Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

Americans used to be quite gullible in that regard.

Pharma greed woke a lot of people with the covid vaccine fiasco.

Baby steps.

So the Polio vaccine that has nearly eliminated it from Earth is bad. Gotcha.

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How about HPV vaccine?

I personally don't know anyone that has had measles or rubella. That MMR vaccine was a hoax as well, I suppose.
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I did answer your question. And obviously I don’t subscribe to the ‘If You Want To Make An Omelette You Need To Break A Few Eggs’ theory of vaccinology like Cutter.

Polio vaccine is proven by every medical professional but a few quacko MAGAS. Trust me, I'm not a scientist, but when I was in Rotary, our number one goal was to completely eliminate polio. We were nearly there.....until the anti-vaxers came on scene.
Polio vaccine is proven by every medical professional but a few quacko MAGAS. Trust me, I'm not a scientist, but when I was in Rotary, our number one goal was to completely eliminate polio. We were nearly there.....until the anti-vaxers came on scene.
MAGA is the chief pimp for the untested covid jab he rammed through then begged his followers to get. He’s a Pharma whore.

As far as polio goes…

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All the anti-vaxers and COVID deniers need to be rounded up and given their own reservation in the middle of Utah in Arizona. They can live in their own little colony. (they are dumb enough to believe other shit, perhaps they are are dumb enough to believe they are in Utah when they are actually in Arizona)
Since anti-vaxxers are now the majority, how do you plan to fit all those people in such a small space?
He never posts any studies.

Just his proclamations. 🤷‍♂️
Here's the deal with Joe. You and I and others have backed our position many times with many, many studies through the years. Then he comes here and posts that all we ever post are twitter/videos and that we've never posted a study. So he wants us to post studies, but he doesn't acknowledge the ones we do post. So Joe, why bother?
“…never, ever…”?

You sure about that


You've posted 100x more anti-vax posts than anything related to "plastics", heavy metals air pollution from coal burning, or anything related to petrochemicals. All of which have a far higher "disease burden" than vaccines.
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Here's the deal with Joe. You and I and others have backed our position many times with many, many studies through the years.

You have rarely, if ever, posted "studies"

You post memes and Youtube videos of people unqualified to discuss the topic.
MAGA is the chief pimp for the untested covid jab he rammed through then begged his followers to get. He’s a Pharma whore.

As far as polio goes…

Our findings reinforce the importance of maintaining high levels of vaccination, as risk of re-emergence rises when immunity wanes. Interventions to increase vaccination and standards of living in developing countries, coupled with robust surveillance are required if humanity hopes to eradicate polio in the near future.
Case in point.
Your buddy just posted a "study" that recommends vaccinations.
We've talked about this before Joe. You'll get a study that addresses safety concerns but still forced pay homage. It seemed to have been a sort of prerequisite if you want to get published. Now it seems we don't publish at all because vaccine hesitancy is getting out of hand. You know, all those anti-vaxxers.
I honestly, truly, can't believe I'm arguing with someone about the polio vaccine.

Edit: It is like arguing a flat-earther
Don't. There are few posters who more deserve to be ignored than the rabid anti-vaxxers. They are all lying sacks of crap...each and every one.

At least flerfers aren't putting children's lives at risk.
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Our findings reinforce the importance of maintaining high levels of vaccination, as risk of re-emergence rises when immunity wanes. Interventions to increase vaccination and standards of living in developing countries, coupled with robust surveillance are required if humanity hopes to eradicate polio in the near future.
Let me amend: They are all lying sacks of crap...each and every one...or they are the dumbest f'n humans on the planet.
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Don't. There are few posters who more deserve to be ignored than the rabid anti-vaxxers. They are all lying sacks of crap...each and every one.

At least flerfers aren't putting children's lives at risk.
Hopefully you're still on your meds, I'm sensing a little pressure building.
I’m not an anti-vaxxer. Just choose not to get any…and sure as hell not about to let anyone force them on me or my family.
This says it all. When you say you’re not anti vax “but just choose to not get any.” Just can’t make this shit up. Just say you’re anti vax and move on.
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Let me amend: They are all lying sacks of crap...each and every one...or they are the dumbest f'n humans on the planet.
Now more and more intelligent people who are doing their homework are opting out of the schedule, or at least modifying. Should have made them safe to begin with is what I always say.
This says it all. When you say you’re not anti vax “but just choose to not get any.” Just can’t make this shit up. Just say you’re anti vax and move on.
Think about it, it's not hard. You don't have to be completely against vaccines in order to decide you're personally not going to partake in one or all of them.
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