Are you gonna prepare yourself for the next Trump presidency? Or just react after it actually happens?

How are you preparing for dealing with the next Trump presidency?

  • I’ll binge watch The Acolyte and see what happens

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“Your side”?
Bullshit, RN.
Trump has asked for this day ever since he decided to become a birther many years ago. The sumbitch mag gave been President, but the sumbitch has always lied, bullshitted and used whatever position he held for his immediate personal gain. LOL Trump has always been the bull in the China shop and if any apologies need to be made, they need to start coming from Trump first. To tell Chris “your side” fanned this assassination is another phuquin’ MAGA lie…which is what you MAGA sumsbitches are known for…..lying.
Do us all a favor… shut your trap and back off with this flaming crap. Be glad your boy wasn’t killed. Pray for your boy…..might wanna pray for him to grow up because he may be President again.
😂 so what was the motive?
I still am not convinced this does much. November is light years away in campaign time and Americans have Adhd when it comes to this shit. Something else crazy may happen before then that make people forget this even happened.
I actually agree with this. 4 months is a LONG time in todays world.

A lot of shoes will drop between now and then.

One of the reasons I totally disagree with the argument that there's not enough time to replace Joe at the top of the ticket (Joe obviously has to cooperate) Joe steps with the month of craziness settling on a replacement, come out ready to go after the convention. There's plenty of time for that.

The $$$ will be there for whoever steps in, it will come pouring in...the $$$ argument is BS.

Unfortunately going down this path would take some courage and intestinal fortitude...something severely lacking in todays politicians. Always looking for the easy/cover my ass route.
A Republican tried to kill Trump. Proves we're right. Your sides answer to everything is revenge.
What the hell was this traitor to America doing at the rally? 😍

From the victims list:
James Copenhaver

Copenhaver, 74, is from Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Records showed that he was registered as a Democrat. He is married with at least one son and plays in a band, according to his friends.

Larry Wheeler, who went to high school with Copenhaver, said that just last week they talked about Trump — though he didn’t know that Copenhaver would be going to the rally.

Albert Quaye, a supervisor in Moon Township, said he first met Copenhaver a few years ago at a local board of supervisors meeting, which Copenhaver attended to share concerns about a development project near his home. He seemed to catch the local politics bug then, and kept returning to meetings, Quaye said. “He would be there sometimes with us through late-night meetings,” he said.

Copenhaver was retired, according to Quaye. A LinkedIn page that appeared to belong to Copenhaver indicated that he used to work at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.

Quaye didn’t have more details on Copenhaver’s condition, but said he was optimistic about his prognosis. “Jim’s a healthy 74,” he said.

Look, I am voting for Trump at this point. But, I will tell you this. DON'T TRUST THE POLLS!!!! In 16, they had Clinton winning in a landslide and we know how that turned out. So, I won't believe ANYTHING the polls show. Just wait for the elction and see what happens in the end. If it's Biden, I will pray he makes it the next 4 years and does SOMETHING good for the economy and our country. If it is Trump, the same goes.
He was ultra conservative, grew up ultra conservative, and was likely brainwashed that guns are the answer to everything. Let's be honest here.
I think the FBI needs to contact you, Huey. They clearly got this shit way wrong, bro. You need to set them straight! Fvck'n moron.

Investigators were scouring his online presence and working to gain access to his phone, but so far had not found indications of strongly held political beliefs. In fact, the clues he left behind were confusing: He was a registered Republican but had also donated to a progressive cause in 2021; his parents were registered as a Democrat and Libertarian.

What the hell was this traitor to America doing at the rally? 😍

From the victims list:
James Copenhaver

Copenhaver, 74, is from Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Records showed that he was registered as a Democrat. He is married with at least one son and plays in a band, according to his friends.

Larry Wheeler, who went to high school with Copenhaver, said that just last week they talked about Trump — though he didn’t know that Copenhaver would be going to the rally.

Albert Quaye, a supervisor in Moon Township, said he first met Copenhaver a few years ago at a local board of supervisors meeting, which Copenhaver attended to share concerns about a development project near his home. He seemed to catch the local politics bug then, and kept returning to meetings, Quaye said. “He would be there sometimes with us through late-night meetings,” he said.

Copenhaver was retired, according to Quaye. A LinkedIn page that appeared to belong to Copenhaver indicated that he used to work at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.

Quaye didn’t have more details on Copenhaver’s condition, but said he was optimistic about his prognosis. “Jim’s a healthy 74,” he said.

Crazy times. Voting registration records apparently aren't the end-all-be-all when it comes to pinning down someone's ideologies. FFS

So glad the damn GOP fixed the ID problem too (sarcasm) we need to figure out a way to ensure people are registered to match their beliefs.
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I didn’t vote for trump first go around and I won’t again. However, if he is elected president my life will be unaffected for the most part because I don’t let mole hills become mountains. Some y’all motherfukers are insufferable and live and breath politics. Take a break.
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The last time he won, it was a pure shock (don’t even pretend you thought he was gonna win leading up to it). And many of our local nutties here are still not over it.

Now it’s pretty much a done deal. How are you planning on handling the reality of another Trump presidency?
The last time he won it was 2020. So we got to be used to this it's going to be his third time.
Considering I've been predicting his victory for the past 6 months or so, I'd say I'm ready.

Fake bravado "alpha male" types and crony carnival barkers who commit crimes are the thing in this day and age. Is what it is.
Yep. I’m also resigned to Lauren Boebert being my new Congressperson. Ain’t life grand?

Hoping we get through the next four years and I never want to hear the names Trump, Biden, Harris, etc ever again.
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The Whitner thing was complete bullshit. That’s well known by now