This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

The efforts to dispute the footage from Bucha is sad. I understand trying to make sure it’s verified but those that are saying it was staged rankles me. What is more likely, that a regime with a history of doing precisely what is on video is guilty or that Ukraine, war reporters, citizens, all collaborating to get the west to get more involved. It’s not always a conspiracy. That mindset is toxic.
Im not disputing the footage but there is collaboration from Ukrainian reporters and civilians to get the west more involved. Thats reality and smart of them to do so.
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This is the kind of thing that absolutely must be independently verified. Would be wildly irresponsible to just run with social media posts as sources.
Crisis actors with the hands tied behind their backs and shot in the head? Their ability to stay motionless would be Oscar worthy.
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Crisis actors with the hands tied behind their backs and shot in the head? Their ability to stay motionless would be Oscar worthy.
Not at all. But again, a journalist’s job is to verify independently. There is not a need to rush this process - it’s vitally important that the story be airtight and accurate and impossible to deny. This is not a case where being “first” to publish is particularly valuable. It is more a situation of documenting than breaking news.
Not at all. But again, a journalist’s job is to verify independently. There is not a need to rush this process - it’s vitally important that the story he airtight and accurate and impossible to deny.
And documented with video and pictures. Important to note a lot of these images are in fact being relayed by journalists there
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These are dead people. Children who have been savagely hurt.
Cut the unnecessary shit right now.

Truth hurts...your guy has kissed Putin's ass multiple times since this war started including at his cult rally grift last night.

If Orange Jesus had succeeded in his coup attempt, Zelenskyy and tens of thousands more Ukrainians would be dead and NATO would be in the process of being disbanded. Poland and the Baltic NATO members would soon be under attack.

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Truth hurts...your guy has kissed Putin's ass multiple times since this war started including at his cult rally grift last night.

If Orange Jesus had succeeded in his coup attempt, Zelenskyy and tens of thousands more Ukrainians would be dead and NATO would be in the process of being disbanded. Poland and the Baltic NATO members would soon be under attack.

Or their would be no blood. He took Crimea with BHO and Joe in charge. Attacked Uk after slow joe talked about a minor incursion and no US troops involved.
let's assume that the pictures and stories of war crimes including genocide have been committed are true and legitimate, will that be enough for the West to put an end to Russia as a country?

this plan that we have of sanctions and supplying weapons is only going to go so far and last so long until Russia wipes out the Ukrainian civilian population
This is the kind of thing that absolutely must be independently verified. Would be wildly irresponsible to just run with social media posts as sources.
Can't think of anytime where the press ran with bullshit?
Or their would be no blood. He took Crimea with BHO and Joe in charge. Attacked Uk after slow joe talked about a minor incursion and no US troops involved.

It would have been a slow death. Ukrainians would have been put on trains en masse and sent to gulag work camps. UKR political activists, artists and intellectuals would be systematically jailed and gradually eliminated. Young women would be kidnapped and raped. All of this would have occurred mostly unnoticed by the west as attention would be elsewhere.

No blood? You're clueless.
It would be slow death. Ukrainians would have been put on trains and sent to gulag work camps. UKR political activists, artists and intellectuals would be systematically jailed and gradually eliminated. Young women would be kidnapped and raped. All of this would have occurred mostly unnoticed by the west as attention would be elsewhere.

No blood? You're clueless.
Since you can predict the future and such can you let me know where to invest assuming the house and senate go Republican in Nov?

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