Downey headed to HWC and IOWA 2nd Semester

I'm 26, I have a masters, a home, a car, a job that pays high 5 figures, and a 401k. He's 25 with no car, no degree, no home, and no 401k. Pretty sure I'm winning at life.
I'm sure you are easily in the 1% of your age group, congratulations, but you aren't the norm and you know it.
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Have to disagree. Love, happiness, friendship, values, passion, freedom, the things that are really winning, are all completely independent of those material items. They can be as easily attained without a 401k or a mortgage loan.

That's great but a very Hallmark way of looking at things...spoken like somebody who has never been poor or struggled. Not to say you haven't. For example, money can help buy freedom or to be able to follow your passion in a lot of cases. Like to travel to more places than Okoboji with the family once a year? That takes $$$. Want to go to the NCAA's? That takes $$$. Want to say f*ck you to a caustic work atmosphere? That takes financial and professional independence. My wife can work anywhere in the world but it took a lot of elbow grease getting there. Want to visit that dear friend you haven't seen in 10 years and reconnect? Take an art or cooking class?

My Dad just turned 80 and still works for extra money at Sams so he can earn extra spending $$$ to travel to places in the winter time. Think he wants to do that? Nah. This is not to say that you have to have money to be happy, be in love, or have a family. But your world would certainly be limited.
I think he just deletes his tweets every few days. He still has his name as PDHawk so it's not safe for DayHawk to come back yet.
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Heard he was a first grade teacher.

Hanging with Mr. Spooner:

Kid: "Mr. Spooner, I have to go pee pee."
Spooner: "Your mama is raising an idiot, kid. Nobody uses 'pee pee' anymore."
Kid: "I am going to tell on you Mr. can't call me bad names."
Spooner: <leans closer threateningly and whispers> "Welcome to the real world you little punk. Go ahead, snitch me out...who do you think they are going to believe, me or a snot nosed pissant like you?"
Kid: <pee goes down leg>
Spooner: <wicked laugh>
-------End Scene----------
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Re: the high 5-figure salary comment as the perceived trump card. May seem like a lot to some and very laughable to others. Maybe PD3 places a higher value on an Olympic gold medal than the things that Dayhawk listed when he keeps score in the individualized, manly made-up game of what it means to win at life.

Man comparing himself to man, based on material things, is the timeless crier here. Money -- more specifically, the love of money -- will never let you experience the absolutes in life that crablegs referenced. It is impossible to experience things like true love, justice, and truth without personally knowing the source of these absolutes ... Jesus Christ. Before the hate mail starts flowing, lol, I will refrain from posting more on this topic in the spirit of getting back to wrestling talk.
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Have to disagree. Love, happiness, friendship, values, passion, freedom, the things that are really winning, are all completely independent of those material items. They can be as easily attained without a 401k or a mortgage loan.

Quite possibly the best post I've ever had the pleasure of reading on this forum.... This life is so damn short... Just let go.
My sources tell me that if PD3 gets out of line Brands will "permanently suspend" him until needed.
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I'm 26, I have a masters, a home, a car, a job that pays high 5 figures, and a 401k. He's 25 with no car, no degree, no home, and no 401k. Pretty sure I'm winning at life.
Not to be too critical, but maybe you need to take a few days off and rethink some things. All but your degree can be lost in a moment. Life doesnt always cruise along and go your way. Even when we do the right things life can go really wrong. Winning at life is far more than material things. I do not like the PD3 thing either but I will not jump ship just yet, because the Brands have shown character over time and while I think it will more likely backfire they may see something in this misguided kid that we do not. Until recently I have enjoyed your posts and do not wish to pile on, but I think it might be better to take a step back and let things take their course. I think you should also remember that pride come before the fall. I would be sorry if you left here for one decision you disagreed with. There are a lot worse things in life to get angry about.
That's great but a very Hallmark way of looking at things...spoken like somebody who has never been poor or struggled. Not to say you haven't. For example, money can help buy freedom or to be able to follow your passion in a lot of cases. Like to travel to more places than Okoboji with the family once a year? That takes $$$. Want to go to the NCAA's? That takes $$$. Want to say f*ck you to a caustic work atmosphere? That takes financial and professional independence. My wife can work anywhere in the world but it took a lot of elbow grease getting there. Want to visit that dear friend you haven't seen in 10 years and reconnect? Take an art or cooking class?

