So just some general thoughts/questions...
1. I wish this didn't happen. Regardless of what value he brings, it's a bad look for Iowa. Brands should officially stop banging the "we want guys with character" drum. If you would take someone like PD3, then character obviously doesn't matter. Let's not kid ourselves, if PD3 weren't so talented there is virtually no chance he would be a Hawkeye. The program is sending a very loud message here - "All that matters is winning"
2. In spite of all that, this does make the upcoming season more interesting. If PD3 can keep his nose clean and not embarrass the program for a few months, he gives the Hawks a realistic shot at a team trophy.
3. Why 184? From what I can tell, Iowa's best lineup is to have Wilcke down at his more natural weight of 184 and PD3 up at 197. For those of you who say Downey's better at 184, you're probably right but that shouldn't matter. Brands should be more focused on doing what is best for the team and best for Wilcke. Screw what PD3 wants or what is best for him. By his actions he has lost the right to have anyone cater to what he wants. The fact that he's even getting to wrestle at all is more than he deserves, so if we do let him wrestle it darn well better be at whatever weight is best for the rest of the team.
4. Based on Downey's comments from the Intermat article, it seems he gets to continue tweeting. I am extremely disappointed that one of Brands' stipulations isn't that PD3 has to completely shut down his social media presence. For a guy with a history of posting elicit, pornographic material on social media, this definitely should have been a condition...
5. If PD3 is as good of a student as everyone says he is, how in the heck hasn't he completed a bachelor's degree after, what, like 6 years of college?
6. I'm unfamiliar with how the rules look, but I assume that since he is still technically an ISU student 1st semester, he can't officially practice with the team until winter break starts?
7. Along the same lines as #6, does ISU's 1st semester end before Midlands? If it does, then will PD3 be able to compete for the Hawks at Midlands or will he have to wrestle at Midlands unattached and then officially start competing for the Hawks when school starts back up?
8. Along the same lines as #1, Iowa fans have to come to terms with the fact that they can officially never again criticize a coach for taking on controversial wrestler just for the sake of team points at NCAAs (e.g. Cael and Long), since that is exactly what Brands is doing here. Any bashing of others coaches doing this from this point on is straight hypocrisy...