Makes sense. Jericho talked a bit on the attitudes the established WWE guys had against the WCW guys just a few years prior. Can't imagine they were all that welcoming to a bunch of guys that didn't come up through the system.

Show was pretty much piggybacking off of other reality tv shows that were exploding in that era; real world, big brother, survivor, etc.
Most of the WWE roster at that time had been broken in/trained by old school territory workers. WWE has been trying to replicate that somewhat with NXT. But really have failed. Any of the successful ones through NXT on main rosters are either generational talents or got built up by ROH or foreign promotions.
According to guys that first worked with the Tough Enough winners after the contest. Most of them weren’t smarten up to the business. They didn’t understand politics and etiquette. Deferring to veterans in and out of the ring.
The company literally saw zero value in them besides the show.
The Miz is the only one I can think of who had a successful WWE career from the Tough Enough participants. He had a tough time in the locker room for a while though.
The Miz is the only one I can think of who had a successful WWE career from the Tough Enough participants. He had a tough time in the locker room for a while though.
Miz will be a HOF.
Maven did alright. If you can make it for multiple years in that pressure cooker that’s outstanding. Harvard Chris had potential if it wasn’t for the concussions. Believe he would have had a nice career. Can’t think of anybody else that made it beyond a year.
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Sometimes Nia is actually kind of funny.
Best mic work I’ve seen from her. When she’s in the ring still needs to wrestle like a heavyweight. She’s lost a lot of weight, but she’s still a big gal. Those chair shots at War Games were lol bad. As well as the attempt of a Frankensteiner on Bayley. They’re both lucky neither got hurt. Honestly was shocked Bayley didn’t blowout a knee.
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That’s the best promo mic work I’ve seen from her. When she’s in the ring still needs to wrestle like a heavyweight. She’s lost a lot of weight, but she’s still a big gal. Those chair shots at War Games were lol bad. As well as the attempt of a Frankensteiner on Bayley. They’re both lucky neither got hurt. Honestly was shocked Bayley didn’t blowout a knee.
ya i donno if they were pumping in boos, but that was more heat than she usually gets.
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The Miz is the only one I can think of who had a successful WWE career from the Tough Enough participants. He had a tough time in the locker room for a while though.
John Morrison won season 3. I didn't remember this, looked it up on Wikipedia lol.
Also, I'm under the weather & zonked early last night. Did I miss anything good on Raw is Netflix ep 2?
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John Morrison won season 3. I didn't remember this, looked it up on Wikipedia lol.
Also, I'm under the weather & zonked early last night. Did I miss anything good on Raw is Netflix ep 2?
Drew’s promo interruption of Punk and Rollins was really good. Nia Jax interrupting Rhea Rhipley.
In the ring Penta vs Gable. Penta needs to get used to the WWE ring. Couple sloppy spots. Still looked like a star. Kaiser vs Shemus was fun. Always is. Couple cool spots in hardcore match with Priest/Finn. Finn’s finisher on the outside though a table. Nothing else stood out to me.
No mentioning of Hogan being booed out of Arena. Was featured on commercials for SNME. Would be interesting to see live crowds response to any flashes of him in the arena.
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Best mic work I’ve seen from her. When she’s in the ring still needs to wrestle like a heavyweight. She’s lost a lot of weight, but she’s still a big gal. Those chair shots at War Games were lol bad. As well as the attempt of a Frankensteiner on Bayley. They’re both lucky neither got hurt. Honestly was shocked Bayley didn’t blowout a knee.

They already edited that down in the E1 and his beer has 2 spots in the ring so they're prob just going to act like it never happened.
Similar to how Hogan believes he never said the N word. Ignore it and hopefully people forget.
Interesting tidbit from Titus O Neil. When Hogan came back and apologized to roster. No real contrition. More of be careful you never know who is listening apology..
Having that logo on MLK Day and if the WWE does that tribute video next week is about as tone deaf as possible.
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Drew’s promo interruption of Punk and Rollins was really good. Nia Jax interrupting Rhea Rhipley.
In the ring Penta vs Gable. Penta needs to get used to the WWE ring. Couple sloppy spots. Still looked like a star. Kaiser vs Shemus was fun. Always is. Couple cool spots in hardcore match with Priest/Finn. Finn’s finisher on the outside though a table. Nothing else stood out to me.
No mentioning of Hogan being booed out of Arena. Was featured on commercials for SNME. Would be interesting to see live crowds response to any flashes of him in the arena.
Lyra won her first singles. Match felt a little sloppy at first, but had some really good bumps. That suplex off the apron looked like pain.
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Lyra won her first singles. Match felt a little sloppy at first, but had some really good bumps. That suplex off the apron looked like pain.
Really wish they’d stop using the apron so much. People are going to stop reacting. Add in the fact that it’s extremely dangerous. I’d love to see Penta vs Gunther eventually. Hopefully Penta can get that over. The talent and individuality is there.
My son really likes Balor. I've only seen maybe a handful of appearances over the past few months, but seems like all he dooes is that two footed stomp off the top ropes. It's a move anyone can do. Nothing special about it. Yet to see what he does that's different/special.
My son really likes Balor. I've only seen maybe a handful of appearances over the past few months, but seems like all he dooes is that two footed stomp off the top ropes. It's a move anyone can do. Nothing special about it. Yet to see what he does that's different/special.
Demon Baylor is special. Judgement Day version not so much.
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My son really likes Balor. I've only seen maybe a handful of appearances over the past few months, but seems like all he dooes is that two footed stomp off the top ropes. It's a move anyone can do. Nothing special about it. Yet to see what he does that's different/special.
He's good in the ring. Can perform without killing other people. He took a lot of major bumps last night. He's just kind of stuck in judgement day right now. He also trained up Becky Lynch and Big Head McDonough.
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He's good in the ring. Can perform without killing other people. He took a lot of major bumps last night. He's just kind of stuck in judgement day right now. He also trained up Becky Lynch and Big Head McDonough.
I've tried to understand the Judgement Day... seems lame. I don't get it, but I have admittedly watched only 5-6 episodes so likely do not know the full story. I do sorta see the Dom going good and reuniting with Rey before he retires. My son loves Dom so he'd be thrilled to see something like that happen, but for now he's just a funny sidebar.
I've tried to understand the Judgement Day... seems lame. I don't get it, but I have admittedly watched only 5-6 episodes so likely do not know the full story. I do sorta see the Dom going good and reuniting with Rey before he retires. My son loves Dom so he'd be thrilled to see something like that happen, but for now he's just a funny sidebar.
ehhh I hope not. I love Rey, he's a cornerstone, but when people team with Rey it's all about Rey. Dom is so much more fun as a heel.

