Verdict is in***************

Don't worry about hope. He'll get some form of presidential prison. Personally I hope they lock him the last Blockbuster and force him to watch all the crappy cameos he did in the 90s.
I was wrong about him being convicted and would love to see him in jail at some point, but I just can’t imagine that ever happening.
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I was wrong about him being convicted and would love to see him in jail at some point, but I just can’t imagine that ever happening.
I have no idea how the mechanics of imprisoning him works. But I have little doubt that prison will be part of his sentence. No chance he gets off with probation.
Congrats on you all's football team winning. Lots of high fives and ball spiking and rightfully so. I am enjoying the delicious hypocrisy from both sides (oh no! He said both sides!).

The left claims this is how justice works. Randomly selected jurors found him unanimously guilty. The Magas here claim it was rigged and not a fair trial.

Now, go back to the threads on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial for the deliciousness. The magas claim this is how justice works. Randomly selected jurors found him unanimously not guilty. The left here claim it was rigged and not a fair trial.
You are a dupe. You can’t be as dumb as you seem.
Why would you want the job. Decent chance you’ll be asked to do some shady shit and possibly indicted at some point. They just can’t resist.
Actuarial tables. There is a very good chance Trump won't make it 4 years if elected in 2024. That's why the Vance's and Rubio's are sucking up so hard. It's absolutely disgusting.
Tim Scott has to be exhausted

His gums certainly are.

Trump in the clink circa 2029:

"I'm the most prolific felon there is, you know. Everybody talks about it. My first day in prison, I had big guys coming up to me with tears in their eyes - and these are big, burly, tough, murderers and gangbangers who've never cried in their life - and they come up to me with tears streaming down their face and they say, sir, sir, 34 felonies? That is so beautiful, sir. Most of us only got caught after 1 felony!"
You’re so funny. 😜
Just got done mowing the yard listening to this.....made me think of this thread....and those that are needing help....

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I don't understand people's obsession with Chris. It's like they're just looking to pick a fight with them? There is a f'ing feature if their posts piss you off so much to this point. It's mind bottling how they get such a rise out of people.
Simply mind bottling. 😜
Congrats on you all's football team winning. Lots of high fives and ball spiking and rightfully so. I am enjoying the delicious hypocrisy from both sides (oh no! He said both sides!).

The left claims this is how justice works. Randomly selected jurors found him unanimously guilty. The Magas here claim it was rigged and not a fair trial.

Now, go back to the threads on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial for the deliciousness. The magas claim this is how justice works. Randomly selected jurors found him unanimously not guilty. The left here claim it was rigged and not a fair trial.
You have issues.

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