This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

This morning MSNBC was scrolling, that WSJ reported, the US was supplying Ukraine with the vaunted Russian S400 SAM System which we had purchased from another country. (Turkey?) Hope they can get them in there safely.
Oh, but Joni Ernst said the US/NATO isn't doing enough. She got her talking points from Fox. Just proves what a stupid, useless trip those politicians made last week.

Regardless of their newness, it's something the Ukrainians are likely familiar with. Any weaponry is likely welcomed.
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Why are we giving them crappy hand-me-downs and not the good stuff?

"The weapons are familiar to Ukraine’s military, which inherited this type of equipment following the breakup of the Soviet Union."

"American-made weapons such as the Patriot air defense system are in short supply and require American military personnel or months of U.S. training to operate."
Here's a shocker ( :rolleyes: ) - Procter & Gamble lied when they said they were selling only baby formula and vital necessities, unless you consider lip gloss "vital."

Despite growing pressure, consumer-product giants including Procter & Gamble that had vowed to limit sales in Russia to basic necessities continue to stock shelves with products such as children’s lip gloss, potato chips and air freshener.

I don't know the answer to this but are world grain markets that tight? Can we just ramp up production here in the United States and cover Ukraine's lost production? And this is not minimizing nuclear war or specific to nuclear, but thinking about Ukraine's certain lost production regardless of how the war ends.
Poor people in Africa and Asian will suffer food scarcity, the West will suffer higher prices.
Russia is a large grain exporter as is Ukraine. Not being able to use the Black Sea is going to screw up deliveries and increase prices.

Surely some folks on this board can tell us more about crops, but this doesn’t bode well on top of other stresses:

Food prices in the U.S. have already been soaring, and now we are on track for an absolutely horrible winter wheat harvest. Of course this comes at a time when the war on the other side of the globe is going to greatly reduce wheat exports from Russia and Ukraine. Over the last 12 months, the price of wheat has already risen 69 percent, and now this crisis threatens to go to an entirely new level.


Due to extreme drought, winter wheat is in very bad shape in states such as Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The following comes from one of the most prominent agricultural websites in the entire country…

Some farmers in southwestern Kansas, the top U.S. wheat producing state, have not received much measurable rain or snow since October. Winter wheat is planted in autumn, lays dormant in winter and begins sending up green shoots in spring. Proper soil moisture is critical at this stage for the crop to thrive.
More than half of Kansas was classified as under severe drought or worse as of March 8, the driest conditions since 2018, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center. Severe drought is also covering three-quarters of Oklahoma and more than two-thirds of Texas, both of which also are large wheat producers.

That same article also discussed the fact that winter wheat was severely damaged by a wind storm “that brought ‘Dust Bowl’ conditions to Kansas”

The coming weeks will be critical for the southern Plains wheat crop, said Lucas Haag, extension agronomist at Kansas State University. Many farmers apply fertilizer to maximize crop potential, but moisture is needed to carry nutrients to plant roots, he said.
Wheat plants damaged by the December wind storm that brought “Dust Bowl” conditions to Kansas face additional drought problems because plants have been weakened either by the sand-blast effect of blowing dust and dirt or by soil nutrient loss from the 100 mph (161 kph) winds.
And forecasters are telling us that “abnormally dry” conditions will likely continue across much of the nation for the foreseeable future…

Abnormally dry to exceptional drought conditions are expected to persist across 60% of the continental U.S. as spring in the Northern Hemisphere begins. Forecasters expect little to no rain for certain parts of the western U.S. through June.
From April to June, above-average temperatures are expected from Southwest to the East Coast and north through the Midwest, according to a new outlook published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
NOAA’s map shows a greater than 50% chance of drought persistence for nearly 60% of the continental U.S.
This morning MSNBC was scrolling, that WSJ reported, the US was supplying Ukraine with the vaunted Russian S400 SAM System which we had purchased from another country. (Turkey?) Hope they can get them in there safely.
Looks like this could be old stuff captured and studied. And it says we are not sending them our captured S300 systems.

"The U.S. government is sending Soviet-era air defense systems in its possession to Ukraine, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal. These systems will reportedly come from stocks of foreign materiel that elements of the U.S. military and Intelligence Community have obtained in various ways over the years for intelligence analysis and training purposes. The possibility that these so-called foreign materiel exploitation, or FME, programs could offer a useful source of additional air defense capabilities that Ukraine badly needs is exactly what that The War Zone laid out just recently."

