This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Huh, wonder why they keep asking for our help then.

Do you ever get bored of making yourself look imbecilic by taking contrary takes? 🙄


If the circumstances were that we were trying to invade Russia and take Moscow? You don't think the Russians would be able to put up a fight?
Who do you think trained the Ukrainian Army for the past 5 years?

I don't think the Russians have the forward-projection capability that everyone thought they had, but that says nothing about their ability to play defense if we came after them.
You think taking Moscow would be a walk in the park?
I didn’t say that. We don’t have any interest in occupying Russia. The conversation is about military capability. They can’t even gain air superiority - at least not in a useful fashion - over UKRAINE. In relative terms, Ukraine doesn’t even have a modern air force. No stealth fighters or bombers. Don’t have all of the eyes on the sky. In a conventional war we would absolutely decimate their military.
I don't think the Russians have the forward-projection capability that everyone thought they had, but that says nothing about their ability to play defense if we came after them.
I'm pretty confident our equipment and our allies is much more superior to the Russian equipment. We have seen that demonstrated over the last six weeks. The only defense they have is their current defense....Nukes. Our military would absolutely obliterate the Russians. Just what we would unleash through the air, I would think we would have air superiority in days and not weeks.
I'm pretty confident our equipment and our allies is much more superior to the Russian equipment. We have seen that demonstrated over the last six weeks. The only defense they have is their current defense....Nukes. Our military would absolutely obliterate the Russians. Just what we would unleash through the air, I would think we would have air superiority in days and not weeks.
The thing about Trad is he knows this. He’s so committed to his contrarian schtick, though, he has to pretend he doesn’t.

What I don’t understand is why he’d want to look stupid. But that must just be some weird mental quirk.
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Ukrainian kid reaches out to Russian kids. Gets reaction you'd expect.

Link still works if you click red dot -->

We could find plenty of American adults to say much worse about Mexico. I take that whole thing with a grain of salt.

That said, I do also expect thats a general attitude towards any number of their neighbors. Russia thinks they are the Russian World Superpower of old. Not an old superpower thats a shell of the USSR.
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Or their would be no blood. He took Crimea with BHO and Joe in charge. Attacked Uk after slow joe talked about a minor incursion and no US troops involved.
I know you think this makes Trump look good, but it shows how poorly you have chosen to understand the situation when it happened. It's impossible to take anything you type seriously when you spew out nonsense like this.
I didn’t say that. We don’t have any interest in occupying Russia. The conversation is about military capability. They can’t even gain air superiority - at least not in a useful fashion - over UKRAINE. In relative terms, Ukraine doesn’t even have a modern air force. No stealth fighters or bombers. Don’t have all of the eyes on the sky. In a conventional war we would absolutely decimate their military.
From what I've seen, the US would effectively end Russia's ability to conduct war in about a month, that is if Russia wouldn't launch nukes. But they would, because those would be among the first targets and they would be in a use em or lose em scenario.
I know you think this makes Trump look good, but it shows how poorly you have chosen to understand the situation when it happened. It's impossible to take anything you type seriously when you spew out nonsense like this.
Htf does what i typed make trump look good? Not the point maroon. You can speculate all you want but here are some facts.
Putin took Crimea with slow joe and Bho.
He invaded Uk after showing a massive build up and having our leader say a minor incursion might be ok and us troops would never be involved defending Uk.
Sorry - those are facts.
Htf does what i typed make trump look good? Not the point maroon. You can speculate all you want but here are some facts.
Putin took Crimea with slow joe and Bho.
He invaded Uk after showing a massive build up and having our leader say a minor incursion might be ok and us troops would never be involved defending Uk.
Sorry - those are facts.
The conversation was about Trump and you brought up a bullshit Whataboutism as your response, while choosing to completely ignore all of the reasons why the US couldn't just roll in there and start blowing the shit out of the Russians in Crimea. I'm guessing you would be upset about that too, if we did that. If I searched hard enough, I'm betting I'd find posts from you claiming about how Obama started 3 wars or whatever that line of BS is with the right wingers. However, that's not how I want to spend my Sunday.

Good god you're terrible at this. It's a nice day, maybe you should do something else with your time.
Based on the images and reports comings out of the previously occupied Ukraini villages I’m now officially on board with NATO military intervention, particularly air support and a NFZ over all of Ukraine and Crimea. If Putin and Russia decide to pull the nuke trigger, so be it. I think we as a species don’t deserve to occupy the planet any longer if we just turn away and ignore these atrocities.
I’m watching Fareed. This really has been a triumph of journalism.

You mean actual journalism and not opinion talk shows right. :)

edited - I do think this war will further outline the need for and undermine actual journalism with sources and facts vs Twitter "reporting". Perhaps there is a place for both, but I think it puts more strain on actual reporting and journalism to be the first on breaking news.
This is the kind of thing that absolutely must be independently verified. Would be wildly irresponsible to just run with social media posts as sources.
Yes. And it’s imperative that the UN or a human rights group gets in and verified things. There might even be Russian captives or some loose talk that was intercepted. False information about atrocities has been used in past conflicts. But, if true, there has to be a sober look at what we are offering in the way of assistance. Maybe we need to hand over the MiGs. Maybe the no fly zone needs to be revisited.

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