The reality of just how dominant Michigan football has been over the years


HR All-State
Aug 17, 2023
21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
JHC.. this should be on the no one gives a FOOK forum
21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
I’ve been sort of rooting for Michigan to beat OSU and have thought the media is unfairly piling on Harbaugh, but @sshole posts like yours have me rethinking my position. What’s the point of this crap ”papa Ted ” ?
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21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
Why are you here? You come off as the school yard bully who thinks picking on a weak kid somehow proves something. Do you believe being a Michigan fan makes you superior to everyone else? Get over your self. You are no body.
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That’s the difference between Michigan and Iowa. If the head coach of Michigan isn’t getting the job done, they will fire you and hire the rest in the business.

Whatever reason, Iowa is content leaving KF at the helm. It’s almost like the university is scared to try to upgrade.
Harbaugh at Mich since 2015: 85-25
Kirk at Iowa since 2015: 80-32

Not that much of a difference although Michigan has made a couple playoffs due to their recent strong run.
Harbaugh at Mich since 2015: 85-25
Kirk at Iowa since 2015: 80-32

Not that much of a difference although Michigan has made a couple playoffs due to their recent strong run.
Not that much of a difference but Michigan are back to back big ten champs and favorites to win three in a row?!?
21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
Easy when you know the other team's plays. Ban Harbaugh from college football and make UM vacate all wins during that time frame. But they won't because the NCAA are a bunch of pussies.
That’s the difference between Michigan and Iowa. If the head coach of Michigan gets passed in wins, their lil whiny fans come over here and cry.

Whatever reason, Iowa is content leaving KF at the helm And he passed Bo, I’m in tears over it and have to get my Bo blow up doll back out.
At least you admit it
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21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
Well yeah, because they were cheating.
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21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
Fact....He was about to get run out until he started the blatant cheating.
Fact....He couldn't win playing by the rules.
He will be gone and Michigan will have to face the ramifications.
I wish you well.
A few comments as a Michigan fan. Kirk Ferentz is all that is right about college football. I make a point to watch as many Iowa games as I can. I watch Iowa football because, the game is played right in Iowa City. I'm not talking about the tactics of success or not, but attitude of conduct. Long after college P5 football disbands all conferences for a premier league, I will happily watch Iowa verses whomever. It is a pity that offense is so difficult to figure out. As an outsider I still enjoy watching Iowa football because the question just comes down to how are they going to win this game, which they inevitably do. Understood extremely unlikely against a team like Michigan that has a functioning offense paired with a defense equivalent to Iowa.

I don't really care about all time record. I care about one thing. We have beaten OSU three times in a row in an era where I thought UM would never win against OSU again. OSU will always have better talent then us. Harbaugh figured out a scheme and strategy that works. PSU is trying to beat OSU by being more OSU. Michigan figured out a way to beat OSU by being more Michigan. That means doing boring things like running the football between the tackles, running four plays to get ten yards, and shortening the game. Marvin Harrison Jr, had only three opportunities in the 2nd half before having to pull out a miracle with one minute left in the game. If UM had been tiny bit more aggressive prior to kicking the FG, they might have run the clock out and give a team only three chances in one half. For me Harbaugh is the best UM coach since Bo. Carr won some games. But he did not adjust to the changing landscape. Harbaugh did make a change to beat OSU at their peak. Carr was insisting a linebacker could defend a wide receiver when OSU went spread.

Which brings up the discussion of cheating. College football is a cesspool of corruption. Those that do pay for play, have refined their trade so its not "shame on you" for cheating and paying but "shame on you" for being sloppy. It is a well known fact that the Clemson's Georgia's, Bama's, and OSU have fully weaponized bagmen networks in place for decades. NIL just makes it easier and expands the pool of schools. We all see recruits who had no interest in school X suddenly choose school X. Schools like Texas A&M, Miami, and Florida are trying to break in to the top, by throwing as much money Steinbrenner style. The OSU AD implied that five star recruits were demanding and being paid 5K, just for the privilege of them visiting. It is rumored that the WSU QB has been offered over 1M NIL by a dozen different schools. Poaching is rampant. The concept of amateurism is an illusion.

Despite this mountain of filth that we willfully ignore to retain a utopia of what college athletics is supposed to be, oxygen is wasted on the greatest scandal since Shoeless Joe Jackson was thrown out of baseball. Michigan's entire success is not because of reform but because of the sordid work of an unpaided intern whose work was so outstanding he was rewarded with a salary that rivaled waiting tables in Ann Arbor. This is no different than election fraud. For those who parrot these ridiculous declarations, its on you to show via the plays on tape that Michigan had any teams schemes figured out. It should be self evident that Michigan, especially on defense was always in the right formation. No one has presented any statistical analysis of this.

