What is the Republican Policy that will stop inflation?

Yes. Which is what we are currently in (recession). Dems saddling us with more stupid spending programs just makes it harder to deal with moving forward.
The Fed is already doing your plan, in part. They don't want to kill the economy, but by slowly increasing interest rates they are slowly reducing the rate of loans being issued which reduces economic activity which reduces inflation.
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The Fed is already doing your plan, in part. They don't want to kill the economy, but by slowly increasing interest rates they are slowly reducing the rate of loans being issued which reduces economic activity which reduces inflation.
Yes. And, the Dems are undermining it by calling for and passing more spending.
We are here because the democrats injected way too much cash into the economy. The federal reserve is taking the biggest steps which is to raise rates to try to pull it out of the economy.
The next thing would be to cut spending…definitely not spend more like they just did with the the inflation act. Just wait until the student loan forgiveness hits the markets.

the next part is to do whatever is possible to to support domestic fossil fuel production. Get more product in the market to drive down oil futures. Just the announcement of future drilling brings the price down:

again, quit spending Fuking money. Just stop.
This is bullshit. You dummies act like Republicans don’t spend. We tell you what you’re going to say ahead of time. Democrats are the only ones who ever balance the budget. You’re literally wrong about every one of your political takes.
The Fed is already doing your plan, in part. They don't want to kill the economy, but by slowly increasing interest rates they are slowly reducing the rate of loans being issued which reduces economic activity which reduces inflation.

Hey, Huey is correct for once.

Now if the government will stop injecting new money into the economy maybe the fed's strategy has a chance to work.

Student loan forgiveness is an example of the last thing the government should be doing right now.
This is bullshit. You dummies act like Republicans spend. We tell you what you’re going to say ahead of time. Democrats are the only ones who ever balance the budget. You’re literally wrong about every one of your political takes.
I wish you’d change your moniker. I like that character :)

Some suggestions:

- Karl
- Bernie Bro 729
- Jimmy Carter Fan
- Joe Biden’s fictional backstory
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Trump took the GOP over the cliff....and his foot never left the accelerator.
I don’t care. I don’t give a crap about a political party. I care about efficiently running a business that leaves everyone satisfied in the end. Right now- everyone isn’t satisfied. Abortion! Guns! 1/6! are all meaningless to me. This country runs on businesses. And this administration has left me in a shitstorm from hell.
We're probably not in a recession. Private market spending is up, labor is up, many markets are still red hot. It's hard to claim a real recession with that stuff going on.

