This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I'm dead serious....I'm shutting down my law firm. Ukraine has promised me no money. They will supposedly pay for food and sleep,

Sometimes you eat the bar, sometimes the bar eats you.... quote the movie line and then give a donation
Can you post some of this corespondence for us to see? Very interested to see how the process works.

The nationalist racists with a penchant for Nazi symbology are a real thing in Ukraine.
Articles like the one I just linked are being forgotten about to make it easier to sell a good guy / bad guy picture to the audience.

This year [2018], though, the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill signed into law last week stipulates that "none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide arms, training or other assistance to the Azov Battalion." "White supremacy and neo-Nazism are unacceptable and have no place in our world," Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), an outspoken critic of providing lethal aid to Ukraine, said in a statement to The Hill on Tuesday. "I am very pleased that the recently passed omnibus prevents the U.S. from providing arms and training assistance to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion fighting in Ukraine."
The United States has been aiding and training Ukrainian forces in their fight against Russian-backed separatists since 2014, and recently expanded that aid to include arms. The omnibus includes about $620.7 million in aid for Ukraine, including $420.7 million in State Department and foreign operations funds and $200 million in Pentagon funds.
The Azov Battalion was founded in 2014, and its first commander was Andriy Biletsky, who previously headed the neo-Nazi group Patriot of Ukraine. Several members of the militia, which has been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard, are self-avowed neo-Nazis.

Amazingly, they are as well in America!!!!

Are they affiliated with and supported by a major political faction in Ukraine like in America?
So basically 3 people, of which Putin is one and the other two hand picked by him. If they're on board, or 2/3 of them and the other's family is held at gunpoint, etc

So, they get to choose if their families die from a gunshot or from a nuke.

Pretty easy one, really...
The military guys aren't "handpicked" by anyone but themselves. They are oligarch/gangsters like Putin himself, and go back to Soviet times. I see Russia's government as essentially bicameral, with Putin allowed to be the dictator as long as the military, led by Soigu, are happy with his performance.

How many of them want to live in a world that's completely nuked?

They like the lavish lifestyles and swanky shopping places. Those all go away with WW III nukes.
No it’s not…the exact opposite.

I do agree we’re kind of being held hostage….6,000 nukes give him that ability. It’s the reality of the situation

Only if they actually work

Cuz if they've been allowed to degrade like the rest of his war machine, I'm betting on quite a few "own goals" upcoming...
How many of them want to live in a world that's completely nuked?

They like the lavish lifestyles and swanky shopping places. Those all go away with WW III nukes.
Your overconfidence on this is cute. Deranged in a sort of way, but cute.

Only if they actually work

Cuz if they've been allowed to degrade like the rest of his war machine, I'm betting on quite a few "own goals" upcoming...
Remind me again how many functional ones are needed again?
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Passport application has been affirmed as expedited. In talks with Ukraine, have been granted stay in Poland hotel. Foreign Legion, friends

They gave me a list of things to bring. I'd be happy to take a HROT load of donations / supplies to Ukraine.

I would think one of you HROT rich could negotiate me taking supplies.
Dont forget to hand out some Hawkeye gear!
What if the US sat out WW2?

Can we sell arms to UK and USSR in this hypothetical?
Do I still start the Manhattan Project in 1939?

I can image a world where the Europeans and Asians slaughter each other for decades without Americans.
They did it for centuries before.

What is your point? not trying to be a dick. This war needs to be over ASAP. Putin needs to go. Everyone is in agreement with this
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I can't remember who it was on here that I introduced Gordon Lightfoot to.

But would this not sound bad ass blaring speakers to Russians,......

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...........because that would be so helpful for
Who is the 'world'?

I can think of a hundreds of thousands of American families 'helped' if we avoided contributing to the centuries of bloodshed in Europe and Asia.

I can't remember who it was on here that I introduced Gordon Lightfoof to.
But would this not sound bad ass blaring speakers to Russians,......
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We disagree that Americans are needed.
My hope for you is that everything goes better than expected.

For their own reasons.
National altruism is propaganda.

We can agree to disagree. And I'm fine with that. I want to finish Putin, so my grandkids don't have to deal with this type of shit.

So....yeah, if our government is not going to do it, me and and another 10K veterans will help keep the children of Ukraine safe
I am coming around to this line of thinking. I think, and I know this may piss some off and I am not trying to derail this thread, but some of the difficulties we are having and have had with Russia is old fashion racism. If they were doing exact same thing but were an Asian or Middle East country, we would be much quicker to blame the entire country itself and view their entire society as being barbaric, dangerous, and likely never able to accept the concepts of a modern, free "westernized" country. But the Russians, whelp, they look like us and border Europe. So we blame their leaders and think they are just waiting to be free and follow the true framework of a "westernized" country, even though the reality is they may be more like a China or an Afghanistan and are decades and decades and even centuries away from such a thing.

This video is in the comments of original tweet. It's well worth an hour for the lecture.

TL;DW - The 1000 year history that shaped present day culture, systems and rules are different than in the west and the people know and largely embrace this reality.

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I have no doubts that racism takes a big place here. White people being killed. I have personally taken that out of account.

To me, it is the pictures and videos that we didn't have a century ago. We need to stop this. Horrific. Whatever you want to call it.

It needs to stop
And you're the one to do it? I mean best of luck to you. But this just feels a little John Wayne/Captain America grandiose destiny stuff. I mean unless you're heading there to deliver a bunch of Migs and tons of weaponry, how much of a difference are you going to make in the war theater? How many people are you connecting with who are going? Is there a batallion of you guys with proper leadership, command, etc... or are you just going to feel good?

Just trying to figure out how you're going to stop Putin as if we don't see tons of people egging Putin on in leadership who'd be more than happy to take his place?
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You would shit yourself if you saw (unofficial) US veterans wanting/going to serve a cause more worthy than Iraq or GoatAstan
I already assumed many of them signed up to defend the constitution, which is a cause way more worthy than propping up a corrupt puppet state in GoatAstan, or protecting foreign princes and kings.

Please start a Saul Goodman Goes to War thread, document things there, and have a spot to update the world whenever you have the chance.

edit: In case the tone of this is misread, I wish you well and don’t want to see any potential updates from you disappear in this thread.
And you're the one to do it? I mean best of luck to you. But this just feels a little John Wayne/Captain America grandiose destiny stuff. I mean unless you're heading there to deliver a bunch of Migs and tons of weaponry, how much of a difference are you going to make in the war theater? How many people are you connecting with who are going? Is there a batallion of you guys with proper leadership, command, etc... or are you just going to feel good?

Just trying to figure out how you're going to stop Putin as if we don't see tons of people egging Pttutin on in leadership who'd be more than happy to take his place?

No, I'm not the ONE. But dear lord, do you think things just fix themselves? You want freedom and democracy, but you think that doesn't come with a cost? Some of us are willing to put our lives on the line. Some not
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At some point, the people are going to find out they are being lied to....about everything.
This is why Putin is going to great lengths to establish outsiders and disloyal Russians are to blame. Look for a rise in anti Semitism from the Kremlin, too.
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