I was lucky enough to spend this weekend in Iowa City. I attended the wrestle offs on Friday, coaches clinic on Friday evening, wrestle offs on Saturday and the football game. I don't post on here much as i just like reading the post and getting everyone's thoughts on stuff, but I'm on a Hawkeye high right now so I'll just add my 2 cents in on what I saw:
125: I was very impressed by Stickley. One of my co-coaches told me last year to watch out for him, he will be a good one in the future. I saw someone said that he reminded him of McD, I was thinking a little like Lizak, but I'll take the McD comparison.
133: not much to add
141: Turk is our guy, not much to add about him. I will add a little bit about Murin. Great match with Turk. I loved his competitiveness. He doesn't like to lose(which I'm sure nobody does) but after the match he sat against the wall with his head in his hands. Sounds stupid for me to post this, but he just looks like he is the type of kid that will do anything to be successful. I'm very excited about him.
149: not much to add. Sorensen added a pretty sick ankle pick, at least i don't remember him hitting it last year. He hit it quite a few times Friday.
157: STUD
165: Excited for Marinelli
174: Nothing to add. Gunther is so tough to score on. Pretty boring to watch, but he wins. I was hoping for more from this match, kind of like everyone else I'm sure.
184: nothing to add
197: Fun weight to watch. Warner is the real deal. I liked Wilcke's action and movement. He wrestles like a light weight in my opinion. He will do fine at 197 this year and hopefully go 184 next year.
HWT: pretty boring match. What stood out to me was how good Stool looked. He looked like he weights about 260 or so. A lot trimmer and stronger. I'm excited to see him go all year.
Some side notes: Tom is a such a great guy. I was able to talk with him for just a bit. I used to go to his and Terry's camps in Sheldon back in the 90's and he talked with me like were old pals. Asking about how things are in NW Iowa and about farming mainly. HAHA, we were interrupted by a young wrestler and I was able to listen to him have a great conversation with his youngster. Tom asked him if he could get anything for him and told him he was welcomed back anytime. Tom goes from young kid to young kid, just making their day. It was awesome.
Finally, the coaching clinic was great. Strittmatter was awesome. Lots of good stuff. Really enjoyed watching and listening to him.
Oh, and the football game was OK i guess.