Tyreek Hill: Watch this video and things will go smoother next time.

I’m not saying you feel this way, but this kind of response implies that Hill got this ball rolling (I agree with that) and that because Hill “started it”, whatever else comes comes, almost no matter what it is. That’s where I differ. Had Hill acted differently, this would have gone very differently, but him being a dick doesn’t justify bad police work.

What was the bad cop work. They didn't beat or shoot him. If he won't get out of the car, they have the right to remove him. That's not a bad cop, I would hope they would do that.
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Special treatment? I thought that looked like a gross over-reaction whoever it was.

You need to reread what I was responding too, not just apply my statements to the general topic. Outback said the cops should have give him a break because they knew who he was.
So to be clear, you would have no concerns that an uncooperative subject rolled up his dark windows? No concerns that the person could be grabbing a weapon from the console, glove box or underneath the seat?
Some concern, sure. But not enough to warrant the way they escalated it imo. Especially after they’d already spoken with him once, gotten his ID, etc. it’s not like that he’d refused to communicate with them at all.
If you raise the window, that is you telling the cops you're not listening. They don't know what the drivers intentions were except the driver wasn't going to follow directions. They have no choice but to do what they did. This is a case of you arguing with your kid for 20 minutes to get out of the car, "please Billy, I'm not going to say it again, get out of the car". My guess is though, after you told your kid to get out of the car 20 times, you would eventually grab him and remove him from your car.
Without being able to see/hear the initial part of the interaction we’re both guessing as to why hill raised his window like he did. Maybe he was pissed for getting pulled over and wanted to vent privately, maybe that’s what he’s done in the past when being pulled over, maybe he thought cop had given him permission to do so.

And he did ultimately lower the window again when instructed to…not immediately, but he did in the end. For a routine traffic stop, that should have been the end of it. Next thing cop should have said would be instructions to keep the window down until they’re done, or else they’ll be forced to take him out of the vehicle to detain him.

The past half of that video was entirely one-sided. I simply don’t see the need to pull him out of the car like they did. I don’t understand why you can’t say the cops are at least somewhat at fault here.
You need to reread what I was responding too, not just apply my statements to the general topic. Outback said the cops should have give him a break because they knew who he was.
Ok, I may have seen that comment out of context. Apologies…..that said, there is still the larger picture. They knew who he was and they knew where they were and they know the scrutiny that a high-profile interaction will get and they still didn’t really work to de-escalate the situation.
Ok, I may have seen that comment out of context. Apologies…..that said, there is still the larger picture. They knew who he was and they knew where they were and they know the scrutiny that a high-profile interaction will get and they still didn’t really work to de-escalate the situation.

So you're also wanting special treatment because they knew who he was?
Some concern, sure. But not enough to warrant the way they escalated it imo. Especially after they’d already spoken with him once, gotten his ID, etc. it’s not like that he’d refused to communicate with them at all.

Without being able to see/hear the initial part of the interaction we’re both guessing as to why hill raised his window like he did. Maybe he was pissed for getting pulled over and wanted to vent privately, maybe that’s what he’s done in the past when being pulled over, maybe he thought cop had given him permission to do so.

And he did ultimately lower the window again when instructed to…not immediately, but he did in the end. For a routine traffic stop, that should have been the end of it. Next thing cop should have said would be instructions to keep the window down until they’re done, or else they’ll be forced to take him out of the vehicle to detain him.

The past half of that video was entirely one-sided. I simply don’t see the need to pull him out of the car like they did. I don’t understand why you can’t say the cops are at least somewhat at fault here.

Then I would encourage you that next time you get pulled over to just close your window and stop responding to the police. I'm sure you'll be fine.
I'm with many on here that there's plenty of shared blame.

1. Tyreke was a complete dick, and needlessly so. To be clear, that's not a crime, but it's generally not a pathway to the 'express lane' for getting your speeding ticket.
2. The champagne and brie lawyer's debating society part of me says, sure, when you have several cops on the scene there's not a lot of need for roughhousing. We can all aspire to that.

