Best Case Line-Up

Outsider spin: I think Brands’ crafty experience wins him whatever weight he wants, beating either Arnold at 74 or Angelo at 84. If it’s 74, I’d call 84 a tossup between the A’s, unless Angelo sees the wisdom and wealth of redshirting. Stunned to say I believe Kennedy sits.
Disclaimer: Last preseason, I predicted Shapiro winning the 57 NC as a true freshman, so there’s that.
Outsider spin: I think Brands’ crafty experience wins him whatever weight he wants, beating either Arnold at 74 or Angelo at 84. If it’s 74, I’d call 84 a tossup between the A’s, unless Angelo sees the wisdom and wealth of redshirting. Stunned to say I believe Kennedy sits.
Disclaimer: Last preseason, I predicted Shapiro winning the 57 NC as a true freshman, so there’s that.
I think Nelson will win either weight, but I’d love to see a match between Gabe and Angelo, both are very hard to score on and funky wrestlers. I personally think Angelo would win.
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Outsider spin: I think Brands’ crafty experience wins him whatever weight he wants, beating either Arnold at 74 or Angelo at 84. If it’s 74, I’d call 84 a tossup between the A’s, unless Angelo sees the wisdom and wealth of redshirting. Stunned to say I believe Kennedy sits.
Disclaimer: Last preseason, I predicted Shapiro winning the 57 NC as a true freshman, so there’s that.

The thought of Shapiro winning a title wasn’t crazy at all. He lost by a point in the quarters and beat the same guy for 3rd 10-4.

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