Are you going to Church today? (Sunday)

Are you going to Church today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 98 70.0%

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That is my point. I'm talking about greedy leaders. The US church as traditionally seen in US is dead. I actually first became aware of this going to church in Ukraine. You could tell the real ones v those run by US.

I went to three churches in Kiev and Dnipro.

Some church leaders are corrupt and some are saints. Just like anyplace else.
I can not and will not define best vest version of oneself. That is up to the individual. Be happy. Don't stress about a judging god. Take care of yourself and your friends and neighbors.

I can see problematic issues with with what I stated, just as I can see problematic issues with blindly following a a religion. I'm agnostic. I have a hard time in believing in something that is created by fallible men. I won't discourage any of you. I hope it brings you peace.
All good.

So you cannot believe in something created by fallible men but choose to believe in your own belief system, created by….yourself, a fallible man?
That is my point. I'm talking about greedy leaders. The US church as traditionally seen in US is dead. I actually first became aware of this going to church in Ukraine. You could tell the real ones v those run by US.
Bet that church in Ukraine was started by someone from the US.
All good.

So you cannot believe in something created by fallible men but choose to believe in your own belief system, created by….yourself, a fallible man?

No, if there IS a hell, I'm likely headed there if you go by the strict religious. I don't need anyone to justify what I believe. It is not a system. I'm no better than you. I'd rather not believe I'm better than someone else because I say I'm religious.
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No, if there IS a hell, I'm likely headed there if you go by the strict religious. I don't need anyone to justify what I believe. It is not a system. I'm no better than you. I'd rather not believe I'm better than someone else because I say I'm religious.
Christians, real ones, don’t believe they are better than someone else.
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No, if there IS a hell, I'm likely headed there if you go by the strict religious. I don't need anyone to justify what I believe. It is not a system. I'm no better than you. I'd rather not believe I'm better than someone else because I say I'm religious.
All humans have a belief system. You may not want to call it that, but you defined what your beliefs are.

God is good and God is truth. We are able to judge all that is not good because He gave us the standard to measure by. Ever wonder how babies know stealing is wrong when no one teaches them that? We all are born with an innate sense of right from wrong.

You are correct, man is fallible and none are perfect. All Christians are fallible and imperfect. The idea is we are supposed to admit it and accept the free offer of grace and salvation God offers all who seek Him.

I hope God reveals Himself to you and shares the same goodness that Brian, myself, & millions of others experience.
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All humans have a belief system. You may not want to call it that, but you defined what your beliefs are.

God is good and God is truth. We are able to judge all that is not good because He gave us the standard to measure by. Ever wonder how babies know stealing is wrong when no one teaches them that? We all are born with an innate sense of right from wrong.

You are correct, man is fallible and none are perfect. All Christians are fallible and imperfect. The idea is we are supposed to admit it and accept the free offer of grace and salvation God offers all who seek Him.

I hope God reveals Himself to you and shares the same goodness that Brian, myself, & millions of others experience.

Which God? Not trying to be an ass, but there are more "Gods" than boardmembers here.

Trust me, I was born and raised a good Lutheran. But my life experiences have shown me how dangerous religion can be.

Trust me, as I tell Brian, I pray. But that doesn't mean organized religion is not over the top.
Which God? Not trying to be an ass, but there are more "Gods" than boardmembers here.

Trust me, I was born and raised a good Lutheran. But my life experiences have shown me how dangerous religion can be.

Trust me, as I tell Brian, I pray. But that doesn't mean organized religion is not over the top.
Instead of asking which God, ask what problem are you trying to solve? Continue praying and ask for God to guide you.

I could just say Jesus Christ and list out my reasons but a) you never asked for my reasons and b) God can do a much better job of convicting your heart than I ever could
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Instead of asking which God, ask what problem are you trying to solve? Continue praying and ask for God to guide you.

I could just say Jesus Christ and list out my reasons but a) you never asked for my reasons and b) God can do a much better job of convicting your heart than I ever could

Well, at least you acknowledge that people believe in other Gods. I don't need your religious advice. But thanks anyways
Well, at least you acknowledge that people believe in other Gods. I don't need your religious advice. But thanks anyways
Just remember when looking at faith systems, Christianity, in its true form, is the most unique and speaks to all issues with the most unique solution for all and also includes an origination and end narrative.

For myself, I find myself aligning more and more each day with Orthodoxy.
Bet that church in Ukraine wasby someone from the US.
Not necessarily. The US doesn't have the corner on faith. What I do know is the churches in Ukraine I have been to that I like are not run by Americans. American Christianity is largely fake.
Not necessarily. The US doesn't have the corner on faith. What I do know is the churches in Ukraine I have been to that I like are not run by Americans. American Christianity is largely fake.
Yes, American Christianity is largely run by greed. However, I’ve never attended a church in America that fits that description. I’ve seen them on TV.
Just remember when looking at faith systems, Christianity, in its true form, is the most unique and speaks to all issues with the most unique solution for all and also includes an origination and end narrative.

