Chuck Schumer tells Joe to Go

More and more Democrats are now publicly calling for Joe to bow out.

I get it....Joe doesn't want to give up the office. He obviously still most would...that he can still do the job. But can he? Personally I don't believe he can. But I'm not a doctor and certainly don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I voted for him in 2020 but won't vote for him in 2024. I'll never vote Trump.

Should Joe drop out, I pray the Dems will replace him with someone I can get behind.....NOT Kamala.
More and more Democrats are now publicly calling for Joe to bow out.

I get it....Joe doesn't want to give up the office. He obviously still most would...that he can still do the job. But can he? Personally I don't believe he can. But I'm not a doctor and certainly don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I voted for him in 2020 but won't vote for him in 2024. I'll never vote Trump.

Should Joe drop out, I pray the Dems will replace him with someone I can get behind.....NOT Kamala.
You'd better get to liking Kamala then - if Joe bows out, then 99% certainty its her.

if it's not, then that war chest the Biden-Harris campaign has built up goes bye bye and Dems would have to start from scratch.
You'd better get to liking Kamala then - if Joe bows out, then 99% certainty its her.

if it's not, then that war chest the Biden-Harris campaign has built up goes bye bye and Dems would have to start from scratch.
I realize it would likely be Kamala, but that doesn't mean I can't hope for better!

I won't vote for her.
You'd better get to liking Kamala then - if Joe bows out, then 99% certainty its her.

if it's not, then that war chest the Biden-Harris campaign has built up goes bye bye and Dems would have to start from scratch.
I understood that the campaign funds are fluid if the Convention delegates determine that they should open up the nomination process. Is that incorrect??
I understood that the campaign funds are fluid if the Convention delegates determine that they should open up the nomination process. Is that incorrect??
Maybe? I thought I'd read at some point that that only a member of the campaign could have access to funds donated to that campaign - so if Biden were to drop out, only Kamala would have access.

Of course, even brain surgeons would have trouble understanding campaign finance laws, so who knows..
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The debate happened. The media and the president's staff couldn't hide it any longer.

Chuck Schumer is neither…. However I can’t believe he hasn’t had access to Joe recently. Mentally he has struggled for years, but physically he has really gone down hill the past 18 months.
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Image trying to run a Presidential Campaign and attempt to be successful in 3+ months. Couple that with no primaries being held to allow voters to pick their candidate.

Dems are going to go down hard and fast in November and it will take years and years to recover from this fiasco.

Meanwhile Trump wins and 4 years from now J.D. Vance goes on to win 2 terms in office as the President of the USA.
Shiff and Schumer same day lol
I suspect that this is orchestrated and that Team Biden was given some room to exit gracefully over the past couple of weeks and we know of course that they did not go that route. Now...Team Dem is going to drum him out with one announcement after another until Biden drops out. This is taking a few more days to happen than I thought it would, but it's happening, IMO.

Donations are drying up and polling isn't looking good, he done.
I suspect that this is orchestrated and that Team Biden was given some room to exit gracefully over the past couple of weeks and we know of course that they did not go that route. Now...Team Dem is going to drum him out with one announcement after another until Biden drops out. This is taking a few more days to happen than I thought it would, but it's happening, IMO.

Donations are drying up and polling isn't looking good, he done.
At least Democrats attempt to do the right thing when someone isn't stable enough to do the job well.
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At least Democrats attempt to do the right thing when someone isn't stable enough to do the job well.
Yes and no. Realistically, the "right thing" would have been to face facts months ago and slide Biden aside and bring forth a strong POTUS candidate that can beat Trump.

Biden is only being drummed out now because the curtain has been pulled back after the debate debacle and the polling is showing that he is likely to Trump, for goodness sake.
Yes and no. Realistically, the "right thing" would have been to face facts months ago and slide Biden aside and bring forth a strong POTUS candidate that can beat Trump.

Biden is only being drummed out now because the curtain has been pulled back after the debate debacle and the polling is showing that he is likely to Trump, for goodness sake.
The GOP is held to a zero standard again and always. Absolutely pathetic
Yes and no. Realistically, the "right thing" would have been to face facts months ago and slide Biden aside and bring forth a strong POTUS candidate that can beat Trump.

Biden is only being drummed out now because the curtain has been pulled back after the debate debacle and the polling is showing that he is likely to Trump, for goodness sake.
You are complaining that it's taken Dems months to try to replace a sitting President?

Meanwhile, the dumbass Republican party had 4 years to move on from Trump. Not only did they not move on, they re-nominated him with ease. The Republican party is dead. It's the full on MAGA party now.
Why doesn't any Republican call on Trump to resign. Oh yea, it's the dumbest cult on Earth. No expectations, held to 0 standards but the Dems..
You want to talk cult? Your party followed and believed everything they were spoon fed from Biden and his staff since 2020. You followed blindly without questioning for yourself. Now that Biden has zero chance of winning, your party wants to throw him to the curb for the sole purpose of not giving up control. And YOU, chisdick1425, will vote for whoever they put in Bidens place, no matter the policies, comments and character. That my friend, could be considered a cult. You throw around that word every post and it’s stupid. You sound stupid every time you say it.

Sack up for once, realize that your party is to blame because they let Mohamed Ali fight for too long when everyone knew he should’ve retired. America doesn’t believe any of the crap coming from the White House, they can’t be honest, about Hunter, funding, or Presidents health.
I hope Biden lives out his days peacefully holding hands with Jill. He’s been through a lot.

If you want to be mad, be mad at your party for lying about his condition. Now they’re lying about Covid to give him an out and to save face.
Joe will be gone. The debate debacle was the best thing to happen. Whomever scheduled that in June knew this was going to happen and it was pure genius.