Trump is an Idiot and anyone who Votes for him is an idiot

Counterpoint: Kamala is retarded and so is anyone who votes for her (won't be the teamsters apparently)
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So anybody that votes opposite you is stupid, piece of shit, dumb head…doesn’t sound cultish at all when most dems on here use the same words. How exactly are u thinking for yourself when your entire cult uses the same insults?
Not voting “opposite” whatever that means, just those voting for Trump and the people who continue to empower him.
Even if she did (doubtful) that doesn't necessarily make her a piece of shit. She seems to be a pretty average politician type based on everything I've seen, heard and read.
The average politician didn't fundraise for violent extremists to get bailed out of jail to then go on and murder someone. Kamala did.
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Beat on the street is internal polling for Kamala is crashing.
nickelodeon singing GIF by Serge Bloch
Even you know the difference between on the record facts and innuendo?

Innuendo: there is a video of Trump pissing on a hooker. Fact: Trump was found guilty of sexual assault.
It is amazing the ways they have to contort logic and common sense to fit the narrative they wish was true.

Cognitive dissonance as an art form.
ruanaway inflation?

inflation has been steadily declining for about 18 months

this isn't opinion...this is cold hard fact

its why interest rates are finally coming down
So now excuse away the open border and the wars around the world.
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When Trump ran for President in 2016, he had no political
experience. He was never a Governor of a state or a U.S.
Senator. He bullied his way to the GOP nomination and did
a con job on the American people. His presidency will be
remembered for the lack of effective cabinet members.

Bottom Line: He lost to Joe Biden in 2020 and will lose
to Harris in 2024. His divisive rhetoric is the result of an
egomaniac who is a loser. He has nothing to offer the USA.

@LuteHawk bringing the fiery dickheat!

So now excuse away the open border and the wars around the world.
Where have you been, the border has always been open and Reagan and Bush invited them in and i can't remember a time there was no wars. Wake up. I can remember when they united in the 50s to work the lettuce fields in Calif.
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Millionaire business owner, admits he didn't want to pay OT to hourly employees... "He is fighting for us, the little guy!" Ummm, okay.
That’s why Trump loves the poorly educated. They are just so stupid and easy to dupe.

Get them focused on trannies and people with melanin while sprinkling in some bullshit about your fake Christianity, and you have a pretty solid base to back you.

No one should question why many Europeans think America is a country full of idiots. We are.