If Connor Stalions was a code whisperer, he would have been paid a lot more than 50K. Regardless if what he did was technically illegal or not, I don't think it moved the needle, which is why he was only paid 50K. He probably had some idea that this gave him an edge, and did not. The NCAA even admitted to the irrelevancy of the rule. It is admitted that is perfectly okay for any of the tens of thousands of fans with phones to post footage of film on the internet or perhaps anonymously to be consumed by a football staff. It is perfectly okay for one football staff to present the polished product to another football staff. The in game footage from over a dozen vantage points is also available. The NCAA could have resolved this ages ago by going to wireless which has been used for three decades by the NFL and is in use by High Schools. The NCAA retained the current rules because many college coaches would lose out on gaming the system. What is the difference between gaming and cheating? Is this no different than history where the winner is an emperor and the loser a bandit?

For those who parrot the shrill accusations of Pettiti, I laugh at you.
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Lol. Cheating.

You do realize the NCAA is still investigating, right? It's gonna cost Harbaugh his job.
With all due respect, you need to understand that a lot of Michigan fans have looked into and considered this issue much more deeply than you appear to have. Jim Harbaugh is not losing his job over this. It is, without question, the biggest case of making a mountain of a molehill that I have ever seen in college sports. And the fact that the Big 10 Commissioner completely bought into it, at the urging of Michigan's biggest competitors, to level an unprecedented suspension of a team's head coach -- despite the NCAA publicly stating that there is no evidence Harbaugh knew anything about any of it -- should cause every other Big 10 member to be concerned about the naive idiot we have placed in charge of this conference.
Fact....He was about to get run out until he started the blatant cheating.
Fact....He couldn't win playing by the rules.
He will be gone and Michigan will have to face the ramifications.
I wish you well.
Fact: Every single one of these purported "facts" is incorrect. Harbaugh has as many wins as any team in the Big 10, including Iowa, between the start of Harbaugh's tenure and the most recent three year run, except for one team Ohio State. The idea that Michigan sucked under Harbaugh until these last few years is just demonstrably wrong. The won a lot. They were in the playoff race until deep into most seasons. Their problem until 2021 was they could not get past the one huge roadblock at the end of the year.

Suggesting that the sole factor (or even a significant factor) in Michigan's rise from very good to nationally elite over the past few years is the work of a low-level staffer (who has only been on staff since 2022) reveals a woeful lack of understanding about what is really at issue here. But I suspect you are not someone who is interested in understanding the facts here, but instead are simply interested in blindly parroting the loser refrain started by Ohio State, looking for excuses as to why they were no longer on top of the league.
21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
Do you post this much on the Michigan board?
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21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
Except bowl games. Jim is 1-6 in bowl games while coaching Michigan. The last bowl game Michigan won was in 2015. All against non-B1G opponents. To be fair though, by the time bowl games come around, there's really no opportunity to scout the opposing teams signs in time for the game.
Except bowl games. Jim is 1-6 in bowl games while coaching Michigan. The last bowl game Michigan won was in 2015. All against non-B1G opponents. To be fair though, by the time bowl games come around, there's really no opportunity to scout the opposing teams signs in time for the game.
Fair point, it is indeed true that all of Michigan’s bowl games under Harbaugh have been against non-B1G opponents. Without doing extensive research, I suspect most teams historically have played most of their bowl games against non-conference opponents.

As for the record, one consequence of not playing regularly in the TaxSlayer, Music City or Pinstripe Bowls is that you tend to face higher caliber opponents. Although, in fairness Iowa did get blown out 45-16 against Stanford in the one Rose Bowl they backed into when the actual Big 10 Champion that year was in the college football playoff. It’s true that Michigan didn’t win either of its last two bowl games under Harbaugh, which were College Football Playoff appearances. And only won one of the other assorted Orange and Citrus bowls Michigan has played in. But the reality of non-CFP bowl games in the modern era is that those games are meaningless exhibitions riddled with opt outs from most players with NFL prospects on both teams. So I wouldn’t necessarily draw too many conclusions from non-playoff bowl games.

