Trump in Long Island today...lie after lie after lie...someone defend this...

What an idiot. Now he's threatening to go to Springfield. The city is already facing security issues due to the Trump/Vance lies so now they're going to double down and increase the strain on city resources.
sorry springfield

trump campaign is behind and sacrifices must be made

if trump and vance have to tell a few lies and make some cities and communities less safe to stoke the anti-immigrant fires and help their campaign...that's what's going to happen
You sure about that? In a "landslide" scenario I could see them keeping it.

The landslide would have to be historic beyond any reasonable prediction.

The most vulnerable Republican seats up for re-election are Ted Cruz in Texas and Rick Scott in FL. What are the odds that either of those guys actually loses? Extremely low IMO.

Meanwhile the Dems are losing Manchin so they are losing West Virginia and they are also defending Montana and Ohio. All red states.

Not to mention several swing states such as AZ, Mich, Nevada, PA, and Wisconsin they are defending seats.

In order to maintain control over the senate they would have to basically run the table on all of those including Montana and Ohio and in that case it would come out to a 50/50 senate that they could "win" by Tim Walz being the VP.

What an idiot. Now he's threatening to go to Springfield. The city is already facing security issues due to the Trump/Vance lies so now they're going to double down and increase the strain on city resources.

Why is he campaigning so much in non swing states? He's campaigning in NY which he will lose and now he's going to campaign for 2 weeks in Ohio which he will win regardless?
The landslide would have to be historic beyond any reasonable prediction.

The most vulnerable Republican seats up for re-election are Ted Cruz in Texas and Rick Scott in FL. What are the odds that either of those guys actually loses? Extremely low IMO.

Meanwhile the Dems are losing Manchin so they are losing West Virginia and they are also defending Montana and Ohio. All red states.

Not to mention several swing states such as AZ, Mich, Nevada, PA, and Wisconsin they are defending seats.

In order to maintain control over the senate they would have to basically run the table on all of those including Montana and Ohio and in that case it would come out to a 50/50 senate that they could "win" by Tim Walz being the VP.
50/50 or 51/49 is very possible with a "landslide". That means D voter turnout was off the charts, with down ballot ramificarions.
sorry springfield

trump campaign is behind and sacrifices must be made

if trump and vance have to tell a few lies and make some cities and communities less safe to stoke the anti-immigrant fires and help their campaign...that's what's going to happen
It would be foolish to believe either side. Carter was the last one. Lying is the American way.

About the Russians. Anything they say has an element of truth no matter how miniscule which in someways is worse and beware. When Putin speaks listen very closely and use your imagination and likely you will come close.

Trump, Biden Harris JD all straight up liars maybe Walz is believable but maybe not what you want to hear. Maybe.
We'll see.

I think it collapses relatively quickly with a L in November.
Sometimes I think you were locked in a cage, in a basement, for several months in 2020-2021. We can revisit this in a few months. There's no way Trump and MAGA are going to go away quietly.

Sometimes I think you were locked in a cage, in a basement, for several months in 2020-2021. We can revisit this in a few months. There's no way Trump and MAGA are going to go away quietly.

Yep, so naive, so both sidesish. Foolishness best case.
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It would be foolish to believe either side. Carter was the last one. Lying is the American way.

About the Russians. Anything they say has an element of truth no matter how miniscule which in someways is worse and beware. When Putin speaks listen very closely and use your imagination and likely you will come close.

Trump, Biden Harris JD all straight up liars maybe Walz is believable but maybe not what you want to hear. Maybe.
False equivalency is false.
In Long Island today, that f'n asshole claimed that "32,000 illegal immigrants" descended on Springfield "in the period of a few weeks". He claimed "they almost doubled their population" of that "little, beautiful crime, no problems".

You can hear him yourself at the 1:07:00 mark

Not one single word of that is true. Not one. He is putting the lives of every black resident of Springfield at risk with his hate-filled, racist lies and any person posting on this board who can defend this crap can kiss my ass. They are truly the scum of the Earth.
32,000 would almost double their population
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It’s pretty obvious you don’t know the actual meaning of 1/3 of the words you just typed, but congrats on spelling them correctly I guess.
Unhinged: batshit crazy…. ✅

Nihilist: believes things are meaningless ✅

Hypocritical: do not conform to the standards you preach ✅

Thanks for complementing my spelling by the way! Between bad autocorrects and my own shit spelling it’s good to get credit for a weakness.
fair enough.

