Search results for query: pence

  1. WolfeHawk

    About that “6 Handicap” Claim

    So Lindell or Rudy?
  2. The Golden Snitch

    Ferrari Brother Update
  3. Menace Sockeyes

    “People might call him an asshole, but he's my asshole.”

    Trump’s apemen tried to actually do this to Mike Pence on January 6th, 2021, when he wouldn’t allow an unconstitutional coup.
  4. BelemNole

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    lol where are the posters saying people weren't saying this shit?
  5. Scruddy

    A vote for Biden is a vote for Elder Abuse

    I don't like Mike Pence and refuse to defend him other than to say his speaking skills in general are lightyears beyond Kamala and his handling of the pandemic was much more thorough and involved than Kamala has been with the southern border. The work ethic of Pence was proven to be vastly...
  6. S

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    It’s bizarre to me how eager some of these guys are to be his VP considering how he treated Pence and how poorly it worked out for him. Once again, people think what Trump has done is repeatable.
  7. Joes Place

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    ...part is the same as an individual act? Where was your ire with respect to Pelosi's husband, and all the false narratives right wingers spread on that? Seems like you have rather "selective" anger on these issues. FTR, I'm fully against assassination attempts on Trump, Pence, Biden or anyone...
  8. tumorboy


    Come on they’re not Mike Pence. Trump won’t do that to them.
  9. BubsFinn

    George Orwell - Prophetic

    Biden had things in his garage from when he was a Senator. Senators are not given the privilege under the Presidential Records Act.
  10. Joes Place

    ‘Very, very troubling’: Judges, lawyers flummoxed by Judge Cannon

    Which the PRA identifies as US Government property. Not Trump's property. And exactly zero of the classified docs fall under anything that would allow Trump to actively and secretly keep them. Which is what he did, knowingly. That was not true for Pence or Biden.
  11. ottumwan in tx

    We might end up with no Vice President for a period of time

    nobody wanted to overthrow anything, we all thought trump won. to overthrow that , would be to hand it to biden. pence was not on board with a trump victory. he became buddies with all the establishment. true democratic style voting means not cheating and using covid for an excuse for drop...
  12. DooBi

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    Covered all the bullet points. Congrats. You win boobs.
  13. Hawked

    We might end up with no Vice President for a period of time

    Go ahead and never reply to me again, weirdo.
  14. Tom Paris

    “The second American Revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

    You know they would sound NOTHING like this if it happened to Biden. Just like with Pelosi, Witmer, and Pence (all of 1/6). They can’t acknowledge their hypocrisy. They never have since I’ve been here. Only Democrats are supposed to take the high road.
  15. RollingBallofButcherKnives

    Dementia Joe

    Huh, never knew Pence was his running mate again, according to the sign on the trailer. I didn’t think Pence was even endorsing The Orange Lump….
  16. Joes Place

    So who is still voting for Trump?

    Mike Pence on his announcement: "I was going to announce my vote for Trump. But then Mother took me aside, and reminded me that 'Donald Trump tried to have you hanged!'. And Mother reminded me that the only person to gets to play autoerotic asphyxiation games with Mother...."
  17. swagsurfer02

    Trump unlimited terms….

    Sounds like he’ll be found guilty again and we can move that 34 counts to 35 counts.
  18. gohawks50

    Trump unlimited terms….

    ...I would agree with you that it's a conspiracy theory. However, after fake electors, asking governors to find him more votes, pressuring Pence to not certify the election, etc. their is enough evidence based on past behavior to believe he would try again. Hopefully, the American people will...
  19. McLovin32

    “People might call him an asshole, but he's my asshole.”

    Kathy Griffin and her cult followers are FAR more scary than anyone associated w/ Trump