Soon to be? Son I've had a license for a couple years. And you just insulted your way out of any Percocet or Viagra. I hope you're happy.
Wait.....are those "combinable" for those nights you bring home >1 sloot?
Soon to be? Son I've had a license for a couple years. And you just insulted your way out of any Percocet or Viagra. I hope you're happy.
Which doctors?
Between 2005 and 2010, the proportion of French people in favour or very in favour of vaccination dropped from 90% to 60% (2013 INPES Peretti-Watel health barometer). The percentage of French people between the ages of 18 and 75 who are anti-vaccination increased from 8.5% in 2005 to 38.2% in 2010. In 2005, 58% of doctors questioned the usefulness of vaccines administered to children while 31% of doctors were expressing doubts about vaccine safety. These figures must surely have increased since (1).
Sorry I'm not obligated to believe any of that fake statistical BS you posted.Which doctors?
Between 2005 and 2010, the proportion of French people in favour or very in favour of vaccination dropped from 90% to 60% (2013 INPES Peretti-Watel health barometer). The percentage of French people between the ages of 18 and 75 who are anti-vaccination increased from 8.5% in 2005 to 38.2% in 2010. In 2005, 58% of doctors questioned the usefulness of vaccines administered to children while 31% of doctors were expressing doubts about vaccine safety. These figures must surely have increased since (1).
Well read on what?
It's not 'my BS'. And you're correct; you are not obligated to believe it at all. That's kind of the point.Sorry I'm not obligated to believe any of that fake statistical BS you posted.
I would say she is every bit the reliable source on vaccines as Donny Boy is on constitutional government. In fact, maybe a bit more so.Jenny McCarthy graduated "Summa Cum Laude" from Harvard Medical School.
Surely, she is a reliable source on vaccines![]()
I try to at least appear open minded with people that have the opposite views of me.
But your friend is a moron and sounds like a total weirdo. I would assume someone was playing a joke on me if I dealt with this - it's that weird. Or maybe you're just trolling here......
Does he acknowledge the dangers of not vaccinating?
Smart people don't always make smart decisions.There are plenty of smart people that choose not to vaccinate. I disagree with them and we have vaccinated all four of our children. The only anti vaccine people I know, however, are above average intelligence.
I see you are still very adept at hurling insults. It also goes without saying that you're second to none at pointing out your intellectual superiority over the great unwashed of HROT when it comes to the subject of vaccines. And questioning the financial motives of the 350 'medical' groups that expressed their unequivocal support of vaccines to the POTUS is obviously above your pay scale.Sure it is. Own it, dipshit.
Hey..not all chiropractors are anti vaccine....I"m pro vaccine..but opted to not get the kids chicken pox vaccine? HPV vaccine will be up to my daughter and son
Unfortunately, no it doesn't. 'Science' seeks money, just like every other group does. Even though we wish that it were pure as the wind-driven snow it's simply not true.Not worth being open minded to those anti-science. Science seeks the truth. Even when it is wrong, it eventually corrects itself.
Daughter is 12, son is 15....he's not active yet, we talk about stuff like that frequently, perhaps more than I'd I hadn't been divorced.CDC recommends the first dosing starts at age 11 or 12. When are you going to give them the option? If they have sex in high school they may already be exposed.
Daughter is 12, son is 15....he's not active yet, we talk about stuff like that frequently, perhaps more than I'd I hadn't been divorced.
son is 15....he's not active yet
Unfortunately, no it doesn't. 'Science' seeks money, just like every other group does. Even though we wish that it were pure as the wind-driven snow it's simply not true.
Fraudulent Scientific Research Exposed by Medical Journal Editors and Professors
Look at what numerous key experts are saying about this epidemic of fraudulent scientific research. Dr. Richard Horton is the current editor-in-chief of the British Lancet journal, which is respected as one of the best peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. He came out and stated:
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
Then look at what Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), had to say about the pervasive fraudulent scientific research:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines … I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor of disease prevention at Stanford University, published a study in a PLoS One paper entitled Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. He found that research conclusions are less likely to be true when study samples sizes are too small, when effect sizes are even smaller, and when there are major variances in study designs, definitions, outcomes and analytical modes. He highlighted the corrupting influence of Big Pharma and concluded that:
“There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false … it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true.”
You're correct: they saw a void and they filled it (and their bank balances too).Although I can't disagree with you or the people your quoting, this is not the heart of the issue. <5% of scientists are unethical. Same as cops, teachers, business owners, etc. The problem you have is lack of government and philanthropic funding of research. We have cut R+D so badly, funding to medical schools, grant programs etc that people are desperate to do anything they can to get funding. Doesn't make it correct or true. Now people rely on big pharma to fund research. However, those same antiscience people cry about conflict of interest but don't want to invest a dime in pure research.
I sincerely hope you get electricity in this century.You're correct: they saw a void and they filled it (and their bank balances too).![]()
Ugghhhh. I hate sarcasm. Now I'll be up all night trying to ascertain what you truly and sincerely hope I get.I sincerely hope you get electricity in this century.
Ugghhhh. I hate sarcasm. Now I'll be up all night trying to ascertain what you truly and sincerely hope I get.
PS I wonder who on HROT will collect the $100 000 from the two Bobby's on their vaccine challenge? Like takin' candy from a baby, no?
I see you are still very adept at hurling insults. It also goes without saying that you're second to none at pointing out your intellectual superiority over the great unwashed of HROT when it comes to the subject of vaccines.
It's extremely safe - but only in moderation.I'll give them a dollar if they can prove water is safe.