But at the end of the day, if a guy in a car - whether for a simple traffic stop or otherwise - starts secluding himself, refusing to follow lawful orders as part of the stop, etc., you ask him to get out of the car. And when he doesn't, you can pull him out of the car. I suspect being an NFL guy trained to certain amount of aggression, Tyreke's more inclined to resist, but simply stated, you take your subjects as you find them.
Then I would encourage you that next time you get pulled over to just close your window and stop responding to the police. I'm sure you'll be fine.
But, he DID ultimately respond to the police after pulling his window up the first time. Had Hull never responded at all I’d see your point.

Do you truly have zero fault with how the cops behaved here? Really?
I'm with many on here that there's plenty of shared blame.

1. Tyreke was a complete dick, and needlessly so.
2. The champagne and brie lawyer's debating society part of me says, sure, when you have several cops on the scene there's not a lot of need for roughhousing. We can all aspire to that.

But at the end of the day, if a guy in a car - whether for a simple traffic stop or otherwise - starts secluding himself, refusing to follow lawful orders as part of the stop, etc., you ask him to get out of the car. And when he doesn't, you can pull him out of the car. I suspect being an NFL guy trained to certain amount of aggression, Tyreke's more inclined to resist, but simply stated, you take your subjects as you find them.
Barely any time elapsed between when they first told him to get out of the car vs when they pulled him out.

Why is it controversial to say both hill and cops didn’t have their best moments?
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But, he DID ultimately respond to the police after pulling his window up the first time. Had Hull never responded at all I’d see your point.

Do you truly have zero fault with how the cops behaved here? Really?
No he didn't, he lowered it a small amount. He was not following the cops orders.

I'm guessing you're a teacher. If you had a student who responded that way, I would expect you to remove them from the classroom and if they wouldn't, I would expect you to find someone who would.
He wasn't following directions. They needed to make sure he didn't drive off or pull a gun. Is it really that big of a deal for a cop to ask someone to get out of the car?
This is where context clues DO matter. You know who Hill is. You have his ID and you’re close to the stadium. Are the odds really high that he’s going to shoot up a bunch of cops and speed off as a pre-game warmup?

If he’s refusing to give his ID, refusing to comply at all, if you can’t identify him or if he takes aggressive action towards the officers, then absolutely they should do what they have to do, but he was ultimately complying with actions, he was just kind of being a dick about it.

None of us can judge the stuff not released on video, but what I saw was really just an annoying traffic stop. Hill acted like a dick and got it started, but there was really no reason to pull him out of the car. Slow play the ticket if you want since he’s being a dick about it. Cool, but that’s about it.
Barely any time elapsed between when they first told him to get out of the car vs when they pulled him out.

Why is it controversial to say both hill and cops didn’t have their best moments?
I don't think it's controversial at all. What I am saying is that, at the end of the day, I don't think the cops acted wrongfully here.

That said, fwiw, I do think his non compliance with the direction to exit the car was clear enough, particularly given the ongoing course preceding that direction.
Barely any time elapsed between when they first told him to get out of the car vs when they pulled him out.

Why is it controversial to say both hill and cops didn’t have their best moments?
So after multiple posts criticizing the cops and saying the driver was doing what the cops said, now you're going to say both sides were at fault.
No, but knowing who he is and where he was provides context clues.

So lets go with that if that's your argument. The context is, he's a violent man that has beaten his kid to the point the kid had a broken arm and was taken away. So the context is, this guy is a loose canon and a danger to society, and should be treated that way.
So after multiple posts criticizing the cops and saying the driver was doing what the cops said, now you're going to say both sides were at fault.
He's nuts! He probably truly believes if Tyree's 3 year hadn't escalated the situation, Tyreek never would have broke his arm! And that pregnant bitch he beat in college...if she had only kept her stupid mouth shut........
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This is where context clues DO matter. You know who Hill is. You have his ID and you’re close to the stadium. Are the odds really high that he’s going to shoot up a bunch of cops and speed off as a pre-game warmup?

If he’s refusing to give his ID, refusing to comply at all, if you can’t identify him or if he takes aggressive action towards the officers, then absolutely they should do what they have to do, but he was ultimately complying with actions, he was just kind of being a dick about it.

None of us can judge the stuff not released on video, but what I saw was really just an annoying traffic stop. Hill acted like a dick and got it started, but there was really no reason to pull him out of the car. Slow play the ticket if you want since he’s being a dick about it. Cool, but that’s about it.

See post 98.
No he didn't, he lowered it a small amount. He was not following the cops orders.