For myself, I find myself aligning more and more each day with Orthodoxy.

How can you say that though? Are you an expert in Buddhism? Hinduism?
How can you say that though? Are you an expert in Buddhism? Hinduism?
It’s not that hard to compare religions. There are a plethora of resources. Grace based salvation is a uniquely Christian concept. Christ’s suffering is the fulfillment of the Hebrew OT. Islam, well that’s laughable…

Buddhism and Hindu’s have origin of the universe narrative. Hinduism, like Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism and many others is legalistic. Buddhism teaches to eliminate suffering (yet offers no explanation for suffering). Buddhists are taught to desire nothing. Except enlightenment, they are taught to desire that. Buddhists are so religious they think it’s OK to follow other religions.

Don’t get me started on Islam, Catholicism, or Mormons….
It’s not that hard to compare religions. There are a plethora of resources. Grace based salvation is a uniquely Christian concept. Christ’s suffering is the fulfillment of the Hebrew OT. Islam, well that’s laughable…

Buddhism and Hindu’s have origin of the universe narrative. Hinduism, like Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism and many others is legalistic. Buddhism teaches to eliminate suffering (yet offers no explanation for suffering). Buddhists are taught to desire nothing. Except enlightenment, they are taught to desire that. Buddhists are so religious they think it’s OK to follow other religions.

Don’t get me started on Islam, Catholicism, or Mormons….

Aren't the latter two Christian faiths?
Mormons? Hell nah! They think they are but they break every core tenant. JW’s are in the same boat.

Catholics - difficult story. They’re like family but the whole works/grace thing causes stress at family reunions.

You don't have to tell me that Mormons and a significant amount of Catholics are bat shit crazy. But they are still Christians.
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Mormons? Hell nah! They think they are but they break every core tenant. JW’s are in the same boat.

Catholics - difficult story. They’re like family but the whole works/grace thing causes stress at family reunions.

Jesus said that "only" those who do the will of the Father will be saved.

Works matter, brah. :)
You don't have to tell me that Mormons and a significant amount of Catholics are bat shit crazy. But they are still Christians.

Mormons aren't Christians because they reject the Trinity and a Nicene Creed. They're polytheism because they believe in literally millions of gods.

I still like Mitt Romney, though. :)
Who created the Nicene Creed again??? Yes, feeble men')

Mormons believe Jesus and God are brothers. And God was once a man. And there's also "God the Mother."

It's basically Christian fan fiction began by Joseph Smith who had 40 wives and was arrested 40 times for crimes like bank fraud.
Mormons believe Jesus and God are brothers. And God was once a man. And there's also "God the Mother."

It's basically Christian fan fiction began by Joseph Smith who had 40 wives and was arrested 40 times for crimes like bank fraud.

I know....I laugh at mormons. Like I said in a separate thread, I'm blacklisted from their "scouts".
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I've spoken it many times. Quit believing I'm naive because I've broken away from the church.

The Nicene Creed​

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
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You don't have to tell me that Mormons and a significant amount of Catholics are bat shit crazy. But they are still Christians.
Agree with Brian, Mormon’s ain’t Christians. I live around thousands of them. They are trained to shut down when you discuss Jesus’s divinity, Trinity, and so on.

Mormonism is pure legalism. Did you know Mormons suffer from a higher suicide rate compared to other organized religion? They put on a good show and do all those great things. The enemy doesn’t need to slaughter us, he just twists God’s word enough to cause us to go down the road to hell, paved in good intentions.
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Agree with Brian, Mormon’s ain’t Christians. I live around thousands of them. They are trained to shut down when you discuss Jesus’s divinity, Trinity, and so on.

Mormonism is pure legalism. Did you know Mormons suffer from a higher suicide rate compared to other organized religion? They put on a good show and do all those great things. The enemy doesn’t need to slaughter us, he just twists God’s word enough to cause us to go down the road to hell, paved in good intentions.

What state are you in? Utah?

Sad about their suicide rates. They have some nutty ceremonies that were uploaded onto YouTube.
Agree with Brian, Mormon’s ain’t Christians. I live around thousands of them. They are trained to shut down when you discuss Jesus’s divinity, Trinity, and so on.

Mormonism is pure legalism. Did you know Mormons suffer from a higher suicide rate compared to other organized religion? They put on a good show and do all those great things. The enemy doesn’t need to slaughter us, he just twists God’s word enough to cause us to go down the road to hell, paved in good intentions.

Did you know lawyers and dentists have higher suicide rates than Mormons?
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