Are you disappointed in family members who are Trump voters?

I find this kinda weird. You are negatively labeling them in front of strangers, presumably for pats on the back from strangers. Maybe they have problems, and rightfully so, but if they called in the middle of the night, asking for help? Would you answer the call? Or roll over and talk about it here with a smarmy smile?
I answered the question that was asked.
I’ve noticed that the bulk of the people wagging fingers in this thread are the people who support the rapist fraudster with 34 felony convictions who staged a coup.
Tsk, tsk for being so shallow as to question a family member who supports that.
Do you see no irony in the fact that it's the cult members of the left that are the ones most willing to throw away family over politics?
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I can’t be disappointed by anyone who holds their nose and votes for someone they feel is slightly less terrible than the other candidate.
I am a little disappointed by family members who are full-throated supporters of either candidate. I feel equally bad about my aunt who thinks Trump walks on water as I am with my sister who refused to admit Biden was mentally unfit and who now believes Harris did a great job as VP.
What do you call your daughter's husband?
Non existent. I get that it’s a son in law. I’ve just always associated SIL as sister in law.
But after doing some research, I understand why you would use it as son in law. It’s because your best bud trump referenced it that way.

We don’t ask either but they always bring it up. As an example tonight, my mother-in-law told my wife (unsolicited) that she was so happy to be out putting up Trump yard signs today. And that she was so glad God saved Trump at the rally a couple weeks ago.
What do you do with that?
Nothing. Ignore it. Walk away. My MIL is the opposite. She’s completely triggered by all things Trump. She has all the talking points that I see here from the left. Hates Joe Rogan. Hates Musk. She loses her mind at the mention of Tucker. She has politics on her mind 24/7. We have a strict “no politics” rule at family gatherings. That rule is for us. She doesn’t abide by that rule. She’s allowed to say whatever she wants. We just have to ignore it and not engage. She will absolutely ruin a family get together by inserting politics.
I find this kinda weird. You are negatively labeling them in front of strangers, presumably for pats on the back from strangers. Maybe they have problems, and rightfully so, but if they called in the middle of the night, asking for help? Would you answer the call? Or roll over and talk about it here with a smarmy smile?
I get a kick out of how he mocks his own family members. The ones he shares genetics with because they support a specific person. Yet his kind is all about supporting a dude that wants to play women’s sports and thinking everyone should have this freedom and share in life and keep the democracy of choice. The way liberals mock republicans screams hypocrisy in my mind.
I can’t believe the people who raised me and who I grew up with are Trump supporters.

I will always love them but I just don’t get it.
I feel that way about every single person who did.
Trump is the fat rich kid that cheats and makes excuses before he loses that someone else cheated. He’s the single most transparently horrible person to take up politics and 1/3 of republicans would go all Jonestown for the retard.
David duke thinks trump lacks integrity.
I think you're right, they get even more mad when they have to justify their issues. Why should they have to explain why they're fired up about some dude with issues who wins a high school girls cross country championship in a different state. That really bothers them.
Because to them it’s common sense that it’s wrong.
I feel that way about every single person who did.
Trump is the fat rich kid that cheats and makes excuses before he loses that someone else cheated. He’s the single most transparently horrible person to take up politics and 1/3 of republicans would go all Jonestown for the retard.
David duke thinks trump lacks integrity.

“Single most transparently horrible person to take up politics” is a bit of a stretch.
Nobody is forcing you to be trans. I keep telling you that.
I find it curious that given your profession you’ve been upset at people who question chiropractors, yet you obsessively deride medical doctors and their patients who are trans. Weird.
Where have I ever had a problem with people who want to be trans? Do it, just don’t participate in sports
“Single most transparently horrible person to take up politics” is a bit of a stretch.
Is it?
If not for the election thing he would have just been one of the worst ever. Trying to destroy our democracy because of ego makes him the worst.
Not conceding a legitimate election is what differentiates us from the rest of the world.
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I can’t be disappointed by anyone who holds their nose and votes for someone they feel is slightly less terrible than the other candidate.
I am a little disappointed by family members who are full-throated supporters of either candidate. I feel equally bad about my aunt who thinks Trump walks on water as I am with my sister who refused to admit Biden was mentally unfit and who now believes Harris did a great job as VP.
This. ^^
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My wife's 3 brothers are all Trump voters, though to be fair, they aren't in the cult. I can't think of anyone else on either side of my family who's voted for him. If any were, I'd ask how many times they fell out of the stupid tree.