Anytime there's a new mexican wrestler, I hope they keep him away from LWO.
I've tried to understand the Judgement Day... seems lame. I don't get it, but I have admittedly watched only 5-6 episodes so likely do not know the full story. I do sorta see the Dom going good and reuniting with Rey before he retires. My son loves Dom so he'd be thrilled to see something like that happen, but for now he's just a funny sidebar.
Judgment day has been through a lot and they really need to figure out what they're going to do post Finn/Priest Liv/Rhea.
I've tried to understand the Judgement Day... seems lame. I don't get it, but I have admittedly watched only 5-6 episodes so likely do not know the full story. I do sorta see the Dom going good and reuniting with Rey before he retires. My son loves Dom so he'd be thrilled to see something like that happen, but for now he's just a funny sidebar.
Well without the Dom/Mammy dynamic it’s a dud. Also when the judgement day squared off in the ring with the Bloodline. Rhea eyeballing Solo and switching spots in the lineup whenever he did was crazy funny and cool.
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Well without the Dom/Mammy dynamic it’s a dud. Also when the judgement day squared off in the ring with the Bloodline. Rhea eyeballing Solo and switching spots in the lineup whenever he did was crazy funny and cool.
Yeah, the Dom/Rhea/Liv part is entertaining/funny. One of my favorite parts last night was Dom's mustache swipe after Finn telling him he had a lot to learn after saying he didn't think Liv was mad. Got a giggle from me.
Flair putting up the trial balloon wanting one more match. Dude wants to die in the ring. I know the Rumble hasn’t occurred yet. But these are my predictions for major matches for Mania

Punk vs Cena
Gunther vs Brock
Solo/bloodline vs Drew
Cody vs Reigns
Rhea vs Flair
Tiffany vs Becky
Rey vs Penta
Flair putting up the trial balloon wanting one more match. Dude wants to die in the ring. I know the Rumble hasn’t occurred yet. But these are my predictions for major matches for Mania

Punk vs Cena
Gunther vs Brock
Solo/bloodline vs Drew
Cody vs Reigns
Rhea vs Flair
Tiffany vs Becky
Rey vs Penta
Isn't Cody already fighting Kevin Owens?

No IC/US for either mens or women?

Think they might be setting up Rhea vs Nia, or did Nia enter the RR?
Flair putting up the trial balloon wanting one more match. Dude wants to die in the ring. I know the Rumble hasn’t occurred yet. But these are my predictions for major matches for Mania

Punk vs Cena
Gunther vs Brock
Solo/bloodline vs Drew
Cody vs Reigns
Rhea vs Flair
Tiffany vs Becky
Rey vs Penta

Isn't Cody already fighting Kevin Owens?

No IC/US for either mens or women?

Think they might be setting up Rhea vs Nia, or did Nia enter the RR?
The US and IC belts aren’t interesting to me. Barely know who they are. Couldn’t tell you who the tag champs are currently.
Isn't Cody already fighting Kevin Owens?

No IC/US for either mens or women?

Think they might be setting up Rhea vs Nia, or did Nia enter the RR?
I’m thinking Flair is going to come out of nowhere and win. Don’t see any women right now that winning the rumble helps. Can see Rhea vs Nia though. This is predictions for Mania card.
The US and IC belts aren’t interesting to me. Barely know who they are. Couldn’t tell you who the tag champs are currently.
Prob won't push Lyra, but Shinsuke vs LA Knight might get a match. Chelsea Green might get a match.

I don't see War Raiders or DIY getting a match, I see them entering the RR. I can see Lyra in the RR.
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