This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Recent General Petraeus interview gives some great insight and a summation of things to this point

Our TV media is so shallow.

Interesting commentary regarding the utility and logistics issues associated with the M-1.
In short, it’s a rich man’s tank, and not suitable everywhere. Needs service at the dealership.
I remember reading articles in the ‘80s talking about the crazy amount of fuel it would take to feed the western armored divisions, particularly the thirsty M-1.
I also recall observations on how convenient it was to launch Desert Storm and Cobra II from the globe’s gas station.

"Russian navy support ships were reportedly spotted near the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines before they were ruptured by explosions. The claims come as Moscow has again denied involvement in the suspected sabotage, instead blaming the U.S.

Citing Western intelligence officials, CNN said that the alleged presence of Russian vessels was being investigated as a cause of underwater explosions in the Baltic Sea, as Moscow faces accusations that it's trying to manipulate energy flows to hurt Europe."
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Presumably these will replace regular troops who can go to Ukraine. My question is why do they have to replace them if Belarus is actually an ally:)

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Ukrainska Pravda
Wed, September 28, 2022 at 2:45 PM·1 m

If there is a new offensive against Ukraine from the territory of Belarus, the occupiers will receive a response that they did not expect, Oleksiy Danilov, the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, said.
Source: Danilov in an interview Current Time
Quote from the NSDC Secretary: "We understand that daily, Putin is putting pressure on Lukashenko to launch armed aggression from Belarus. We know everything. Even the recent meeting in Sochi was on this topic.
I don't think Lukashenko will make such a decision. But if Belarussian troops invade the country, as happened on 24 February, they will receive a response that they did not expect."
Per Ukraine, those are just kills. For reference, this older article with a similar graphic says the troop losses are kills:

A different article/source put the killed and wounded at 50K back in July:

Geez. Imagine sacrificing that many lives to conquer a country where no one wants you. Sad
I have doubts that is true. We are about helping Ukraine now. Why would we give them 18 HIMARS, but not for a few years when they are facing an existential threat now?
It is strange especially since the US has so many of them and the funds could be used to replace what we give them. But this is how one government statement was depicted-maybe we just tell people this to avoid looking like we are escalating.

"This new tranche will take a “few years” to build and deliver, a senior U.S. defense official told reporters, underscoring efforts to provide for Ukraine’s long-term defense infrastructure while allies and partners speed tailored packages of equipment and ammunition for the most urgent needs. The HIMARS represents a “core component of Ukraine’s fighting force in the future,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the Pentagon.

The most recent arms package includes weapons and equipment that will take between six months and two years to deliver and require defense contractors to restart or intensify manufacturing, the first defense official said."
It is strange especially since the US has so many of them and the funds could be used to replace what we give them. But this is how one government statement was depicted-

"This new tranche will take a “few years” to build and deliver, a senior U.S. defense official told reporters, underscoring efforts to provide for Ukraine’s long-term defense infrastructure while allies and partners speed tailored packages of equipment and ammunition for the most urgent needs. The HIMARS represents a “core component of Ukraine’s fighting force in the future,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the Pentagon.

The most recent arms package includes weapons and equipment that will take between six months and two years to deliver and require defense contractors to restart or intensify manufacturing, the first defense official said."
Huh. Well, I guess that is actually good because we think they have what they need (not want) with other things we are providing, to get the job done.
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Whelp-it has been coming for a long time but the estimated dead Invaders has surpassed the US total death toll for Vietnam. In just 7 months vs 10 years. With no signs of stopping. And with a country that has 43% our population meaning it would be like us having 125k dead soldiers in 7 months, levels I don’t know if we even saw in WWII for context.