The average Joe citizen? Yes. Those in real power....No not at all. But that leaves out Russian speakers who don't want Putin but are scared as hell by the far right. Look up Stephan Bondera as well as the far right being involved in Nazi Atrocities in WW2. At Normandy, a lot of who we fought were far right Ukrainians. The Germans didn't trust them in the east. They didn't hate US forces and gave up comparatively easy in France/Holland. SS? No not at all. Wehrmacht? A lot of them didn't want to die for Hitler.So does America
But at least we do have Rule of Law to keep much of it in check, unlike Russia.
Ukraine wants to trend in OUR direction, not Putin's.
Until Russia has time to rebuild and break the agreement, right? Ukraine just has to not to agree to any ceasefire to win. Keep hitting Russian oil & gas facilities (50%) of Russia's gdp, and keep killing upwards of 10k Russians a month, and they will break. This is no defense of Moscow invasion. People will wake up and want an end to this.Sad to say this, but ‘negotiated territorial settlement here I come’ is where this is heading.
Sell on infrastructure contractors, but on fms defense contractors.
Ah, I see your confusion. Economic systems are 8th grade material.What are you talking about?
The government isn't taking any business from the private sector.
M855A1 rounds aren't being sold to the public from the Lake City plant.
"The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant is the only remaining small-arms ammo factory owned by the government, and is the source of most ammo used by the US military. [Due to the drastic increase in ammo usage with the WoT, Winchester/Olin, the only other company with the loading machines to make mil-spec ammo, has been given a contract for a few million rounds of ammo.]
Lake City, while owned by the government, has always been run by civilian contractors. From 1986-1999, it was operated by Olin (Winchester). The Winchester "white box" "Q-load" ammo (such as Q3131) was Lake City-manufactured ammo stamped with Winchester (WCC) headstamps.
Starting in 2000, the contract to operate Lake City was given to Alliant Techsystems (ATK), who had just bought all the gun-related companies that were formerly owned by Blount. This "shooting sports group" included: Federal, Speer, CCI, RCBS, Weaver, Outers, Ramline, and perhaps one or two others. ATK chose Federal to run Lake City, and thus, the "Federal XMxxx" loads were born.
The US military has extremely tough and strict requirements for ammo, and many layers of Quality Control (QC) checks to ensure that contract ammo is up to spec. Obviously, as with any mass-produced item, some of the product is going to fail QC.
LC-produced ammo that passes all the QC checks is packaged up and sent out to fulfill military contracts. I call this "Grade 1" ammo, which means "the best." Note that ammo that is delivered to the military can no longer be surplussed as whole ammo, due to an Executive Order by Clinton in 1997, so as a rule, this ammo will never be available on the commercial market.
Remington built it.Ah, I see your confusion. Economic systems are 8th grade material.
You see, when the government owns something, and decides and controls what and how much is built there and how, it is called Socialism, even if they "contract out" (and you should try reading those contracts!) the operators.
Like if the government took over Boeing and Ford and GM plants, decided on all specifications and amounts for all the planes and cars to be made there and "contracted" this to some civilians to put into action.
If the civilian "contractors" don't like the changes to the contract, they are free (market!) to go build and operate their own bullet factory as they see fit. After all, there are several privately own bullet factories around the country already.
Our whole real estate system is about police power. Basically you own nothing in reality.Ah, I see your confusion. Economic systems are 8th grade material.
You see, when the government owns something, and decides and controls what and how much is built there and how, it is called Socialism, even if they "contract out" (and you should try reading those contracts!) the operators.
Like if the government took over Boeing and Ford and GM plants, decided on all specifications and amounts for all the planes and cars to be made there and "contracted" this to some civilians to put into action.
If the civilian "contractors" don't like the changes to the contract, they are free (market!) to go build and operate their own bullet factory as they see fit. After all, there are several privately own bullet factories around the country already.
Peace for our time?Sad to say this, but ‘negotiated territorial settlement here I come’ is where this is heading.
Sell on infrastructure contractors, but on fms defense contractors.
LOLWUT?Our whole real estate system is about police power.
I think you should heed your own advice. You think you sound smart, but in reality, you sound like an uneducated rube trying to string a bunch of nonsense together. Your grasp of the world situation is comical at best.Some of you are way stuck in the old domino theory and way overreacting.
Our whole real estate system is about police power. Basically you own nothing in reality.
Do you pay your way on the highway? Nope. Did you fully pay for your education? Nope. Does Iowa gain a whole lot from Washington DC's socialism? Yep. Police protection? Nope. Do you pay equal to everyone? Yep. Your 401 K is going up right now because of your good decisions and good old American ingenuity? Maybe if you call monetization of debt and the Govt not making you pay your fair share.
You can fairly go out and start any business you want? Nope. We have a free market society? Probably Russia comes closer with lesser Govt intervention in business (survival of the toughest mafia).
Oh and COVID boosters? Free market....NOPE.
Have you been to college even? and graduated? Hope it wasn't Iowa if it was.
Your biggest funny statement was IF THE GOVT TOOK OVER GM!
Ford, the darling of capitalism for not needing a bailout.... who financed them? Ya it was. Oh and then Cash for Clunkers, another great capitalism intervention... but it wasn't.
To really trigger you and challenge you, can you describe the US system in terms of capitalism, socialism and fascism (from an entireliy economic model perspective)?
Just stop saying dumb things.
Remember when everyone was bagging on the Germans? They've been pretty good overall, the Gepard is one of the better and useful weapons systems that have been supplied.Wonder if you could have done this with a WW2 era tank without shedding a track.
You entitled to you opinion but why not pick apart what I said?I think you should heed your own advice. You think you sound smart, but in reality, you sound like an uneducated rube trying to string a bunch of nonsense together. Your grasp of the world situation is comical at best.
Someone's losing's like a murderous little Ukrainian WALL-E!!!!
You can see it flush a rooster pheasant from the grass on its journey.