Or it all could be explained by the massive competitive advantage some low-level staffer gained by getting iPhone footage of signs displayed in front of tens of thousands of people, and broadcast to millions more as well. That makes sense too.
Fair point, it is indeed true that all of Michigan’s bowl games under Harbaugh have been against non-B1G opponents. Without doing extensive research, I suspect most teams historically have played most of their bowl games against non-conference opponents.

As for the record, one consequence of not playing regularly in the TaxSlayer, Music City or Pinstripe Bowls is that you tend to face higher caliber opponents. Although, in fairness Iowa did get blown out 45-16 against Stanford in the one Rose Bowl they backed into when the actual Big 10 Champion that year was in the college football playoff. It’s true that Michigan didn’t win either of its last two bowl games under Harbaugh, which were College Football Playoff appearances. And only won one of the other assorted Orange and Citrus bowls Michigan has played in. But the reality of non-CFP bowl games in the modern era is that those games are meaningless exhibitions riddled with opt outs from most players with NFL prospects on both teams. So I wouldn’t necessarily draw too many conclusions from non-playoff bowl games.

Or it all could be explained by the massive competitive advantage some low-level staffer gained by getting iPhone footage of signs displayed in front of tens of thousands of people, and broadcast to millions more as well. That makes sense too.
Thank God you're here to defend Michigan's honor
  • Haha

Ted, yes - Michigan has won since they started cheating.

Before cheating: 65.6% winning
Since cheating: 92.3% winning

Effective. Very effective. But you will be punished and banned from FBS football, possibly for life.
That’s the difference between Michigan and Iowa. If the head coach of Michigan isn’t getting the job done, they will fire you and hire the rest in the business.

Whatever reason, Iowa is content leaving KF at the helm. It’s almost like the university is scared to try to upgrade.
From 10 wins during the regular season?
Except bowl games. Jim is 1-6 in bowl games while coaching Michigan. The last bowl game Michigan won was in 2015. All against non-B1G opponents. To be fair though, by the time bowl games come around, there's really no opportunity to scout the opposing teams signs in time for the game.
If its not for the NC, the bowl game is pointless. Most anyone interested in an NFL career does not care. That is the reality of the last five years. Bowl games are like the PRO bowl. No one cares.

What else happens to northern teams that have fan bases that travel well? Bowl games are pretty much all played in the south. That means a northern team has to travel. For example Georgia got to play OSU in its home state last year. At large bowl games are about entertainment and revenue. Michigan always gets a better at large bowl game because Michigan fans are numerous and travel. That means facing a better team. There was another famous coach by the name of Bo who also had difficulties winning far off bowl games. Was his Big10 success because Bo has a sign stealing operation? Kirk Ferentz also lost five bowl games in a row. Perhaps its just part of random variance.

I posted an extensive diatribe on the state of college football that no one has responded to. I will take it as self evident that there is no retort. College football is a cesspool of cheating. SEC schools are promising millions of dollars to recruits or players on other rosters to help win football games at their schools. The reason why wireless is not used in the college to call in plays is because big schools can allocate budget for dedicated sign stealing that smaller schools cannot. It is an irony that the 1994 rule was put in place to level the playing field. SEC schools like Alabama will hire an infinite number of out of work coaches to be "analysists" The OSU AD admitted that OSU pays up to 5K for a recruit to visit.

It is not clear to me if Connor Stalions actually violated the rule or gamed the system. If the 1994 law was written to prevent "in person scouting", Connor Stalions technically did not attend those games. I am of the opinion he was on the CMU sidelines not to help Michigan but to help his CMU coaching friends as MSU was a tire fire going into the 2023 season. MSU needed no scouting.

I am not going to argue the fine points of did Stalions break the NCAA rules or not. I am going to ask in this age of anything goes, how can you with a straight face argue that this moved the needle of any game? The OSU QB is going to be poached for over 1M a year. He could end up at the other OSU in Columbus. Everyone is yapping about an analysis being paid bartender wages while millions are changing hands. We all know how NIL is being used.
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Fair point, it is indeed true that all of Michigan’s bowl games under Harbaugh have been against non-B1G opponents. Without doing extensive research, I suspect most teams historically have played most of their bowl games against non-conference opponents.

As for the record, one consequence of not playing regularly in the TaxSlayer, Music City or Pinstripe Bowls is that you tend to face higher caliber opponents. Although, in fairness Iowa did get blown out 45-16 against Stanford in the one Rose Bowl they backed into when the actual Big 10 Champion that year was in the college football playoff. It’s true that Michigan didn’t win either of its last two bowl games under Harbaugh, which were College Football Playoff appearances. And only won one of the other assorted Orange and Citrus bowls Michigan has played in. But the reality of non-CFP bowl games in the modern era is that those games are meaningless exhibitions riddled with opt outs from most players with NFL prospects on both teams. So I wouldn’t necessarily draw too many conclusions from non-playoff bowl games.

