I respect
@MSU158 a lot because he puts a lot of thought into his posts and is a good member of the forum. But ultimately, he's embraced a defeatism that most of us on here aren't willing accept as fans.
Is the PSU train likely to derail anytime soon? No. Does that mean all hope is lost? No. Nobody on here thought Cael would quickly overtake Iowa at PSU. Afterall, he failed to do it at his alma mater which is a historically successful wrestling school. Then when he did, we thought he'd "level off" because he lucked out with the double recruiting class. He's only widened the gap since.
DT might not catch Cael, but if I had to bet on anybody to do it, it's him. He's elite in every aspect of wrestling. There's no position he's unfamiliar with. He's a proven coach already. M2 just started and he's already had 2 true freshmen place top 3 at NCAAs.