This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Yah the UN needs to end, it is so pointless.
It does a lot of other stuff. It was not designed to stop one of the Security Council members (or their proxies) from waging war.
It’s to line up everybody against the little guys who won’t otherwise get in line.
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This is why I chose to look at the pictures. I told my son (17) these are really f!cked but he needed to see these, and hear how males 18-60 were rounded up and slaughtered.
And make sure that he understands how fortunate and blessed he is to live in a country that values human rights; and that has never been invaded and occupied by a foreign army in the modern era...

Who does this? It is one thing for a mad man to order or condone it, but another to be the one to actually cut the ears off kids and pull their teeth out before killing them.
It's what happens when we dehumanize those "not like us".
When people are programmed to hate, not to think......and stop for even 1 second to think about what they are doing...
These Russians are savages. They are not even animals as to what they are doing to the Ukrainian people. I hope they all die painfully. Especially Putin. This from a Ukrainian friend.
Thx for that horrifying link.

Incredibly important for people to see the outcomes of people (and nations) cozying up with dictators. Are we really this concerned about "gas prices" in America, when this is what comes with the territory?
It's what happens when we dehumanize those "not like us".
When people are programmed to hate, not to think......and stop for even 1 second to think about what they are doing...
I am NOT condoning anything, but this isn’t like they are in a far off land fighting people who don’t look like them or speak their same language (well, some). This would be like if Seattle did this to Vancouver, which just underscores the evil.
I am NOT condoning anything, but this isn’t like they are in a far off land fighting people who don’t look like them or speak their same language (well, some). This would be like if Seattle did this to Vancouver, which just underscores the evil.

And we see the end-results of bombed out gas stations and cities, not what they looked like a couple months ago. And most looked like any small city or rural village in America before this carnage.
Why is this not being reported on the MSM? Not seeing it anywhere and it makes me angry.
Like I said earlier in this thread, I’m currently working for a major news network and the info we broadcast is generally a day or two behind this thread. A big part of that is confirming stories, unlike people on Twitter.
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The real problem with the UN is that there is no stipulation on membership with respect to the rights of the citizens of any country.

When autocrats and dictators hold membership, then you have an entity that is beholden to the interests of autocrats and dictators.
he real problem with the un is the concept of permanent members from 75 years ago.
Who does this? It is one thing for a mad man to order or condone it, but another to be the one to actually cut the ears off kids and pull their teeth out before killing them.
The US needs to do more militarily to end these atrocities. We can’t allow it to go on further. We don’t even need propaganda. The Russians are doing that all on their own. Show the world a heavy dose of the atrocities on a regular basis. Give the Russians an ultimatum. Your little fun playing army bad guy is over. Get out or else.

"+18 A friend of the man, a doctor from Zaporizhia, writes: girls, the oldest 10 years old, were brought from Mariupol with vaginal and anal ruptures. They simply should not exist, I am ready to pray to all the gods that these creatures die in agony"

This subject needs it's own thread so the related posts and linked articles and pictures can be easily found. That is difficult in a 450 page thread.
Yah the UN needs to end, it is so pointless.

Well at the very least there needs to be some shakeups going on.
Sending bags of rice to some starving people is one thing (after local graft and payoffs ) but some strong talk and verbal ass kicking to even state the obvious is needed. Maybe large color photos that we’re seeing in this thread could be up in the lobby of the UN?
The efforts to dispute the footage from Bucha is sad. I understand trying to make sure it’s verified but those that are saying it was staged rankles me. What is more likely, that a regime with a history of doing precisely what is on video is guilty or that Ukraine, war reporters, citizens, all collaborating to get the west to get more involved. It’s not always a conspiracy. That mindset is toxic.
The efforts to dispute the footage from Bucha is sad. I understand trying to make sure it’s verified but those that are saying it was staged rankles me. What is more likely, that a regime with a history of doing precisely what is on video is guilty or that Ukraine, war reporters, citizens, all collaborating to get the west to get more involved. It’s not always a conspiracy. That mindset is toxic.

Who is saying it is staged? Russian media? US right wing media and Trumpists?
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