This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

How would they track his location from a screen shot? Detail this please.

Again, this is just people trying to score political points. If it was something of actual substance, they will be censured. Let me know when that happens.
So your position is because you don’t understand how a position might be triangulated it can’t happen. We could make a list of things a mile long that you don’t understand that doesn’t mean they don’t work, like vaccines.
Again very telling.
Maybe it wasn't a crime, but were they asked to not send pictures of the meeting?
Russians are hacked into servers of say Zoom and actively monitoring server logs, someone tweets an active call, gives something the hacker to clue in on, such as time, # of participants etc, hacker locates the log info in the server and extracts locations from that data. Hacker then provides that data to military and military is competent enough to do something with that info immediately. Can't tell 💩 from a screenshot but gives clues. Isn't phone data what gave up bin ladens location?
Explain in detail how it could be triangulated from a screenshot. You make a claim without any detail, please elaborate.
Just STFU already. No one is going to play your bullshit “just asking questions” game.

You think what Rubio did was fine, we get it. 98% of the thinking world disagrees with you. Deal with it.

Russians are hacked into servers of say Zoom and actively monitoring server logs, someone tweets an active call, gives something the hacker to clue in on, such as time, # of participants etc, hacker locates the log info in the server and extracts locations from that data. Hacker then provides that data to military and military is competent enough to do something with that info immediately. Can't tell 💩 from a screenshot but gives clues. Isn't phone data what gave up bin ladens location?

Dude, @LuciousBDragon is too ****ing stupid to understand this and will dismiss it without cause and ask for the exact specific details of the exact data packets of the exact trace by the exact Russian cyberwarfare unit. Without those details, he just isn’t sure the plausible harm is legit.

Just tell him to GFY and GTFO. We’d all be better off for it.
I would think there could be some electronic measures taken to prevent that, right?
You think Zelensky wants to bet his life on "could be"?

If the Russians do not have the active intel as to exactly WHEN he is transmitting, then the chances are ZERO.

When Rubio and others tweet out in realtime WHEN he is transmitting, the chances are NOT ZERO.

Is this not clear?
Jesus, most of you fvcks are just insufferable. Even when you ask others to keep the politics out of the thread you go ahead and throw in something politically inflammatory to the other side in the process. If politics rule your day to day life and dictate how you treat other people, then you're the problem. Lots of you guys on both sides need to get a fricken grip.
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Dude, @LuciousBDragon is too ****ing stupid to understand this and will dismiss it without cause and ask for the exact specific details of the exact data packets of the exact trace by the exact Russian cyberwarfare unit. Without those details, he just isn’t sure the plausible harm is legit.

Just tell him to GFY and GTFO. We’d all be better off for it.
Would it help to generate a meme instead and toss in a let's go Brandon along with it?
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