer. :)

Lol. I disagree withRiley as often as I disagree with you. But he is far better at debate because, fundamentally, he is rational and you are not.
Lol. I disagree withRiley as often as I disagree with you. But he is FSR better at debate because, fundamentally, he is rational and you are not.

I don't think he's rational.

He name calls posters here all day. Check out his post history.
Lol. I disagree withRiley as often as I disagree with you. But he is far better at debate because, fundamentally, he is rational and you are not.
I think we agree more than not. When we don't, we really don't though. :)
I don't think he's rational.

He name calls posters here all day. Check out his post history.
You consider it "name calling" when it's actually just describing your behavior. You don't like it. I don't care. Call it like I see it.

Besides, calling names has nothing to do with having a rational argument. Something else you're getting wrong.
You consider it "name calling" when it's actually just describing your behavior. You don't like it. I don't care. Call it like I see it.

Besides, calling names has nothing to do with having a rational argument. Something else you're getting wrong.

You're more emotional and you strawman other people's positions.

This is why you're a poor debater.
The question is, can you? Apparently you just pick out the pieces you want to believe and follow and ignore the rest.

BTW - the answer to the question I posed to you is - nowhere.

The site can do a better job than I can at explaining things.

It does a good job of explaining you as a fraud. That's true.

I'm not Thomas Aquinas, that's for sure.