I'm guessing you're a teacher. If you had a student who responded that way, I would expect you to remove them from the classroom and if they wouldn't, I would expect you to find someone who would.
Don’t teach anymore, and I wouldn’t have laid a hand on a kid who was simply not following directions.

Agree to disagree here I guess. Hill was being a dick and started the thing. Cops seemed like they then escalated the situation out of proportion to Hills dickishness.
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He's nuts! He probably truly believes if Tyree's 3 year hadn't escalated the situation, Tyreek never would have broke his arm! And that pregnant bitch he beat in college...if she had only kept her stupid mouth shut........

These posters are the reason that Hill has been able to do all the sh!t he has, they're overlooking it because of who he is.
Don’t teach anymore, and I wouldn’t have laid a hand on a kid who was simply not following directions.

Agree to disagree here I guess. Hill was being a dick and started the thing. Cops seemed like they then escalated the situation out of proportion to Hills dickishness.

What if those directions were to stop doing something wrong to another student or to stop interrupting the class. If you sat there and would do nothing, then you wouldn't be a good teacher for those situations. You have to get that person removed from the room, it might not be you, but someone would need to remove the problem.
So lets go with that if that's your argument. The context is, he's a violent man that has beaten his kid to the point the kid had a broken arm and was taken away. So the context is, this guy is a loose canon and a danger to society, and should be treated that way.
Again, context matters. Situation matters. I’m not defending Tyreek Hill. AT ALL. He’s acted like a PoS in the past for sure and probably shouldn’t be playing in the league, but all that has little to do with this traffic stop. In this traffic stop, he is the primary reason it escalated to begin with. That’s a given. I’m simply also making the argument that that doesn’t give the officers a blank check to do whatever after that - but I’m also not saying the cops all need to be fired or prosecuted, just that it wasn’t a great display of police work.

He was being a dick and ultimately reluctantly doing what the police asked - he gave his information and ID, he did ultimately roll the window down, etc. I didn’t see anything in the video where he got aggressive with the police, he was really just being difficult. Cops won’t (and likely shouldn’t) be fired here, but I don’t see anything in the video that really warranted pulling him out of the vehicle.
Some concern, sure. But not enough to warrant the way they escalated it imo. Especially after they’d already spoken with him once, gotten his ID, etc. it’s not like that he’d refused to communicate with them at all.

Without being able to see/hear the initial part of the interaction we’re both guessing as to why hill raised his window like he did. Maybe he was pissed for getting pulled over and wanted to vent privately, maybe that’s what he’s done in the past when being pulled over, maybe he thought cop had given him permission to do so.

And he did ultimately lower the window again when instructed to…not immediately, but he did in the end. For a routine traffic stop, that should have been the end of it. Next thing cop should have said would be instructions to keep the window down until they’re done, or else they’ll be forced to take him out of the vehicle to detain him.

The past half of that video was entirely one-sided. I simply don’t see the need to pull him out of the car like they did. I don’t understand why you can’t say the cops are at least somewhat at fault here.

He pretty much did refuse to talk to them. The entire initial interaction was hill repeatedly telling them “don’t knock on my window” over and over. Then he rolls the window up and they ask him numerous times to roll the window down or they will pull him out of the car. Are you being this obtuse on purpose?

The cops overreacted for sure, but tyreke is the douche on this one.
These posters are the reason that Hill has been able to do all the sh!t he has, they're overlooking it because of who he is.
They are over the top liberal whack-a-dos! They are beyond the defund crackpots and consider themselves "abolitionists" in the sense there should should be no more law enforcement, jails or prisons since people are not inherently bad/evil, the dreaded system is. How twisted do you have to be, to defend this idiot with his known background and MO against an honest cop you know nothing about other than he was out there doing his job and trying to get home safe at the end of the day.
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They are over the top liberal whack-a-dos! They are beyond the defund crackpots and consider themselves "abolitionists" in the sense there should should be no more law enforcement, jails or prisons since people are not inherently bad/evil, the dreaded system is. How twisted do you have to be, to defend this idiot with his known background and MO against an honest cop you know nothing about other than he was out there doing his job and trying to get home safe at the end of the day.

I'm a liberal and I just can't understand why these posters feel it's ok to not follow the rules. It's very odd to me.
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You don’t either tho.

