For what it's worth, this is what Tom Brands had to say about Brody on Tuesday:
Initial impressions for me were much more positive than his initial impressions. He beat himself up a lot. He should, he's a competitor. But these things aren't easy. And one of the things he said was, "I've worked so hard." You know, that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how hard you work. What matters is how hard you work in the moment.
And that was his first competition so my point isn't to beat up on him. My points is let's take it one day at a time, that's the first thing we evaluate you on and it's not the end all. We know what we got. He internalized it and then he spit it out where when it came out the second or third time it was - and this is from his point of view - it was more like, "You know what, these are things I can control and dang-nation I'm going to control them." And that's where we're at.
So I'm not down on him. This is tough, this is a tough sport. He hasn't wrestled in over a year. The last match he had was the 2014 Midlands so it's been a year-and-a-month since he's had a match. This is what happens when you come back. And he has worked hard. But that doesn't mean it's automatic that you're going to step in and have the results you want. You have to go out and earn them.
Initial impressions for me were much more positive than his initial impressions. He beat himself up a lot. He should, he's a competitor. But these things aren't easy. And one of the things he said was, "I've worked so hard." You know, that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how hard you work. What matters is how hard you work in the moment.
And that was his first competition so my point isn't to beat up on him. My points is let's take it one day at a time, that's the first thing we evaluate you on and it's not the end all. We know what we got. He internalized it and then he spit it out where when it came out the second or third time it was - and this is from his point of view - it was more like, "You know what, these are things I can control and dang-nation I'm going to control them." And that's where we're at.
So I'm not down on him. This is tough, this is a tough sport. He hasn't wrestled in over a year. The last match he had was the 2014 Midlands so it's been a year-and-a-month since he's had a match. This is what happens when you come back. And he has worked hard. But that doesn't mean it's automatic that you're going to step in and have the results you want. You have to go out and earn them.