This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

We have American kids just as brainwashed as these Russians. Mainly by out-of-touch parents.

The Affluenza will subside once sanctions hit their lifestyles in Moscow.

do we? Do we have citizens that would go on camera and advocate for genocide, for wiping a country off the map? That would refer to an entire nationality or ethnic group as subhuman and undeserving to exist? That might exist in the seems of America but I’d like to to think we are better than that.

I realize there are plenty who want to close the border and are worried about criminal elements crossing into the us, but this is us crossing the border to wipe them out. Two very different mindsets.
I'm pretty confident our equipment and our allies is much more superior to the Russian equipment. We have seen that demonstrated over the last six weeks. The only defense they have is their current defense....Nukes. Our military would absolutely obliterate the Russians. Just what we would unleash through the air, I would think we would have air superiority in days and not weeks.
The United States, and NATO, could defeat the Russian military, barring their nukes. However, there is no way we could defeat their country. There simply aren’t enough troops in the world to adequately occupy a country that size.
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do we? Do we have citizens that would go on camera and advocate for genocide, for wiping a country off the map? That would refer to an entire nationality or ethnic group as subhuman and undeserving to exist? That might exist in the seems of America but I’d like to to think we are better than that.

I realize there are plenty who want to close the border and are worried about criminal elements crossing into the us, but this is us crossing the border to wipe them out. Two very different mindsets.
Yeah I cannot think of an even remote analog for us. It would be like us saying we want Canada and Mexico and we start blowing the shit out of them, and everyone in the US is like BFD.
The United States, and NATO, could defeat the Russian military, barring their nukes. However, there is no way we could defeat their country. There simply aren’t enough troops in the world to adequately occupy a country that size.
People keep saying NATO would easily defeat the Russians. The truth is the American military, if it is just a conventional battle, would. 19 NATO countries failed to meet their obligations to to spend 2% of their GDP on defense last year (a requirement for NATO membership). It has been a problem for decades as their militaries fell into disrepair, old equipment. and poorly trained troops. They were relying on there never being another war or the US defending them.

Now you are starting to see some of them wake up but a war between NATO and Russia, if the US is not part of it, is far from a certainty.

Another point is that the Brits have had the biggest impact on the Ukrainian success not us.
do we? Do we have citizens that would go on camera and advocate for genocide, for wiping a country off the map? That would refer to an entire nationality or ethnic group as subhuman and undeserving to exist? That might exist in the seems of America but I’d like to to think we are better than that.

I realize there are plenty who want to close the border and are worried about criminal elements crossing into the us, but this is us crossing the border to wipe them out. Two very different mindsets.
Do you not remember the war in the Middle East? There are a lot of comments about just nuking that area off the map. I’m sure there were plenty of examples on HORT.
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My worry is they have a pretty comprehensive "hit list" for the reason you just brought up.
without a doubt. personally, I suspect the "hit list" thing is probably slightly exaggerated. Without a doubt, I'm sure they exist, but I suspect "most" of the worst of what we're now seeing is basic civilian revenge killing by a retreating, defeated army.
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without a doubt. personally, I suspect the "hit list" thing is probably slightly exaggerated. Without a doubt, I'm sure they exist, but I suspect "most" of the worst of what we're now seeing is basic civilian revenge killing by a retreating, defeated army.
Given the invaders came with parade uniforms packed, the 45,000 body bags and mobile crematoriums were surely for those on the hitlists.
They pretty much sound just like these guys

Just as brainwashed by an adjacent propaganda machine.
Sadly there is a lot of truth here. We will be like Russia if we endure another 30 years of Fox Newsmax
Russia is F’d long term. The atrocities will be well documented and until Putin is gone and serious reparations are made I don’t see them injecting themselves back into the international community.
I agree. I just don't like the fact that China/India are basically Russia's fall back....we can hurt Russia and are hurting the Russians but those countries are gonna soften the landing.

Seems in the current climate countries like Germany are getting more grief "for not doing enough" than China/India as they just sit off to the side and basically don't get the "grief" they should be getting IMO.
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Also major talk on the plan to relocate these forces to east / south front has a major problem because the equipment is almost all gone or not working, as are the troops. Going to be a very interesting thing if Putler truly thinks he can capture east and south Ukraine for his land bridge by May 7th, because he may once again blunder into a situation he can't win now that Ukraine is rearming and fighting only two fronts. It is going to be critical that we get them all the weapons and tanks and ship killers we can AND do some sort of no fly or UN Peace Keeping troops in the west 3/4 of Ukraine to keep them from advancing again.