My Dad just turned 80 and still works for extra money at Sams so he can earn extra spending $$$ to travel to places in the winter time. Think he wants to do that? Nah. This is not to say that you have to have money to be happy, be in love, or have a family. But your world would certainly be limited.

Having a certain minimum of money is needed to prevent despair - going hungry and not having a roof over your head. So in that sense a certain baseline of money is needed for happiness.

Beyond that though, money does not bring more happiness. The pursuit of money above all else makes a person one dimensional and can end up leading to unhappiness and a sad life...e.g. Martin Shrkeli.
If he figures it all out and wins a National title and/or an Olympic medal would you still be winning (remember this is a wrestling forum)?
Brands is really sticking his neck out here. I think people are thinking short term but if pat cleans his act up for year or two than derails for some reason he is labeled a hawk. If something major goes wrong this year it could cost brands new contract. Not saying I want anything bad just pointing stuff out
Having a certain minimum of money is needed to prevent despair - going hungry and not having a roof over your head. So in that sense a certain baseline of money is needed for happiness.

Beyond that though, money does not bring more happiness. The pursuit of money above all else makes a person one dimensional and can end up leading to unhappiness and a sad life...e.g. Martin Shrkeli.

My point exactly....or should say Maslow's point, now we just need to establish a baseline ;)
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That's great but a very Hallmark way of looking at things...spoken like somebody who has never been poor or struggled. Not to say you haven't. For example, money can help buy freedom or to be able to follow your passion in a lot of cases. Like to travel to more places than Okoboji with the family once a year? That takes $$$. Want to go to the NCAA's? That takes $$$. Want to say f*ck you to a caustic work atmosphere? That takes financial and professional independence. My wife can work anywhere in the world but it took a lot of elbow grease getting there. Want to visit that dear friend you haven't seen in 10 years and reconnect? Take an art or cooking class?

My Dad just turned 80 and still works for extra money at Sams so he can earn extra spending $$$ to travel to places in the winter time. Think he wants to do that? Nah. This is not to say that you have to have money to be happy, be in love, or have a family. But your world would certainly be limited.

Chief: Well said. Maybe not everyone agrees, but I do. Sometimes part of the happiness is the process of working one's ass of to get those "things" in life(which can be different to everyone). Sometimes, that thing is nothing more than allowing your kids to live a better/easier life than you did. :)

I know a lot of really happy people that are well to do and plenty without much more than a pot to piss in. The family and friends that surround them are the key to both groups happiness, but I would say that both groups, if they had the choice, would fall into the first group rather than the second.

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I really dont know why Im writing this other than I cant wait for some wrestling and I read everything on here. If some people on this board believe money does not buy happiness than why do (most) of us work 40+ hours a week doing something we really dont enjoy drive in traffic to and from volunteer for overtime and sometimes take second job even. Well its because to go on vacations take a trip to a tournament buy gifts for the holidays provide equipment for sports or gas for vehicles buy flowers and chocolates for your wife cook Bbq and het beers for the neighbors and friends this all takes money and I for one am glad to work my ass off so I can provide the HAPPINESS of enjoying these times ! Sometimes I wish there was another way but Im not that lucky
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I really dont know why Im writing this other than I cant wait for some wrestling and I read everything on here. If some people on this board believe money does not buy happiness than why do (most) of us work 40+ hours a week doing something we really dont enjoy drive in traffic to and from volunteer for overtime and sometimes take second job even. Well its because to go on vacations take a trip to a tournament buy gifts for the holidays provide equipment for sports or gas for vehicles buy flowers and chocolates for your wife cook Bbq and het beers for the neighbors and friends this all takes money and I for one am glad to work my ass off so I can provide the HAPPINESS of enjoying these times ! Sometimes I wish there was another way but Im not that lucky
Why? Because somebody has to work, we can't all be on the government dole all the time! Self-respect is a wonderful part of HAPPY!