I think the equation changes when the L's keep pilling up.

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What an idiot. Now he's threatening to go to Springfield. The city is already facing security issues due to the Trump/Vance lies so now they're going to double down and increase the strain on city resources.
He is a narcissist. He doesn't care if other people are hurt. He is going there to stoke the fire. He wants a race riot to break out.
Sometimes I think you were locked in a cage, in a basement, for several months in 2020-2021. We can revisit this in a few months. There's no way Trump and MAGA are going to go away quietly.

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He wants a race riot to break out.

I swear, this is his "strategy" any more - at least something similar to this. He wants chaos, and he's willing to do ANYTHING to create it because he's come to the conclusion (or, maybe accepted the actual "truth") that it's his only path to victory.

It truly is the strategy of a sinking ship that he's piloting.
Why is he campaigning so much in non swing states? He's campaigning in NY which he will lose and now he's going to campaign for 2 weeks in Ohio which he will win regardless?
Fox and Newsmax gave him several hours of free coverage last night. One of the campaign beat reporters said this morning that his staff put him in Nassau because they wanted a good sized, enthusiastic crowd because Trump has had the sads for a few weeks about crowd sizes. So, they lined up a slump buster for him.
Ohio does have a competitive senate race, so that does make a little sense.
Fox and Newsmax gave him several hours of free coverage last night. One of the campaign beat reporters said this morning that his staff put him in Nassau because they wanted a good sized, enthusiastic crowd because Trump has had the sads for a few weeks about crowd sizes. So, they lined up a slump buster for him.
Ohio does have a competitive senate race, so that does make a little sense.

So it's all about managing Trump's emotions and ego. Got it. Makes sense.

The Ohio one. . . Ok yeah maybe you go there to help a senate candidate for a day but didn't he say he was going there for 2 weeks? Seems like a heavy investment in a state you are gonna win.
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So it's all about managing Trump's emotions and ego. Got it. Makes sense.

The Ohio one. . . Ok yeah maybe you go there to help a senate candidate for a day but didn't he say he was going there for 2 weeks? Seems like a heavy investment in a state you are gonna win.
He said he was going IN two weeks not for two weeks.
32,000 would almost double their population
The population of Springfield was 60,000 down from 80,000 as the town slowly died. The immigrant population is about 15,000. There is no math other than maggot math that makes that anywhere close to doubling in population. Even 32,000 wouldn’t have “nearly doubled” it. And the immigrant population rose over years - going back to 2017. They didn’t show up within a few weeks.

Trying to make what he said ok just puts you in the lower-than-pond-scum population. Don’t get down there with the vomitous slime that is KF. Be better - and that’s a ridiculously low bar to clear.
The population of Springfield was 60,000 down from 80,000 as the town slowly died. The immigrant population is about 15,000. There is no math other than maggot math that makes that anywhere close to doubling in population. Even 32,000 wouldn’t have “nearly doubled” it. And the immigrant population rose over years - going back to 2017. They didn’t show up within a few weeks.

Trying to make what he said ok just puts you in the lower-than-pond-scum population. Don’t get down there with the vomitous slime that is KF. Be better - and that’s a ridiculously low bar to clear.
the more we drill down, the more obvious it becomes that the conservatives' real "problem" in springfield is just that there's too many immigrants around
Well, your ass is a generously sized target...even if what he said is an exaggeration, it's an acknowledged issue from Biden/Harris that they had the power to subdue or stem and chose not to. We have an illegal immigration issue that must be tackled.
It's more than an exaggeration. That's what's so frustrating about the right. They defend the indefensible. This is a prime example—never mind that it's wreaked havoc on a small community in Ohio.
It would be foolish to believe either side. Carter was the last one. Lying is the American way.

About the Russians. Anything they say has an element of truth no matter how miniscule which in someways is worse and beware. When Putin speaks listen very closely and use your imagination and likely you will come close.

Trump, Biden Harris JD all straight up liars maybe Walz is believable but maybe not what you want to hear. Maybe.
Trying to lump Biden and Harris into the same category as Trump when it comes to lying is disingenuous and makes you look foolish.