Who could be Trump's vice president?

I can see this.
just be sure to ignore the statments Vance made about trump before his senate run

i guess he was lying before he got into politics and then decided to be truthful about trump once he needed his endorsement
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I doubt this considering all of the mud slinging, yes they all do it, but her election numbers don't think show she is well liked. I think Scott is a finalist but we'll see.
She’ll bend the knee and suck up for power. She checks a lot of boxes. Woman, Minority,, Executive experienced, attractive.
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She’ll bend the knee and suck up for power. She checks a lot of boxes. Woman, Minority decent, Executive experienced. Good looking etc etc.
but then they'll have to constantly answer why she was criticizing him and didn't endorse him when she dropped her campaign just a few months ago

it brings all that back as a story - not to mention the hit to trump's ego/urge to burn all rivals and opponents to the ground
but then they'll have to constantly answer why she was criticizing him and didn't endorse him when she dropped her campaign just a few months ago

it brings all that back as a story - not to mention the hit to trump's ego/urge to burn all rivals and opponents to the ground

That's her biggest problem - she hasn't been sucking up to him this whole time, I'm sure she is completely out of favor with him.
but then they'll have to constantly answer why she was criticizing him and didn't endorse him when she dropped her campaign just a few months ago

it brings all that back as a story - not to mention the hit to trump's ego/urge to burn all rivals and opponents to the ground
She can spin it as her time of the month :). Campaigns are often brutal and I needed time away to reflect. I disagree with some of Trump’s tactics , but not his substance on the issues. Then u hit all of the things wrong with the current world and tie it to Biden etc etc.
She can spin it as her time of the month :). Campaigns are often brutal and I needed time away to reflect. I disagree with some of Trump’s tactics , but not his substance on the issues. Then u hit all of the things wrong with the current world and tie it to Biden etc etc.
she can...but will that land, considering she's gone from tepid criticism/endorsing rubio in 2016, to being a member of his cabinet, then back to even more pointed/direct criticism post 2021 through 2024 primary

if she goes back to supporting and endorsing him now...does that really convince any one unsure of their support of trump? at some point it becomes a little too obvious how she truly feels vs what she has to say if she wants a job in his administration
I just wish he’d make the pick so I wouldn’t have to see every one of them making absurd statements every day. But that’s probably the goal
I just wish he’d make the pick so I wouldn’t have to see every one of them making absurd statements every day. But that’s probably the goal
They’re all trying to demonstrate how long they can stay on their knees
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They’re all trying to demonstrate how long they can stay on their knees
It’s bizarre to me how eager some of these guys are to be his VP considering how he treated Pence and how poorly it worked out for him.

Once again, people think what Trump has done is repeatable.
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It’s bizarre to me how eager some of these guys are to be his VP considering how he treated Pence and how poorly it worked out for him.

Once again, people think what Trump has done is repeatable.
They most likely see it as a pathway to the presidency in 2028.

I think they're mistaken :)

Whoever wins in 2024 the opposing party will in all likelihood win in 2028.

Lots of chickens coming home to roost in the next term.

Trump tax cuts expiring.

Social security/Medicare needing to be addressed.

High deficit spending and a higher percentage of the budget committed to servicing that debt.

China probably going after Taiwan during that time span.

Long awaited recession probably hitting.

Not exactly a rosy outlook the next 4 years IMO.
They most likely see it as a pathway to the presidency in 2028.

I think they're mistaken :)

Whoever wins in 2024 the opposing party will in all likelihood win in 2028.

Lots of chickens coming home to roost in the next term.

Trump tax cuts expiring.

Social security/Medicare needing to be addressed.

High deficit spending and a higher percentage of the budget committed to servicing that debt.

China probably going after Taiwan during that time span.

Long awaited recession probably hitting.

Not exactly a rosy outlook the next 4 years IMO.
Good points, all!
Hopefully a more responsive and responsible Congress can be elected…’24 and ‘26 congressional elections are crucial…Elect folks who understand solutions and not dogma are #1 concern for America. Let those Trump taxes go away and cut some spending and tax those with money, as the debt becomes an over-riding concern for the nation. Figure out a “Reaganesque” solution to SS/MediCare financing…Reality of a recession (and it’s more economics that politics)…China, Russia, Iran…there will always be something going on .
Good points, all!
Hopefully a more responsive and responsible Congress can be elected…’24 and ‘26 congressional elections are crucial…Elect folks who understand solutions and not dogma are #1 concern for America. Let those Trump taxes go away and cut some spending and tax those with money, as the debt becomes an over-riding concern for the nation. Figure out a “Reaganesque” solution to SS/MediCare financing…Reality of a recession (and it’s more economics that politics)…China, Russia, Iran…there will always be something going on .
There will be some negative political ramifications if the Trump tax cuts go away.

