This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Russians are hacked into servers of say Zoom and actively monitoring server logs, someone tweets an active call, gives something the hacker to clue in on, such as time, # of participants etc, hacker locates the log info in the server and extracts locations from that data. Hacker then provides that data to military and military is competent enough to do something with that info immediately. Can't tell 💩 from a screenshot but gives clues. Isn't phone data what gave up bin ladens location?
Zoom was never 100% secure and never meant to be a wartime communication vehicle. Again, mass media reported the zoom call was occurring. Your claim could have been accomplished without Rubio’s tweet since the whole world woke up with the news that a zoom call was occurring.
Russians are hacked into servers of say Zoom and actively monitoring server logs, someone tweets an active call, gives something the hacker to clue in on, such as time, # of participants etc, hacker locates the log info in the server and extracts locations from that data. Hacker then provides that data to military and military is competent enough to do something with that info immediately. Can't tell 💩 from a screenshot but gives clues. Isn't phone data what gave up bin ladens location?
This is EXACTLY what has been explained numerous times already.

Knowing precisely WHEN a call is ongoing, and when it's initiated, is valuable information to narrow down transmission locations they are able to identify in Ukraine.

It may not pinpoint EXACTLY where Zelensky is, but it can sure narrow the field down to a small number of places to focus another assassination squad.

You can explain this as many times as you like; that troll is simply going to keep trolling until enough people report it to get him booted out of the thread here.
90% of what I've posted has been informative stuff.

Maybe you missed that.
Maybe if you eliminated the other 10%(actually about 30%) people would be praising you in this thread like you desire instead of politely asking you to STFU about your partisan bullshit and petty scores you need to settle.

You're right Joe. You're always right, about everything. So if anyone has disagreed with you we know they are wrong and you are right. So that settles it.

NOW can you stop with the partisan bullshit?
Well this is you're thread Joe, whatever you say goes.
I've collected WAY more likes from people all over the spectrum in this thread than you have.
Because I've posted things people want to see. Not your crap.

You seem rather edgy on how "the politics" is against you. That is probably a "you" problem, then.
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You're right Joe. You're always right,
I sure as shit was right about the Russians and their supply lines being the "weak link", posted in the 18th post in this thread.

So, whether you agree with me politically, or not, you might wanna consider listening to the people who are right more often than not.
I've collected WAY more likes from people all over the spectrum in this thread than you have.
Because I've posted things people want to see. Not your crap.

You seem rather edgy on how "the politics" is against you. That is probably a "you" problem, then.
I voted Biden dipshit, and have praised him in this thread.

Congrats on your likes as I know it means a lot to you. I’ve given you some of those beloved likes for your good posts. Politely asking you to stop the partisan crap and you selfishly refuse.

It’s all about you Joe.
I sure as shit was right about the Russians and their supply lines being the "weak link", posted in the 18th post in this thread.

So, whether you agree with me politically, or not, you might wanna consider listening to the people who are right more often than not.
JFC, no one knew this but you? Are you on the ground in Ukraine? But you posted it first.

You’re so smart Joe.
Can you guys just start a Rubio thread for that back and forth. Almost everyone is asking to do it and you won’t stop posting about it. Same thing with Joes Place posts. Joe, just start a separate Trump/GOP/Ukraine thread instead of ruining this one.

Joe is a ****ing loser. I’m about to use the ignore feature for the first time ever.
I voted Biden dipshit, and have praised him in this thread.

Congrats on your likes as I know it means a lot to you. I’ve given you some of those beloved likes for your good posts. Politely asking you to stop the partisan crap and you selfishly refuse.

It’s all about you Joe.

Probably the only thing he has going for him in his pathetic little life.
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Can I get a 24x18”?
No, it's not. And most of my posts are about Ukrainians in this thread.
You seem to be more interested in backing "your team" than posting about them.
Link my posts ‘backing my team’ or stfu.

I just want Ukraine news, you can start all kinds of threads to prove how smart you are, how team red bad, team blue good. It’s not needed or wanted in this thread and DOZENS of people have told you so.

But it’s all about Joe. It’s you’re thread.

Hey guys! Did you know Joe said in the 18th post that the Russian supply lines were the weak link?? He’s the smartest guy in the thread!!
Just STFU already. No one is going to play your bullshit “just asking questions” game.

You think what Rubio did was fine, we get it. 98% of the thinking world disagrees with you. Deal with it.

Not sorry at all! Hoping you guys will think twice before copying the latest BS cheap political shots during this mess.

“98% disagrees”…..drama queen much??
You seem angry.

Were you backing the politicians in America that helped create this mess, and that cognitive dissonance is now hitting home?


Do you jerk off to every like you get because that is all you have going for you in life?