It's time to push back, another defeat in east Ukraine may break the entire army. I will also add, would not surprise me to see coordinated rebellion break out in a lot of Russian holdings and Belarus now that the Military is under massive stress.
Do you not remember the war in the Middle East? There are a lot of comments about just nuking that area off the map. I’m sure there were plenty of examples on HORT.
My younger, Republican self, will admit I said that. My entire life has been ME issue after issue.

Edit to say, I don't think I said nuke them but if I woke up and found out it was gone I wouldn't have been upset...something along those lines. Again...20 years ago.
do we? Do we have citizens that would go on camera and advocate for genocide, for wiping a country off the map? That would refer to an entire nationality or ethnic group as subhuman and undeserving to exist? That might exist in the seems of America but I’d like to to think we are better than that.

I realize there are plenty who want to close the border and are worried about criminal elements crossing into the us, but this is us crossing the border to wipe them out. Two very different mindsets.


do we? Do we have citizens that would go on camera and advocate for genocide, for wiping a country off the map? That would refer to an entire nationality or ethnic group as subhuman and undeserving to exist? That might exist in the seems of America but I’d like to to think we are better than that.

I realize there are plenty who want to close the border and are worried about criminal elements crossing into the us, but this is us crossing the border to wipe them out. Two very different mindsets.

If you took a poll about wiping countries like Iran off the map you might get to a majority. There is profound and real hatred for Islam in American that is comparable to the videos shown by a previous poster.
Do you not remember the war in the Middle East? There are a lot of comments about just nuking that area off the map. I’m sure there were plenty of examples on HORT.

of course I do. The national policy wasn’t indiscriminate bombing, mass graves, looting all supported by civilians at home. I know our hands aren’t clean but last I checked our military adheres to a rules of engagement that is to minimize civilian casualties.

And it’s quite one thing to be crass and cavalier on message boards and with your buddies, these are videotaped opinions for the world to see.
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If you took a poll about wiping countries like Iran off the map you might get to a majority. There is profound and real hatred for Islam in American that is comparable to the videos shown by a previous poster.
I’m not going to defend the people that you are taking about. I will call out a difference in situations though.

We were attacked by a group of militant islamists called Al Qaeda that murdered over 3000 civilians and had previously attacked us multiple times as well. A lot of our populace isn’t intelligent enough to understand that all Muslims aren’t representative of Bin Ladin’s group, they just lump them in all together because so many of them, including in Iran, were cheering on the 9/11 attack. There has been a concerted effort over the last 20+ years to educate people on that, but some people won’t be educated while others get their news from a source that encourages the hate.

I can’t recall any time where a group of Ukrainians attacked Russians since 1900. Maybe I’m wrong and it has happened, but if it did it wasn’t to the same level as attacking thousands of peaceful civilians.
I haven't found a link yet, but 60 minutes was pretty tough to watch tonight about Ukraine.

It is time for NATO or UN to move in
No. I know it’s hard to accept, but this is another example of Russia screwing up. Never get in the way of your enemy screwing up. We should accelerate weapons deliveries to Ukraine. We should also start training them on more advanced weaponry. The sooner the better.

This will push Germany to go along with more sever sanctions on Russian energy. Germany is the weak link right now. The public pressure on them will increase dramatically.
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No. I know it’s hard to accept, but this is another example of Russia screwing up. Never get in the way of your enemy screwing up. We should accelerate weapons deliveries to Ukraine. We should also start training them on more advanced weaponry. The sooner the better.

This will push Germany to go along with more sever sanctions on Russian energy. Germany is the weak link right now. The public pressure on them will increase dramatically.

I don't disagree with your Germany assessment. But we are going to need neutral UN peacekeepers. Otherwise, it will be hell/retribution
Or they'll just dig in and place all the blame on the U.S and the "west". If polling in Russia is accurate (who knows) that'll probably be the case.
The polling may be accurate in a tabulation sense, but Russians are likely to provide the answers they think are expected for fear of being accused of disloyalty. The bottom line is to ignore Russian opinion polls.
At the end of the day, to make a war crimes case, the reality is that these are in fact questions that are going to have to be confronted and dealt with.

Now here, it is one thing to simply say that a dead civilian in the street was KIA, but it is quite another to do so if their hands were tied behind their backs. I suspect that modern forensics will have quite a bit to say about that, not to mention testimonial evidence of survivors.

Let there be no doubt -- there is absolutely no question who the good guys are here, and what even a skeptically viewed plurality of the evidence would suggest, particularly to a jury of prevailing parties. But war crimes are a much more technically complicated matter than you might think (and have been criticized as such).
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