Thought the same. Body sideways and shoulders square. Quick release.Its like he does not even line it up
I told them from my tvSomeone tell the crowd to stop chanting while we are shooting free throws. Where are the cheerleaders. Are they injured
Sounds like my golf swingThought the same. Body sideways and shoulders square. Quick release.
True, but also threw an absolute bullet from a few feet away too.Passec it to stone hands
Show the clip where he just threw it away.
Passec it to stone hands
Hey Fran, maybe you forgot him over there.
But Drew Thelwell spelling Harding for a couple minutes might be something to think about.
Every game we play there is someone killing us. Never fails.Madsen just killing us
Agreed brock getting speed up when not neededTrue, but also threw an absolute bullet from a few feet away too.
Get your hands out of your pockets and listen to my advice!thanks!
What's wrong with Traore?Fran has played 9 players (incl Kingsbury)
Traore would have helped today
Hopefully he decides to play sometime down the road