Verdict is in***************

U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., said the verdict shows "our justice system at work!"

"No one is above the law, including the four-time indicted, twice impeached, insurrection inciter and now convicted felon, former President Donald Trump," Wilson said in a statement.

"There was no witch hunt, no foul play --- just the impartial application of justice that treats everyone equally, regardless of who they are," Wilson added.
Why is my vagina itchy? Because I said maybe now we can have someone worthwhile as a presidential candidate and someone else suggested we should get rid of Biden and have to worthwhile candidates and I agreed and mentioned I’m sure our current president has done some shady shit as well.
Sorry but even if I had a vagina, I’m sure that wouldn’t make it itch.

James Comer keeps trying to find “shady shit” on President Biden and has failed spectacularly so far. So maybe we can just accept that there’s no shit to be found?

Keep scratchin’, tho
James Comer keeps trying to find “shady shit” on President Biden and has failed spectacularly so far. So maybe we can just accept that there’s no shit to be found?

Keep scratchin’, tho
I guess ill keep itching if that’s what it takes for criminal politicians to finally start getting what they deserve.
I’m not going to pretend trumps the only guilty one. I don’t care what party they belong to either. If they do shady shit, they deserve to serve the time. I would even say they should have a stiffer penalty as they are supposed to be leading our country.
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As I understand it, the jury deliberated for 9 1/2 hours over two days. If that's the case, that indicates they spent a little over 16 minutes on each count. Basically, enough time to take a vote on each count. I imagine they were laughing out loud by vote 20.
Alas this one is a parody account. A very very good parody account, but parody none the less. His website is pretty funny.
There are a lot of parody accounts that get people simply because MAGA voters, pundits, and politicians are so ****ing deranged and stupid that anything these accounts and comedians come up with as satire seems real.
They will find him guilty of being Trump on a sunny day. To think any of this holds any other greater meaning is ridiculous.
Trump University = scammer and bait and switch fraudster, now he is a felon, a jury and judge found him guilty of sexual assualt and libel; NY State judge found him guilty off tax fraud; now the news is the IRS etc has found about $100 million in double dipping tax fraud;

How many crimes does it take to prove to people Trump is a scumster dumpster.

“If you don't want to be found guilty of falsifying business records as a felony, don't sleep with the porn star, don't lie about it, don't pay her off, don't cover up the payoff, don't cover up the payoff in the middle of a presidential campaign ….

“If you don’t want to be held liable for rape, as Donald Trump has, don’t grab the woman’s genitalia. If you don’t want to be held liable for defaming the woman you raped, don’t keep lying about what you did and calling her a nut job.

“If you don't want to be indicted for overthrowing the Constitution, don't start a self-coup.

If you don't want to be indicted for stealing classified documents and obstructing justice, don't take the classified documents. When the government asks for them back, give them back. If the FBI serves you with a search warrant, don't hide the documents and don't lie about it and don't have your lawyers lie about it.

“This isn't that hard. Donald Trump is not the victim here.”

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