Who could be Trump's vice president?

Good grief. Nobody will be basing their vote off of Kamala and whomever Trump picks
If they think they're liable to die or become incapacitated in office they might make it a consideration. More than it normally is anyway. It's part of the equation this cycle.

Joe will be 86 in 2028 and Don 82. Pretty decent chance they don't make it all the way through.
Trump supporters are going to vote for Trump no matter who he picks because they are completely locked in on Trump.

But anyone who votes for Biden has to know in the back of their mind that in reality they are voting for Harris. I just don’t see how Biden makes it to the finish line of a second term. The presidency ages a person far more than most jobs. Biden has aged noticeably already, and he’s going to age even more from 81 to 86 than he did from 78 to 81.

Biden > Kamala > Anybody Trump would pick as his running mate > 5 miles of crap > Trump.

Voting for Biden is the best choice even if he dies on Day 1.
A whole lot of meh in this list. Don't see anyone who could move the needle.

The Noem shooting the puppy fiasco actually did Trump a favor as she was probably the pick prior....just imagine if this came out after she was picked.

Only one that could help a bit (hispanic vote) isn't eligible. Rubio. Florida residency makes him ineligible.

Maybe Tim Scott? I think he gets shredded under the scrutiny that he'd get if he was the pick.

What say you?

I think it will be Rubio. And, to be honest....he would be the best pick for him to get ANY kind of needle movement. Sometimes better the Sh!t. See Harris. LOL!

He would absolutly be better then Harris, but it still means we would be stuck with Trump. UGH!!! This country is SCREWED either way.
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I've kind of been thinking it'll be one of his kids as this year drones on. They're probably the only choices that he would/could trust.
I believe Ivanka is the only one he trusts. That's why she was part of his last administration in whatever role she played, not sure what role that was.
I agree that Noem was probably the choice until the book was published, she can not be picked at this point.

At this point, my top 3 from this list would be Vance, Mace, or Stefanik.
More likely Vance or Stefanik, but Mace could potentially pull a few moderates which has to be the goal going forward for that campaign.
Burgum is also a possibility, he brings a lot of cash and that will be important heading into the election.
I think you're missing someone on that list.
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I agree that Noem was probably the choice until the book was published, she can not be picked at this point.

At this point, my top 3 from this list would be Vance, Mace, or Stefanik.
More likely Vance or Stefanik, but Mace could potentially pull a few moderates which has to be the goal going forward for that campaign.
Burgum is also a possibility, he brings a lot of cash and that will be important heading into the election.
I think the Maga mouth breathers love the fact that Noem killed the dog and a goat.
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A whole lot of meh in this list. Don't see anyone who could move the needle.

The Noem shooting the puppy fiasco actually did Trump a favor as she was probably the pick prior....just imagine if this came out after she was picked.

Only one that could help a bit (hispanic vote) isn't eligible. Rubio. Florida residency makes him ineligible.

Maybe Tim Scott? I think he gets shredded under the scrutiny that he'd get if he was the pick.

What say you?

Whoever he picks will get shredded, it is their destiny.
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A typical American’s attention span, especially with politics is insanely short. I think very few are giving two thoughts about Kamala. And in any case, this election is a vote for Trump or against Trump, not exactly for Biden.

This is true.

Biden's just Biden, he's an old man with declining mental faculties. No one's been super excited to vote for Biden so much as they have been excited to vote for someone to replace Trump.

Joe isn't in shape, he's just not fat. Other than ice cream, he probably just eats what is put n front of him, chosen by Jill.

Physically he's in shape for an 81 year old man.

Consider everything on a sliding scale of what most men his age can do and he's in pretty good shape. Sure there are some outliers who are like running marathons and stuff. But the majority of 81 year old men are not in better physical shape than Biden.

And we all know who he's choosing. Some hot white woman he will try banging. That's all he cares about.

That's who he looks for when it comes to assistants and the like. I'm not sure about his pick for VP. His top 2 qualifications for VP will be someone who's absolutely loyal and also someone who won't upstage him.

He wants a relatively boring person who would be willing to risk prison to make Trump happy.

A hot white woman does carry some risk of upstaging him with her hotness.
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This is true.

Biden's just Biden, he's an old man with declining mental faculties. No one's been super excited to vote for Biden so much as they have been excited to vote for someone to replace Trump.

Physically he's in shape for an 81 year old man.

Consider everything on a sliding scale of what most men his age can do and he's in pretty good shape. Sure there are some outliers who are like running marathons and stuff. But the majority of 81 year old men are not in better physical shape than Biden.

That's who he looks for when it comes to assistants and the like. I'm not sure about his pick for VP. His top 2 qualifications for VP will be someone who's absolutely loyal and also someone who won't upstage him.

He wants a relatively boring person who would be willing to risk prison to make Trump happy.

A hot white woman does carry some risk of upstaging him with her hotness.
In shape for an 81 year old man? That's your standard for the leader of the free world? The dude doesn't walk, he shuffles. He falls down regularly. I play senior softball with a few guys in their 80's and they all are in better shape than Biden. Try again.
In shape for an 81 year old man? That's your standard for the leader of the free world? The dude doesn't walk, he shuffles. He falls down regularly. I play senior softball with a few guys in their 80's and they all are in better shape than Biden. Try again.
In shape for an 81 year old man? That's your standard for the leader of the free world? The dude doesn't walk, he shuffles. He falls down regularly. I play senior softball with a few guys in their 80's and they all are in better shape than Biden. Try again.

The question wasn't if this was a good standard for the president, the question was if he's in good shape. For his age he is.

Again you know a few 80 year olds that play softball. How many 80 year olds do you think move around with a walker, cane, or wheelchair?? Because there is a lot.
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A whole lot of meh in this list. Don't see anyone who could move the needle.

The Noem shooting the puppy fiasco actually did Trump a favor as she was probably the pick prior....just imagine if this came out after she was picked.

Only one that could help a bit (hispanic vote) isn't eligible. Rubio. Florida residency makes him ineligible.

Maybe Tim Scott? I think he gets shredded under the scrutiny that he'd get if he was the pick.

What say you?

Tim Scott strikes he as just not a very smart man…probably the perfect running mate for the Orange Mutherphuquer….
He can be the doorman as Trump runs his whores in and out if the WH…
Tim Scott strikes he as just not a very smart man…probably the perfect running mate for the Orange Mutherphuquer….
He can be the doorman as Trump runs his whores in and out if the WH…
He's probably more accomplished than you bro.
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It actually could matter if there was a choice that could be a substantial improvement over Kamala.

A couple of 80 yr olds make the VP pick more important than usual.
Fortunately, nobody on that list meets that criteria. Scott has become the biggest joke, humiliating himself to stay in trump's good graces. He won't even answer whether he will accept the results of the election.
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