My dad will actively and openly mock Trump voters. Of course he's loud, deaf, 85 years old and out of f***s to give. He's also about 20 years past giving a s*** about what anyone else thinks.
Is it?
If not for the election thing he would have just been one of the worst ever. Trying to destroy our democracy because of ego makes him the worst.
Not conceding a legitimate election is what differentiates us from the rest of the world.

Stalin - Before the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the archival revelations, some historians estimated that the numbers killed by Stalin's regime were 20 million or higher
Mao - Mao's policies were responsible for a vast number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions
Pol Pot - Estimates range from 1.5 to 3 million people/citizens of Cambodia having died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, with the consensus being approximately 2 million, nearly 25% of Cambodia's population in 1975 ( c. 7.8 million).
Kahn - estimated to have killed 40-60 million people (11% of the worlds population at that time)
Hitler - 19.3 million killed
Idi Amin - 500,000 killed
Leopold II - 10 million killed
In the US - Andrew Jackson's forced migrations were the direct cause of up to 16,000 Native American deaths and a slave owner.
Roosevelt imprisons 122,000 Japanese Americans solely due to their race during WWII

I could add in current political leaders who have/are allowing genocide to take place if you like. Is Trump really worse than Putin? Than Jinping, than Kim Jong Un? And many more.

But we all have opinions and the right to have that opinion. I would certainly disagree with your thoughts on this one. I would also disagree that 'not conceding a legitimate election differentiates us from the world". I might be misunderstanding what you meant by this.
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I can’t believe the people who raised me and who I grew up with are Trump supporters.

I will always love them but I just don’t get it.

Yes in a sense. I think my wife is most disappointed because her mom has become convinced that Trump is a good Christian man while Trump acts like everything that her mom always taught her not to be.

My parents and even my brother doesn't support Trump. My brother is a hardcore libertarian . . . like almost crazy level libertarian. He believes the federal government shouldn't be wasting it's money paying air traffic controllers for example.

My parents both support the dem candidate mostly cause of Trump. They arn't hardcore leftists by any means they are kind of old Union democrats.

I have plenty of cousins who love Trump though. Also have cousins who are hardcore leftists. I have 16 cousins so there is a wide variety.
I try to not talk about politics around family. They can vote for whoever they want.

My sister annoys the hell out of me but luckily we are several states away.

She's the type that would have been cheering on the "trans" boxer beating up the woman last night.

She's married with a kid but based on her appearance and what she says, I think she'd be more happy being an angry ugly butch dyke.

Can't say that disappoints me, just more annoying.

My mom and I are complete opposites as well and we both know not to talk politics. She just gets worked up and mad. LOL

Just don't give it much thought I guess.
I try to not talk about politics around family. They can vote for whoever they want.

My sister annoys the hell out of me but luckily we are several states away.

She's the type that would have been cheering on the "trans" boxer beating up the woman last night.

She's married with a kid but based on her appearance and what she says, I think she'd be more happy being an angry ugly butch dyke.

Can't say that disappoints me, just more annoying.

My mom and I are complete opposites as well and we both know not to talk politics. She just gets worked up and mad. LOL

Just don't give it much thought I guess.

Complete opposite to your mom eh? So you hate anal? Pity
Nothing. Ignore it. Walk away. My MIL is the opposite. She’s completely triggered by all things Trump. She has all the talking points that I see here from the left. Hates Joe Rogan. Hates Musk. She loses her mind at the mention of Tucker. She has politics on her mind 24/7. We have a strict “no politics” rule at family gatherings. That rule is for us. She doesn’t abide by that rule. She’s allowed to say whatever she wants. We just have to ignore it and not engage. She will absolutely ruin a family get together by inserting politics.
That’s annoying, regardless of side.