And now he's back to ignorant talk. I knew it couldn't last....
Still no Republican plan. Wanting to cut spending has been a Republican myth since Reagan. Cons spend. Always have.
JFC. Again, what “plan” should they have? The only thing they can do is stop the Alzheimer’s patient from signing more CCP takeover bills.
We're probably not in a recession. Private market spending is up, labor is up, many markets are still red hot. It's hard to claim a real recession with that stuff going on.
Red hot? Lmfao that’s how I know you’re an SSI only individual. You can go out and by government bonds right now (at a limited level) that have decent returns, and that’s it folks.
Still no Republican plan. Wanting to cut spending has been a Republican myth since Reagan. Cons spend. Always have.
The plain truth is that we're already doing what we can to curb inflation. Fed is increasing interest rates, government spending is going down. Beyond that, it's a waiting game. What we definitely don't need is an over compensation to take our -0.6% into a -7 or 8% by over reacting. Entertaining what bandit and trad want would take us to these depths.
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Red hot? Lmfao that’s how I know you’re an SSI only individual.
Housing inventory is still low. Same with the car inventory. Same with oil. Demand for these markets is still outstripping supply. Hard to claim recession with that going on.
The plain truth is that we're already doing what we can to curb inflation. Fed is increasing interest rates, government spending is going down. Beyond that, it's a waiting game. What we definitely don't need is an over compensation to take our -0.6% into a -7 or 8% by over reacting. Entertaining what bandit and trad want would take us to these depths.
I’m sure. I just know Republicans are full of crap whenever they mention spending. They don’t fool me. Massive spenders since Reagan. Most going to military contractors, and bailouts for wealthy people. PPP was wasteful spending because millions were stolen by Mnuchin and Trump and siphoned to corporations. Republicans are completely full of it when they cry about cutting Democrat spending. Again, it’s right up there with they’re coming for your guns, lies. Idiots believe the same effing lies for decades.
And now he's back to ignorant talk. I knew it couldn't last....
We have a Nintendo like low for unemployment right now. In states like Iowa there is still a massive deficit of workers vs job openings. The labor market is insanely strong right now. None of that signals recession.
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The plain truth is that we're already doing what we can to curb inflation. Fed is increasing interest rates, government spending is going down. Beyond that, it's a waiting game. What we definitely don't need is an over compensation to take our -0.6% into a -7 or 8% by over reacting. Entertaining what bandit and trad want would take us to these depths.
Not passing more spending would take us to these depths? Not giving away tax dollars to pay off peoples’ personal loans? Not spending billions on DEI? This would surely sink us further?
Housing inventory is still low. Same with the car inventory. Same with oil. Demand for these markets is still outstripping supply. Hard to claim recession with that going on.
Fing housing? Are you insane? Housing hit its peak awhile ago and it’s only down from here near-term. You hear that everyone? If you can’t buy groceries, just buy some houses and cars. Solid returns there.
I’m sure. I just know Republicans are full of crap whenever they mention spending. They don’t fool me. Massive spenders since Reagan. Most going to military contractors, and bailouts for wealthy people. PPP was wasteful spending because millions were stolen by Mnuchin and Trump and siphoned to corporations. Republicans are completely full of it when they cry about cutting Democrat spending. Again, it’s right up there with they’re coming for your guns, lies. Idiots believe the same effing lies for decades.
Hey, I agree. Ppp was largely wasteful. But, it did save a bunch of mainstream america jobs. Of course, had the country behaved like Florida, it wouldn’t have been necessary.
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I’m sure. I just know Republicans are full of crap whenever they mention spending. They don’t fool me. Massive spenders since Reagan. Most going to military contractors, and bailouts for wealthy people. PPP was wasteful spending because millions were stolen by Mnuchin and Trump and siphoned to corporations. Republicans are completely full of it when they cry about cutting Democrat spending. Again, it’s right up there with they’re coming for your guns, lies. Idiots believe the same effing lies for decades.
They just fired what few fiscal hawks they had remaining during their primaries. If they think the Walker and Oz's of this world will balance any budgets, they are sorely mistaken.
Fing housing? Are you insane? Housing hit its peak awhile ago and it’s only down from here near-term. You hear that everyone? If you can’t buy groceries, just buy some houses and cars. Solid returns there.
Housing prices are still going up. That's a sign demand is still outstripping supply.
They just fired what few fiscal hawks they had remaining during their primaries. If they think the Walker and Oz's of this world will balance any budgets, they are sorely mistaken.
Certainly warnock and fetterman won’t.
Housing prices are still going up. That's a sign demand is still outstripping supply.
No, it’s a sign that every fing thing you buy in this country is going up. Real estate flattened (in real terms, dm me if you don’t know what that means) months ago. Hell, probably early spring.
Certainly warnock and fetterman won’t.
You're claiming the Rs can fix inflation. My question is how? The GOP threw out all their fiscal hawks. So who will do the actual lifting to curb spending? Because all that remains are a bunch of Trumpers which you have already said worthless are when it comes to deficits.
You're claiming the Rs can fix inflation. My question is how? The GOP threw out all their fiscal hawks. So who will do the actual lifting to curb spending? Because all that remains are a bunch of Trumpers which you have already said worthless are when it comes to deficits.
Well now you’re getting to why I feel entirely unrepresented by our gov. I am claiming Dems are a bigger economic problem than republicans but neither are good.
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In the last admin, 3.9 trillion was on Covid relief. 10 trillion would have occurred regardless of what trump admin did. Those were automatic from the prior admins. But, I’m not going to defend the drunken sailor budgets that were implemented under trump where he basically did what the Dems wanted so he could get more military spending. Also, the stimulus checks were ridiculous. Trump was a rino.
The 15 cases to 0 hoax against me?! 🤡
No, they're really not.

"Asking prices" have increased much more slowly, but they're not dropping.

"Selling prices" are a different story.
Inventory is still near record lows. And that is unlikely to change which is why experts say a crash is very unlikely. Even with slowing price increases, they are still increasing.
Inventory is still near record lows. And that is unlikely to change which is why experts say a crash is very unlikely. Even with slowing price increases, they are still increasing.

Again, "asking prices" are rising more slowly.

"Selling prices" are declining.

Today's mortgage rates basically knocked $100,000 off of the prospective buyer's price range.

It going to take a month or two for the data so shake out, but it's not good.
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No, it’s a sign that every fing thing you buy in this country is going up. Real estate flattened (in real terms, dm me if you don’t know what that means) months ago. Hell, probably early spring.
Everything is going up because of demand. Only when supply is greater than demand will prices go down.
Again, "asking prices" are rising more slowly.

"Selling prices" are declining.

Today's mortgage rates basically knocked $100,000 off of the prospective buyer's price range.

It going to take a month or two for the data so shake out, but it's not good.
Selling prices are still going up, too.