Contrary to popular belief middle class taxes will go up....along with the rich.
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They most likely see it as a pathway to the presidency in 2028.

I think they're mistaken :)

Whoever wins in 2024 the opposing party will in all likelihood win in 2028.

Lots of chickens coming home to roost in the next term.

Trump tax cuts expiring.

Social security/Medicare needing to be addressed.

High deficit spending and a higher percentage of the budget committed to servicing that debt.

China probably going after Taiwan during that time span.

Long awaited recession probably hitting.

Not exactly a rosy outlook the next 4 years IMO.
Good post, Bins.
She can spin it as her time of the month :). Campaigns are often brutal and I needed time away to reflect. I disagree with some of Trump’s tactics , but not his substance on the issues. Then u hit all of the things wrong with the current world and tie it to Biden etc etc.
You’re a helluva man aren’t you? Time of the month? Really?
No argument. Just sayin a lot of folks won’t like it much.
My advice to them…”Buck up, Buttercup”….this time to pay the piper.
The next POTUS is a “ one termer” regardless… the real courage and leadership has to be Congressional leadership. That really complicates the game. These spineless bastards crave “power” over responsibility for the most part. Do you really think a MT Green or Comer or the dipshit from Florida… or the Senator from Texas(Cruz) has the wherewithal to make a decision that truly is in the best interest of the nation, w/o benefitting them personally more? There a sine Dem names you can throw in there to, I am sure.

Honestly, the only person I see in DC who has a moral compass that has been elected to office, might. be Joe Biden. Give me a Republican name…I honestly don’t think there are any.
My advice to them…”Buck up, Buttercup”….this time to pay the piper.
The next POTUS is a “ one termer” regardless… the real courage and leadership has to be Congressional leadership. That really complicates the game. These spineless bastards crave “power” over responsibility for the most part. Do you really think a MT Green or Comer or the dipshit from Florida… or the Senator from Texas(Cruz) has the wherewithal to make a decision that truly is in the best interest of the nation, w/o benefitting them personally more? There a sine Dem names you can throw in there to, I am sure.

Honestly, the only person I see in DC who has a moral compass that has been elected to office, might. be Joe Biden. Give me a Republican name…I honestly don’t think there are any.
Every Republican in office has a moral compass. Unfortunately they all lead straight up Trump's ass.
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I just wish he’d make the pick so I wouldn’t have to see every one of them making absurd statements every day. But that’s probably the goal
1. Ratings. He enjoys the drama and breathless coverage.
2. A favorite tool of authoritarian leaders is to allow rivals to publicly degrade themselves.
Middle class is already paying thousands more per month with the 20% inflation tax courtesy of the Biden administration.
You have your head up your butt here again, SA…tax policy -abd interest rates are two important reasons why America got here in the first place..Trump and Repubbers increased the nation’s debt $10T in just 4 years…
I think something that's missed in the Trump VP conversation is the pick is likely to be President at some point in the term.

Don't see many fat 80 yr olds.

It's always brought up with Joe, do it myself, but at least Joe stays in shape.

Fat Don doesn't.
There has been renewed scrutiny the last few days as the discussion of an 80+ year old Trump as POTUS means the likelihood of his VP stepping up increases.
Supposedly this has pushed J. D. Vance farther down the list, and an experienced politician like Rubio up the list. Now, this doesn't mitigate the Trump Effect of him trying to be all mysterious and created some pizzaz with the pick, but the pressure to pick a credible person seems to be increasing before the convention.
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I just wish he’d make the pick so I wouldn’t have to see every one of them making absurd statements every day. But that’s probably the goal
That is a hallmark of an authoritarian leader. The public humiliation and self degradation of potential rivals. Trump faps when watching them grovel on Fox.
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Gosh - it’s great to see you’re not a sexist or anything.
LOL, because Trump surrounds himself with uggos. It's been widely reported that he mocked Sarah Sanders about her looks and weight even while she served him.

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