The Elon Musk Twitter shitshow

I seriously don't understand what Elon intends to accomplish with Twitter other than a public forum to display his ignorance and insecurities. Its bizarre behavior and he is losing billions almost every day. Its almost as if he witnessed Kanye West go berserk and decided that was a damn good idea but I can do it better.
I seriously don't understand what Elon intends to accomplish with Twitter other than a public forum to display his ignorance and insecurities. Its bizarre behavior and he is losing billions almost every day. Its almost as if he witnessed Kanye West go berserk and decided that was a damn good idea but I can do it better.

This is about killing Twitter or making it the next Myspace. As I said a page or two ago, twitter has been a great platform for regular people around the world to organize and fight for change. The billionaire overclass wants nothing more than for that means of communication to go away forever.

E-loon and his billionaire buddies could burn up 60 or even a 100 billion destroying twitter and they would see it as a fabulously successful investment.
E-loon and his billionaire buddies could burn up 60 or even a 100 billion destroying twitter and they would see it as a fabulously successful investment.
Yes I suppose so but he didn't seem to appreciate the collateral damage to his principal business. Tesla's market value has plummeted and it is hard to argue that he has not permanently alienated a huge segment of potential Tesla customers. He won't go broke but he has severely damaged any good will he worked to establish.
Sooo glad I’m not all twisted up about some damn social media dust up.
It just comes across as a balled up vipers nest.