Cops need a greater justification than raising a car window or not getting out as quickly as they want him to before deciding to resort to use of force.

They were being very belligerent in that video, imo, greatly out of proportion to a guy who raised his window back up when he shouldn’t have.
You're wrong......
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Again, context matters. Situation matters. I’m not defending Tyreek Hill. AT ALL. He’s acted like a PoS in the past for sure and probably shouldn’t be playing in the league, but all that has little to do with this traffic stop. In this traffic stop, he is the primary reason it escalated to begin with. That’s a given. I’m simply also making the argument that that doesn’t give the officers a blank check to do whatever after that - but I’m also not saying the cops all need to be fired or prosecuted, just that it wasn’t a great display of police work.

He was being a dick and ultimately reluctantly doing what the police asked - he gave his information and ID, he did ultimately roll the window down, etc. I didn’t see anything in the video where he got aggressive with the police, he was really just being difficult. Cops won’t (and likely shouldn’t) be fired here, but I don’t see anything in the video that really warranted pulling him out of the vehicle.

You are defending him, and you're defending him because he's an NFL player. He wouldn't get out so they pulled him out. It's that simple. They didn't beat him or shoot him, they put him on the ground and cuffed him.
What if those directions were to stop doing something wrong to another student or to stop interrupting the class. If you sat there and would do nothing, then you wouldn't be a good teacher for those situations. You have to get that person removed from the room, it might not be you, but someone would need to remove the problem.
So the context matters, got it. If he’s being abusive to others or disrupting the class and won’t stop, then yeah he needs to get pulled. But this is the equivalent of simply sitting at his desk and not engaging with the teacher.
He pretty much did refuse to talk to them. The entire initial interaction was hill repeatedly telling them “don’t knock on my window” over and over. Then he rolls the window up and they ask him numerous times to roll the window down or they will pull him out of the car. Are you being this obtuse on purpose?

The cops overreacted for sure, but tyreke is the douche on this one.
Except he did initially talk to them - rolled down his window, gave his ID etc from what I understand. The video starts at the point after he’d rolled up his window for reasons unknown, and didn’t immediately roll them back down when told to.

Glad you agree that cops behaved poorly as well tho. This seems like a simple one to say that Hill started the whole thing, but cops made it worse.
I'm a democrat living in Chicago and I know the importance of listening to the police and following what they say. Police brutality is a problem in the U.S. but I don't see it for this situation. When the driver closed his window, and the window is tinted, how does the cop know what the driver is really doing. In Chicago that guy would probably have been shot, so he should consider himself lucky, or they would have shattered the window. Even the other car that pulled over wasn't listening to the cop. We all have to follow the rules, and if some people decide they're too good for the rules, then they get what they deserve. The video I saw just showed why we have cops that go too far, because there are idiots who won't follow the rules.
I thought that until the cop just stood there like a pud. He would have moved away from the line of fire if he were in danger. The cops escalated the situation after Hill big-timed them and told them to "gimmie my ticket do what you gotta do so I can get outta here". Dick move? Sure. Was he deserving of a 5 man beatdown? Hell no. Just more police overreach, but the board won't even agree on that fact.
So the context matters, got it. If he’s being abusive to others or disrupting the class and won’t stop, then yeah he needs to get pulled. But this is the equivalent of simply sitting at his desk and not engaging with the teacher.

Except he did initially talk to them - rolled down his window, gave his ID etc from what I understand. The video starts at the point after he’d rolled up his window for reasons unknown, and didn’t immediately roll them back down when told to.

Glad you agree that cops behaved poorly as well tho. This seems like a simple one to say that Hill started the whole thing, but cops made it worse.

It wasn't him just sitting there and not engaging the teacher. He had already broken the law and was not responding to orders from the cops.
I thought that until the cop just stood there like a pud. He would have moved away from the line of fire if he were in danger. The cops escalated the situation after Hill big-timed them and told them to "gimmie my ticket do what you gotta do so I can get outta here". Dick move? Sure. Was he deserving of a 5 man beatdown? Hell no. Just more police overreach, but the board won't even agree on that fact.

They want to be able to see the driver and what he's doing. At any time he could pull a gun or take off driving way. Maybe next time he's follow the order and he won't get the beatdown.