I never bring up politics or other hot-button issues with extended family. No minds will be changed and no reason to have people arguing.
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Do you see no irony in the fact that it's the cult members of the left that are the ones most willing to throw away family over politics?
I personally haven't thrown anyone away due to politics but I have drastically changed how I interact and view them because of how their politics revealed their true character.
I personally haven't thrown anyone away due to politics but I have drastically changed how I interact and view them because of how their politics revealed their true character.

Yep….I spend a lot less time around Trumpists. I skipped my fraternity reunion this year and two years ago as it would be basically a TRUMP rally. With family who bring up politics, I change the subject within seconds.

Earlier, when I still occasionally had political discussions with family, I had both of my parents hang up on me, on separate calls. I wonder if any other non MAGAs have had something similar happen.
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I grew up in small town Iowa so I've been living under the assumption that a decent portion of my family, friends, and people I knew growing up are/were Trump supporters. So in order to not taint my perception of them I tend to avoid political discussions when im around them.

I did feel disappointed/embarrassed a few years ago when my dad told me that "there were litter boxes in the bathrooms of our high school." If I can help it that will be the last "political" conversation we'll be having.
my entire family is voting for trump with a few going towards RFK jr,

we had a lot of Ron Paul supporters years ago & most of them are leaning trump this time
Hope it's not a big family. What a nightmare.

I have some family members that no doubt like Trump, but I won't talk politics with family. One member doesn't like her new priest as much because he's a "darky", so I probably know which way she leans.

I will say most of my friends (that I occasionally talk politics) do not support Trump. But I believe most of my friends have some intelligence, so.
I can’t believe the people who raised me and who I grew up with are Trump supporters.

I will always love them but I just don’t get it.
Why is it that people who are strong Democrats are so damn judgmental? They think everyone should agree with their views and if you don’t you are disgraceful, racist, and hateful. I have voted across lines several times in my life and vote for those who I feel are best for the country. If you don’t agree with it and it impacts your feelings and attitudes towards individuals, especially family members, I think the problem is YOU! You can’t see that though and that is unfortunate. You are a big part of the problem.
Hope it's not a big family. What a nightmare.

I have some family members that no doubt like Trump, but I won't talk politics with family. One member doesn't like her new priest as much because he's a "darky", so I probably know which way she leans.

I will say most of my friends (that I occasionally talk politics) do not support Trump. But I believe most of my friends have some intelligence, so.

I haven’t heard the term “darkie” since the early and mid 1970s in Miami. The people uttering the term then were, at the time, extremely old.
Hope it's not a big family. What a nightmare.

I have some family members that no doubt like Trump, but I won't talk politics with family. One member doesn't like her new priest as much because he's a "darky", so I probably know which way she leans.

I will say most of my friends (that I occasionally talk politics) do not support Trump. But I believe most of my friends have some intelligence, so.
Pretty large family actually
In Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan & Tennessee

Sorry to disappoint 😆
Why is it that people who are strong Democrats are so damn judgmental? They think everyone should agree with their views and if you don’t you are disgraceful, racist, and hateful. I have voted across lines several times in my life and vote for those who I feel are best for the country. If you don’t agree with it and it impacts your feelings and attitudes towards individuals, especially family members, I think the problem is YOU! You can’t see that though and that is unfortunate. You are a big part of the problem.
Ok, thanks for your input.

This is not about disagreeing on policy. I don’t care if people vote Republican. I was one myself until Trump came on the scene.

I fully admit I do judge people for being Trump supporters, especially in 2024.

I do question what the heck happened to people who love a guy who cracks jokes about someone being killed at one of his rallies a couple weeks ago (as just one recent example).

I am disappointed in people who continually excuse what an absolute POS Trump is.

Guilty as charged.