Even if the U.S. military has no missiles to send along with some or all of these systems, the Ukrainians could use their own stocks of missiles to make them operational or simply use them as sources of spare parts to help keep other examples running.

For the U.S. government, the FME stockpiles present the additional benefit of being entirely at America's discretion to transfer to Ukraine. U.S. officials have been actively working with other allies and partners to try to find more stocks of Soviet-era and Russian-made air defense systems, among other things, that could go to Ukraine. However, those third-party countries have often been wary of such deals for political reasons or have had stipulations of their own that could be complicated to meet."

Ukraine provides most of the grains for those countries, including Russia.
US and Brazil ain't gonna make up the difference.
True, and certainly the US/Brazil can't do it in the short term.

Any product with wheat/small grain components(cereals, breads, etc) are going to see significant price jumps very soon. Canadian and American farmers can't do any switching, in regards to crop planting, without a year's planning.
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That's the fear for me. There seems to be a clear divide between very authoritarian, hawkish, old timers who are close to Putin and who really want war to reclaim the USSR regardless of how many people have to die to do it.

There are also some more level headed people who think it's nonsense.

Just because Putin gets taken out (possibly) doesn't mean the next guy up is any better.
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Before you can achieve something, you have to imagine what it will look like. And in this war, victory can be imagined without difficulty. It means that Ukraine remains a sovereign democracy, with the right to choose its own leaders and make its own treaties. There will be no pro-Russian puppet regime in Kyiv, no need for a prolonged Ukrainian resistance, no continued fighting. The Russian army retreats back over the borders. Maybe those borders could change, or maybe Ukraine could pledge neutrality, but that is for the Ukrainians to decide and not for outsiders to dictate. Maybe international peacekeepers are needed. Whatever happens, Ukraine must have strong reasons to believe that Russian troops will not quickly return.

How should the West respond? There is only one rule: We cannot be afraid. Russia wants us to be afraid—so afraid that we are crippled by fear, that we cannot make decisions, that we withdraw altogether, leaving the way open for a Russian conquest of Ukraine, and eventually of Poland or even further into Europe. Putin remembers very well an era when Soviet troops controlled the eastern half of Germany. But the threat to those countries will not decrease if Russia carries out massacres in Ukraine. It will grow.

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Which is why they ain't gonna go there.

Russia starves w/o Ukrainian grain. Turn that into a nuclear wasteland and Putin, along with all his oligarchs, are toast.
Yeah, that's what I also think Joe. Like I've said 20 times so far. I've also made it clear that it's what I think, not know. Seems to be a pretty big distinction.

Didn't you just post this a page ago? Am I reading this wrong or....????

Serious question. How old are the Russian planes, and how old is their comms gear and tactics?
Depends....they're flying new aircraft and legacy aircraft. They've pretty much shown their tactics suck....should have had complete air superiority a couple days in.

They're newer stuff is pretty good...legacy stuff is crap IMO.
Yeah, that's what I also think Joe. Like I've said 20 times so far. I've also made it clear that it's what I think, not know. Seems to be a pretty big distinction.

Didn't you just post this a page ago? Am I reading this wrong or....????

Putin knows things don't end well for deposed dictators.....he doesn't want to end up being hung from a light pole.

With the way things are going...there really isn't an "off ramp" for him. I can see him going scorched earth...
Putin knows things don't end well for deposed dictators.....he doesn't want to end up being hung from a light pole.

With the way things are going...there really isn't an "off ramp" for him. I can see him going scorched earth...
He doesn't want to be hanged but he is OK being obliterated by nukes?

How does this make sense?

Either he is a suicidal maniac or not.
He doesn't want to be hanged but he is OK being obliterated by nukes?

How does this make sense?

Either he is a suicidal maniac or not.
Very likely he could make it through a nuclear exchange, just like many of our higher level military and politicians. You don't think they have something similar to our Cheyenne Mountain in the Urals?
He doesn't want to be hanged but he is OK being obliterated by nukes?

How does this make sense?

Either he is a suicidal maniac or not.
With nukes, nobody will be left to laugh at him. It's not about dying, it's about being mocked. Remember, Trump idolizes this guy. He's the same mentality. Appearance is the most important thing. That's why he poses for homoerotic photos bare chested on a horse or fake hockey games where the national team lets him score 8 goals. And he probably convinces himself that's a legit thing, like he really did that and they were playing their hardest. Just like Trump convinces himself he wins golf tournaments.