And these two short sentences sum up perfectly the totality of the weapons in your cerebral arsenal.Certainly far more educated on the topic than you are. You deserve the insults.
What! You guys had a vaccine thread without me. There need to be some sort of an alert on HROT.He got PWNED pretty badly on his misleading links (which I've already alluded to here). Maybe he actually learned something....
You did see that I don't think they are right, but that doesn't make them dumb.
Ugghhhh. I hate sarcasm. Now I'll be up all night trying to ascertain what you truly and sincerely hope I get.
PS I wonder who on HROT will collect the $100 000 from the two Bobby's on their vaccine challenge? Like takin' candy from a baby, no?
PS I wonder who on HROT will collect the $100 000 from the two Bobby's on their vaccine challenge? Like takin' candy from a baby, no?
Hime. I'm not an "anti vaxxer". I'm pro-safe vaccines. Everyone always wants to talk about how we don't want to go back to the days where everyone was in an iron lung with polio. Then those people should get the polio vaccine if they're worried about it. That's one. The trouble is the vaccine schedule has become increasingly aggressive here in the US, and our chronic disease rates are through the roof. Here's the link to the other thread. The claim that I got pwned in the other vaccine thread is almost laughable. Read through it and decide for yourself who got pwned. Pwned in my mind is a slam dunk one-sided debate with no unanswered questions, clearly leaving one side with nothing left to stand on. CLEARLY that's not what happened here: wife is 38+ weeks pregnant with child #1 and we are expecting the arrival any day. We have taken courses, read books on sleeping, etc., spent an outrageous amount of money on stroller, crib, etc. and are very excited.
I have been acutely aware of the controversy around vaccinations and an alleged link to autism, but because I had no kids, I never looked into it. From what I can tell, there have been no scientific studies that prove causation between the MMR vaccine (generally given at around 8 weeks) and autism. The anti-vaccination movement has been largely grassroots (parents of austistic kids who were supposedly healthy before the vaccine) and a Dr. Wakefield in the U.K. Hollywood types like Robert De Niro and Jenny McCarthy have also hopped on board.
Fast forward to today, a dear friend (well-educated, level-headed father of two) started pleading with me to not vaccinate. He went so far as to say that our friendship means far too much to him to allow me to make the mistake of vaccinating, and asked that I meet up with him to discuss. My friend believes that the vaccinations are a huge money-maker for "Big Pharma," who is in bed with the CDC. He is a great guy and friend, but his behavior seems almost cultish. We are both committed Christians, and he compared his pleading with me about vaccinations to sharing the Gospel of Christ with an atheist friend.
Obviously, we would not do anything that could increase the risk of our child having autism. With that said, my look at the data seems to indicate that the odds of vaccine-induced autism (or other complications) are less than the odds of contracting disease due to not vaccinating.
What say you, HROT?
History will show time and time again though that majority opinion does not equal truth. Remember, truth is found in research, not opinion.And I must say, this is the most agreement I have ever seen on this board.
Hime. I'm not an "anti vaxxer".
Here are a few good links to help get you started:
Good article, backed by science that attempts to explain the vaccine-autism causal connection. Exerpt:
No vaccine containing the aluminum adjuvant has ever been explored for its relationship to autism, despite a growing and clear body of evidence implicating aluminum adjuvant in causing “immune activation,” the central cause of autism.Hime. I'm not an "anti vaxxer". I'm pro-safe vaccines. Everyone always wants to talk about how we don't want to go back to the days where everyone was in an iron lung with polio. Then those people should get the polio vaccine if they're worried about it. That's one. The trouble is the vaccine schedule has become increasingly aggressive here in the US, and our chronic disease rates are through the roof. Here's the link to the other thread. The claim that I got pwned in the other vaccine thread is almost laughable. Read through it and decide for yourself who got pwned. Pwned in my mind is a slam dunk one-sided debate with no unanswered questions, clearly leaving one side with nothing left to stand on. CLEARLY that's not what happened here:
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists that believe vaccines are causing autism and other mental, neurological and developmental disorders. Google research will find you at least hundreds, and these are only the ones that have made the huge leap to decide to speak up about it, at their own risk.
Some estimates for autism are 1 in 48 and many predict the trend to continue. Chronic disease rates are out of control. Follow the path of the crowd and you'll end up in it. Do your own research. That's the best advice I can give you.
Here are a few good links to help get you started:
Good article, backed by science that attempts to explain the vaccine-autism causal connection. Exerpt:
Question: Didn’t they already prove vaccines don’t cause autism?
If you’ve read this far, I assume you already know this is a fable. If you’re unsure, just look at this simple graphic. All those vaccine industry spokespeople who say “the science is settled” fail to mention that only one ingredient (thimerosal) and one vaccine (MMR) has ever been looked at for its relationship to autism.
No vaccine containing the aluminum adjuvant has ever been explored for its relationship to autism, despite a growing and clear body of evidence implicating aluminum adjuvant in causing “immune activation,” the central cause of autism.
Video almost 1/2 way down:
Vaccine debate video:
You love this chart HIWB, don't you? It's so funny because anyone who posts it doesn't get it. I'll say this again.
Seriously that's all you've been able to do though this entire debate. It's easy to see through you, you have no answers. Really you should consider re-considering your stance if you can't answer the questions.We already debunked your stupid bullshit. Stop reposting it every time someone calls you out for being an idiot.
You're an 'anti-vaxxer'. Own it, moron.
People say that correlation does not equal causation, and they're right, Equal means the same as - in every way. This graph proves it. BUT. Correlation might equal causation.