Trump posts he will be arrested Tuesday

I wouldn't underestimate Pence. Pence is just as capable as anyone else to try owning the libs. It takes no talent or skill to try owning libs. Even our own weak Governor excels in it. And keep in mind that he was one of the first Rs to call Tuesday a witch-hunt and says it's the Dems playing politics. Pence has plenty of time to go scorched Earth. He spent four years supporting Trump and watching him do it He proved himself on the national stage. I wouldn't bag on those tools in his toolbox.

Have to disagree with you here. In an older Republican Party he might have had a chance. But he has no personality that can get people excited, doesn’t have support outside the evangelicals. The sole reason he got the VP nod was to reassure that voting bloc in the GOP that Trump would be “normal”.

In the past the past 2 years Pence has simultaneously tried to push his conservative bona fides while still appealing to MAGA. It’s not possible in todays GOP.
I wouldn't underestimate Pence. Pence is just as capable as anyone else to try owning the libs. It takes no talent or skill to try owning libs. Even our own weak Governor excels in it. And keep in mind that he was one of the first Rs to call Tuesday a witch-hunt and says it's the Dems playing politics. Pence has plenty of time to go scorched Earth. He spent four years supporting Trump and watching him do it He proved himself on the national stage. I wouldn't bag on those tools in his toolbox.
Pence doesn't have any of the tools Huey, he has zero charisma, is the opposite of a loud-mouth bully and isn't capable at all of giving the Republican base the dopamine rush Trump gives them. Of the current candidates, DeSantis is the only one other than Trump that can potentially do that.

Again, look at the cons on this board, is there even one that has any enthusiasm at all for Pence? He doesn't have any constituency in the party and has absolutely zero hope in the 2023 party of building one.
Everything I’ve read is that this will get shut down to a misdemeanor. There’s really no question he committed a misdemeanor but the felony charge is weak. Republicans will brag and host when it gets dropped to a misdemeanor and Democrats will brag and boost when he’s convicted of that misdemeanor.
Everything you read where? Do you really think they would indict a former president without believing they have a rock solid case?
Can he be cuffed and stuffed for that? I hope they get him on a prison for life felony.
bill clinton shame GIF
No dude, I’m saying he’s turning a lot of independents add republicans off
Hope so but when it's a binary choice come 2024. Will see and then the aftermath as they say accepting defeat. Certainly hope you're correct. But tribalism is a strong pull.
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You think MAGAs hate the Lincoln Project guys because they believe they’re grifters? MAGAs? Really?
No one should take the Lincoln project grifters seriously.

No one should take the Lincoln project grifters seriously.

Lincoln project guys are social influencers/entertainers. They need your attention to pay the mortgage.
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No one should take the Lincoln project grifters seriously.

Here’s my point. MAGAs don’t possess any sort of principled objection to grifting. If they did they wouldn’t be MAGAs.

They just don’t like people who cross Trump. So yeah, their objection to the Lincoln Project is the same as to Cheney or Kinzinger. They took on Trump, and that cannot stand.
Here’s my point. MAGAs don’t possess any sort of principled objection to grifting. If they did they wouldn’t be MAGAs.

They just don’t like people who cross Trump. So yeah, their objection to the Lincoln Project is the same as to Cheney or Kinzinger. They took on Trump, and that cannot stand.
They were MAGAs as a defiance towards the ultra left.
They were MAGAs as a defiance towards the ultra left.
Which is also why I would not indict Trump for this campaign stuff. This sort of conflict with “elites” and “The Man” is exactly what he needs to survive politically. He was slowly fading away and an indictment gives him oxygen.
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They were MAGAs as a defiance towards the ultra left.
As I've said before will they continue to make their deal with the Devil in fear of the Ultra left? The ultra left are boxed in as far as being able to exert any crazy ideas. Between the Senate makeup and the Supreme Court fear of them Is unfounded.
The hardcore MAGA's have shown they will push way beyond norms and use far right judges when they can.
What is the ultra left? What are their policies? What makes those policies “ultra”?
Extreme leftist positions:
-Children shouldn't work in mines
-The way we pay for healthcare is inefficient and morally dubious