Or it all could be explained by the massive competitive advantage some low-level staffer gained by getting iPhone footage of signs displayed in front of tens of thousands of people, and broadcast to millions more as well. That makes sense too.
Dumb point. Without doing any extensive research, I could probably tell you that bowl games are matchups between two relatively similar teams. So whether you play in the Orange Bowl, or the Pinstripe Bowl, the idea is that you are generally matched up against opponents with similar records and strength of schedule. So you are saying that poor Michigan was paired against teams that were legitimately better than them in each of their bowl games during the Harbaugh era? That's why they can't win bowl games? Did potential NFL draft picks also choose to sit out for Michigan's CFP bowl games? Michigan has managed to win just ONE meaningful out of conference game in all of Jim's tenure.

By the way, reaching back to an Iowa bowl game from almost a decade ago is a pathetically desperate deflection from the smoking gun fact that Michigan can't win outside of the B1G. And trying to compare Iowa to Michigan is equally pathetic. I thought Michigan football was the country's super blueblood program? Everyone knows about Iowa's woes on the football field. Everyone can see the difference in recruiting classes between the two schools. If Kirk Ferentz and his staff had just half the recruits Michigan pulls, they wouldn't be 1-6 in bowl games. And they wouldn't have to face allegations of cheating either.
Dumb point. Without doing any extensive research, I could probably tell you that bowl games are matchups between two relatively similar teams. So whether you play in the Orange Bowl, or the Pinstripe Bowl, the idea is that you are generally matched up against opponents with similar records and strength of schedule. So you are saying that poor Michigan was paired against teams that were legitimately better than them in each of their bowl games during the Harbaugh era? That's why they can't win bowl games? Did potential NFL draft picks also choose to sit out for Michigan's CFP bowl games? Michigan has managed to win just ONE meaningful out of conference game in all of Jim's tenure.

By the way, reaching back to an Iowa bowl game from almost a decade ago is a pathetically desperate deflection from the smoking gun fact that Michigan can't win outside of the B1G. And trying to compare Iowa to Michigan is equally pathetic. I thought Michigan football was the country's super blueblood program? Everyone knows about Iowa's woes on the football field. Everyone can see the difference in recruiting classes between the two schools. If Kirk Ferentz and his staff had just half the recruits Michigan pulls, they wouldn't be 1-6 in bowl games. And they wouldn't have to face allegations of cheating either.
Get on a MSU board. MSU forum is always full of angry people asking why UM got the better bowl. I also disagree on your argument about matchups. Determining matchups has nothing to do about competition. It has to do with money. Michigan may or may not be a blue-blood. What Michigan definitely is, is a green-blood. Michigan goes to bigger bowls because Michigan fans will fill up a stadium that MSU fans will not. That all said because so many stars do not play, it means nothing about the nature of the team.

The stretches to make a case that Stalions moved the needle is ridiculous. UM lost bowl games from 2017-2019 without Stalions help or lack of it. Losses happen for many reasons. Harbaugh has done a heck of a job figuring out a way to beat OSU at their peak. OSU has been led by two generational football talents and he beat them three times in a row when I thought it would never happen again. The lowest rung analyst was not the reason.
WHY are all these Michigan fans writing posts as long as “War and Peace”? Why does it take this many words to try and justify their program/coach? Should be easier than this …… right?????
Because we live in the age of TWITTER and TIKTOK where peoples brains are conditioned to have an attention span of seven seconds. I usually lurk. However, I feel angered by people attacking Harbaugh and calling him a cheater without doing any due diligence. Its voter fraud all over again. I do not dispute anything Connor Stalions did. I dispute this presumption that Connor Stalions was the Hunter Biden of a vast conspiracy.

And yes back to why you complain about so many words. That is a problem of society that people have stopped reading and writing.
21 straight home wins.

23 straight big 10 wins

2 easy victories in back to back Big Ten championship games

It doesn’t matter if he’s coaching at Stanford, the San Francisco 49ers, or the Michigan Wolverines. Jim Harbaugh is simply the best coach on all levels in American football.
How many of those games did they play without prior knowledge of the opponents plays?
Just curious.
I find it interesting that such a vastly superior team has to rely on cheating to win football games. They cheat when they recruit to, don’t they??
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