But what they really hate is:
-Father doesn't always know best (like when his hard work going somehow underappreciated turns him into a reactionary)
I see that some folks are doing their best to turn the subject to protect Orange Jesus.
It is interesting that the Manhattan DA has no comment, and Trump's own campaign is silent on the matter. I will repeat something. There is a good chance that Trump is lying. I doubt he was given a 5 day heads up on an indictment and arrest warrant.
Look at the things that have happened since Trump's announcement.
1. The mouth breathing, knuckle draggers have been activated.
2. The pussies in the GOP have seen that the mouth breathing, knuckle draggers are activated, and have bent the knee to Trump publicly.
3. Trump has dominated the news cycles. Good or bad, he just wants the attention on him at all times.
4. The money is rolling in.
5. If there is no arrest on Tuesday, he will proclaim a victory, while the pressure campaign against the Manhattan DA is dialed up to 11.
What is the ultra left? What are their policies? What makes those policies “ultra”?
Trans rights over common sense in women’s sports, immigration (the right is just a messed up), BLM everything is racist, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If democrats focused on the economy and not abortions up to 26 weeks, supporting Lia Thomas,etc…I’d vote Dem.
Trans rights over common sense in women’s sports, immigration (the right is just a messed up), BLM everything is racist, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If democrats focused on the economy and not abortions up to 26 weeks, supporting Lia Thomas,etc…I’d vote Dem.
What a dumbass you are. The Democrats are the only ones proposing and passing legislation to address the issues we are seeing. I would love to see you list the policy proposals the republicans are bringing forward.
Trans rights over common sense in women’s sports, immigration (the right is just a messed up), BLM everything is racist, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If democrats focused on the economy and not abortions up to 26 weeks, supporting Lia Thomas,etc…I’d vote Dem.

Lol, good thing that sex and gender in youth sport is at the top of your policy list when some R states are letting the youth be employed at slaughterhouses
Trans rights over common sense in women’s sports, immigration (the right is just a messed up), BLM everything is racist, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If democrats focused on the economy and not abortions up to 26 weeks, supporting Lia Thomas,etc…I’d vote Dem.
These aren’t policies. At all. Do better. Seriously, Democrats in Congress are pushing policies to support Lia Thomas?? Who? How do you not understand you’re falling for BS? Especially immigration. I want to see an actual Republican plan. On anything. Plan on inflation? Nothing. Healthcare? Nothing? Education? Nothing. Infrastructure? Nothing.

BLM is a policy?? C’mon, man. You’re not stupid.
You think MAGAs hate the Lincoln Project guys because they believe they’re grifters? MAGAs? Really?

Look at the Conways.
George Conway Grifter! Scumbag!
KellyAnne Conway - “Oh you libs just don’t like her because she pushes back!”
They’re grifter douche bags…

They also hit upon a geyser of cash, discovering that biting attacks on a uniquely polarizing president could be as profitable in the loosely regulated world of political fund-raising as Mr. Trump’s populist bravado was for his own campaign.

Then it all began to unravel. By the time of the Utah meeting, the leaders of the Lincoln Project — who had spent their careers making money from campaigns — recognized the value of their enterprise and had begun to maneuver for financial gain. But other leaders had learned of the financial arrangement among the original founders, and they were privately fuming.
Another major problem was festering: the behavior of Mr. Weaver, who for years had been harassing young men with sexually provocative messages.
Allegations about Mr. Weaver’s conduct began appearing in published reports in The American Conservative and Forensic News this winter. In late January, The New York Times reported on allegationsgoing back several years. The Times has spoken to more than 25 people who received harassing messages, including one person who was 14 when Mr. Weaver first contacted him.

They’re grifter douche bags…

They also hit upon a geyser of cash, discovering that biting attacks on a uniquely polarizing president could be as profitable in the loosely regulated world of political fund-raising as Mr. Trump’s populist bravado was for his own campaign.

Then it all began to unravel. By the time of the Utah meeting, the leaders of the Lincoln Project — who had spent their careers making money from campaigns — recognized the value of their enterprise and had begun to maneuver for financial gain. But other leaders had learned of the financial arrangement among the original founders, and they were privately fuming.
Another major problem was festering: the behavior of Mr. Weaver, who for years had been harassing young men with sexually provocative messages.
Allegations about Mr. Weaver’s conduct began appearing in published reports in The American Conservative and Forensic News this winter. In late January, The New York Times reported on allegationsgoing back several years. The Times has spoken to more than 25 people who received harassing messages, including one person who was 14 when Mr. Weaver first contacted him.

Beside the point. You think MAGAs dislike Rick Wilson and George Conway because they’re grifters or because they oppose Trump? Come on, get real.
Beside the point. You think MAGAs dislike Rick Wilson and George Conway because they’re grifters or because they oppose Trump? Come on, get real.
They’re grifter douchebags that you put in the same category as Liz Cheney, McCain and Kinzinger is the point. They don’t belong on the list because they SHOULD be derided. The other 3 no…

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